w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Quik bio

is a near dead buddha forever creating sound and image in a hideout of small town missouri living off small treasures recycled Billy the kid tintypes picasso prints lalique glass old blues 78s he sells. Plays moog rogue. vox bass. Selmer mark vi sax

w. l.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

william s. burroughs continued presence was key to discovering new tintypes of billy the kid. Beyond coincidence. Time travel phenomena. 2019

I was remixing this amazing lawrence diy punk compilation  track of burroughs speaking of bloody bill andersons civil war route through boone county missouri when the image of billy the kid and doc holliday  surfaced in my  imagination. While hearing playback i was going through my ephemera looking for this tiny golden eagle gold coin which i was looking for to sell since i was broke.  I had these tintypes that i had purchased earlier in the year at a marshall missouri estate sale; i had already sold the nicer daguerreotypes on ebay three of them for forty dollars.  It was through this process that i had the idea to look up the image of what billy the kid looked like.  The cowboy shot compared to younger versions of billy bonney, later find his name to be william henry mccarty.  I used an iOs app to do a transparency comparison of the photos.  I am 99.999% sure but i am afraid the universe doesnt want to recognize this discovery in order to keep my already way too far out life humble.  Nonetheless i contribute these documents and stories in homage to both billy the kid and william s. burroughs. Historical presence is a better way of saying ghost.  

https://youtu.be/Ez2sJM7z79E  a few days after the discovery put this vid together. 

https://youtu.be/QyQlOF8gYXE  The discipline of d.e
Saw this for the first time shortly after the discovery. Found it quite meaningful 
https://youtu.be/8J2NVAkEn80 burroughs bonney schafer anderson.  Featuring the jazzresin remix worked on during the discovery
https://open.spotify.com/track/7xoXpqyiNbLKmqLEuqTpHR?si=H4rf_PHuRtOA5vXHDXc7hQ The final remix of jazzresin's version of 'from here to eternity' was released amazingly on billy the kids birthday. 
w. l.

Mogadonia - ‘Doing Easy’ . An essay by William S. Burroughs.


w. l.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Hacker slime you is fuckin with me know. Inverting lines pulling wizardry. Really think yer american? I think your scum shit surviellance is not even human. Its demonic subhuman shit that is criminal and unjust and you and your loved ones will certainly pay the karmic price if they havent already (kyle!!?). It isnt me man that throws the karma i am forever paying a price for something i dont even know what i did wrong. So be it. Midnight gospel it. It is ass it is. I know your orders from the top down is to deny me the prize from these treasures discovered, gifted, bestowed upon me. Time triangulated or not. They keep coming. So what. The larger spell is to keep me poor and humble in order to keep me alive. Lord knows id get well to do and next thing you know im a drug overdose casualty or death from over eager succubus lust. Im perturbed by peoples lack of vision. Like 20/20. They dont see it, pffft. What the fuck ever. My vision has always been super sharp for details and printing in the fine line. Once the time travel baffoon is no longer in office and his time stream manipulation gives him con nip tion fits maybe 'like magic' you all will start seeing clearly. I didnt make this shit up yet it happens. I dont care either or, my tragic life will remain exhulted and suffered and you keep with your soma cheap happiness (is not all iT use to be i know) uoy kcuf.

w. l.

Before the discovery of the billy the kid tintypes was this arrival of a leopard shirted young Pat Garrett March 2019

Billy the kid 2020

Yes this is a billy the kid i purchased off ebay 2020 since i knew what he looks like judging from the other two images discoved of wm henry mccarty in a 2019 marshall mo estate sale.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Blogger: LymeMD - Post a Comment


Lyme md

Soft disclousure is better than none. Does the cdc remember unknown dermopathy? Dermatologists can really mess you up the most, washington university really really did me wrong. I figured it out on my own after years of inexplicable suffering and decline. It took a trip to the CEHF 6th annual morgellons conference to figure out the connection to lyme, then only a few years after to grasp the sick cover up ordered down from those that define best practice, CDC admit 350,000 was more like 3,000,000.:its hard for people to understand how disruptive chronic lyme can be upon life and sanity. I was being directed towards it being a psychological condition where i knew first and foremost it was a physiological issue. A doctor even had the audacity to use the chicken or egg which came first. Smdfh idiot the egg was around in the protobird dinosaurs way before anything that resembled a chicken. I ramble. Lost my job, marriage, home and estate, nearly my sanity and life, disability due to adjustment disorder? Pretty sure it is lyme. Not that i ever plan to step in to a doctors office ever again as long as i live, they dont have your best interest in mind people, save your money and use the alternative resources, the health care politicsl power complex steals liberty and lives. They need to be put in their place, covid19 was an information war. They promote fear and we cave in and lose liberty all the while applauding them. Covid19 tests are like lyme tests. Unreliable and most likely contrived data to suit their agenda.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The short and long answer of baron trump blue boy antique bisque

Who is the maker of this piece? Does the figurine have a maker's mark if sticker? Also, per the posting it is described as an antique, which indicates it is 100 years or older. Could you let me know how it was dated? Thank you!

I first started collecting bisque about 12 years back. It is my appraisal upon price as i see fit towards the value comparing it to similar work online/stores. There is a grit you can feel to it that speaks of its age. I believe they used bone material unlike 20th cent bisque. soft pastels i believe was more in vogue during victorian era. I admit i should have titled it better as most likely was made in germany, i doubt german makers would have made patriotic american bisque post ww1. Check and see the other bisque spill vase in my store. Thanks!

Who is the maker of this piece? Does the figurine have a maker's mark if sticker? Also, per the posting it is described as an antique, which indicates it is 100 years or older. Could you let me know how it was dated? Thank you!

Now that i think of it. I had priced it accordingly as it reminded me of Baron(Barron) Trump! Are you familiar with the strange correlate between an old text from the 1800's and our current presidents son. Very very peculiar. Even more strange is donald trumps uncle John trump was the man whom inspected nikolai tesla's (the grandfather of electricity) documents after he had passed.


Crx nxxxna 43


Friday, April 10, 2020


Interesting website! I believe i discovered a cache of mccarty family dags tintypes and parlor photos a year ago here in marshall missouri estate sale. I had purchased the lot, a shoebox full, for 9$. I never had much interest in the old west until that fateful day in which i looked up the image of billy the kid and through near impossible syncronicity then compared the image to the tintypes i owned. I believe i have several images of william henry mccarty jr at ages 13 and again at age 15.

Recently i have purchased a dag from ebay that i purchased having a bit of an idea of what he looks like apart from the "uncharacteristic" cowboy shot. Anyways i mean to share this data freely for future historians to consider. I am no forensic expert or professor. I fortunatly knew how to use transperency layers in an art app, this evidence along with the provenance of the lot containing images of his mother and grandmother were enouh to convince me 99.9% sure that it is authentic btk. Im not here to prove or argue. Rather just to share and potentially provide pieces of his important american story.









William schafer

New btk match 4 2020

Ebay btk purchase april 2020

Interesting website! I believe i discovered a cache of mccarty family dags tintypes and parlor photos a year ago here in marshall missouri estate sale. I had purchased the lot, a shoebox full, for 9$. I never had much interest in the old west until that fateful day in which i looked up the image of billy the kid and through near impossible syncronicity then compared the image to the tintypes i owned. I believe i have several images of william henry mccarty jr at ages 13 and again at age 15.

Recently i have purchased a dag from ebay that i purchased having a bit of an idea of what he looks like apart from the "uncharacteristic" cowboy shot. Anyways i mean to share this data freely for future historians to consider. I am no forensic expert or professor. I fortunatly knew how to use transperency layers in an art app, this evidence along with the provenance of the lot containing images of his mother and grandmother were enouh to convince me 99.9% sure that it is authentic btk. Im not here to prove or argue. Rather just to share and potentially provide pieces of his important american story.


Thursday, April 9, 2020

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Spotify submission osiris express

Give yer head to the sky. What its worth. This body is a vessel to get us from one shore to the other. Om mani padme hum. To me means may all sentient creatures throughout the crystalline multiverse know oneness, may their suffering be minimal, and may they complete their spiritual task. So this is a wild little ramble of a song with a nod to brian eno's masterpiece 'st. Elmo's fire'. I really need to think about going to the desert this time new mexico rather than south texas. Thnx sptify

w. l.

Allowing shade in self autodesk sketchbook clear ten gb