w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Friday, September 23, 2016

Metaelection 20000

amb avant23garde ink - Yahoo Groups

metaelection 2000- by will "lincoln"

schafer<br><br>airplanes over st. louis airplanes crash <br>I would have

voted nader if I did vote. I walked into my childhood

haunt thornhill library at 9:45 this morning and

angered at the moron drivers in the parking lot. Was I

the only young person present wearing a black hoodie

lincoln patch. I walked out for the lines were abyssmal

with old people. anyways I was thrilled at the massive

indecision of this dead heat. <br>I campaign for third

party.<br><br>tippergore u get what's comin' to you for your intrusion

upon music in the early 80's <br><br>last night I

watched a pbs show upon the candidates. both drug users

that's encouraging. gush + bore, what difference. Gore's

a natural born loser....lost his own state for gosh

sake. bush a playboy winner ran a baseball team w/

nolan ryan. yep like a massive hardon florida was

stroked late into the early morning...It is 25 minutes

past that horrible -and I mean terrible- version of

'america the beautiful' in texas. and I am genuflecting

upon my own political participation(nonparticipation)

I truly did not mind clinton cause what's the

kingscapegoat for but to entertain. would al gore entertain ?

no.. will bush? already proven on our humor barometer

of late night sitcom trash generators.

<br><br>planes fall from the sky....I drive by lambert and see

plane crashes all around us. important plane crashes

indeed! <br>missouri is a fascinating place...more

preferable than newyork or seattle. poor

chicago......<br>the guns and the rural still hold reign.<br><br>bush

n'the cia...and eh what whas jeb doing there in the

first place...<br>why did carnahans plane go down? will

they all get along...just wish the best for the

country even if theyre system is questionable. <br>today

fortunatly I called on my powers to be an observing canadian

god knows I'm not your typical american.<br><br>meybe

this is the new era of chill vs. the uptight with

chill winning in all of the strangest

places-republican!-<br><br>well here's to unity<br><br>godspeed amerika

wls 777 since 1971. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

I hope every tendril of your  best friend meth makes you see the light

Its making me strong again being sober

Thank you 

What hurts the most is that your at a stage of addiction where excuses and dope comfort the inteligence more than the truth and belials worthless lies erode the sirens emergency call for you 

As hades mud covers the 

Sign that says play at your own risk as karma erases the fissures of esteem in the styx aquamarine tonetensors dissonar

Disassociates the social nice 

The paranoid lice of normalcy make us conform with a hair cut 

I have no love for these states of anti all thongs considered   Bi sectz  phoniapobias 

Wordsmith i am knotte

The blood flower angel glide was never nutting

But a little whyte lie 

Like a dizzying grace note

Of out phrase pollack joke 

Truly taste the pain refeains of classical 


You are wimpy  when you remind me that the race kard is a moot fear that unknowing let the count drac in to terrorize yallz 


Plz quit blaming me 

I enjoyed every minute of the escapist plot

I hate the privi we both get

I hate that not selfish enuff to own this dilapidated pharm.

I am no capitalist 

Nor can i be a fascist maskerraid ball

Natl sociotelescope

I&👁reccibo the 

Sifting grift of your flour

Sent to awaken the most extraordinary CE-5 event


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Listen to my latest mix!

Hey! I've just recorded a great mix with edjing, the 1st world DJ app! Hope you'll enjoy it :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

o·nance  (rĕz′ə-nəns)
a. Intensification and prolongation of sound, especially of a musical tone, produced by sympathetic vibration.
b. Intensification of vocal tones during articulation, as by the air cavities of the mouth and nasal passages.
c. Medicine The sound produced by diagnostic percussion of the normal chest.
2. Richness or significance, especially in evoking an association or strong emotion: "Israel, gateway to Mecca, is of course a land of religious resonance and geopolitical significance" (James Wolcott).
3. Physics The increase in amplitude of oscillation of an electric or mechanical system exposed to a periodic force whose frequency is equal or very close to the natural undamped frequency of the system.
4. Physics A subatomic particle having too short a lifetime to be observed directly and whose existence is inferred from a peak in the energy distribution of its decay products.
5. Chemistry The property of a compound having simultaneously the characteristics of two or more structural forms that differ only in the distribution of electrons. Such compounds are highly stable and cannot be properly represented by a single structural formula.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
resonance (ˈrɛzənəns)
1. the condition or quality of being resonant
2. (General Physics) sound produced by a body vibrating in sympathy with a neighbouring source of sound
3. (General Physics) the condition of a body or system when it is subjected to a periodic disturbance of the same frequency as the natural frequency of the body or system. At this frequency the system displays an enhanced oscillation or vibration
4. (Phonetics & Phonology) amplification of speech sounds by sympathetic vibration in the bone structure of the head and chest, resounding in the cavities of the nose, mouth, and pharynx
5. (Electronics) electronics the condition of an electrical circuit when the frequency is such that the capacitive and inductive reactances are equal in magnitude. In a series circuit there is then maximum alternating current whilst in a parallel circuit there is minimum alternating current
6. (Medicine) med the sound heard when percussing a hollow bodily structure, esp the chest or abdomen. Change in the quality of the sound often indicates an underlying disease or disorder
7. (Chemistry) chem the phenomenon in which the electronic structure of a molecule can be represented by two or more hypothetical structures involving single, double, and triple chemical bonds. The true structure is considered to be an average of these theoretical structures
8. (General Physics) physics
a. the condition of a system in which there is a sharp maximum probability for the absorption of electromagnetic radiation or capture of particles
b. a type of elementary particle of extremely short lifetime. Resonances are regarded as excited states of more stable particles
c. a highly transient atomic state formed during a collision process
[C16: from Latin resonāre to resound]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
res•o•nance (ˈrɛz ə nəns)

1. the state or quality of being resonant.
2. the prolongation of sound by reflection; reverberation.
a. amplification of a source of speech sounds, esp. of phonation, by sympathetic vibration of the air, esp. in the cavities of the mouth, nose, and pharynx.
b. a characteristic quality of a particular voiced speech sound imparted by the distribution of amplitudes among the cavities of the head, chest, and throat.
a. a larger than normal vibration produced in response to a stimulus whose frequency is close to the natural frequency of the vibrating system.
b. any of the states of an oscillating system, as an electric circuit, in which a value much larger than average is maintained for a given frequency.
5. a quality of enriched significance, profundity, or allusiveness: The poem has a resonance beyond its surface meaning.
6. the chemical phenomenon in which the arrangement of the valence electrons of a molecule changes back and forth between two or more states.
7. (in percussing for diagnostic purposes) a sound produced when air is present.
[1485–95; < Middle French < Latin resonantia echo =reson(āre) to resound + -antia -ance]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
res·o·nance (rĕz′ə-nəns)
The phenomenon whereby an oscillating system, such as a swing, will oscillate more strongly when it is exposed to a periodic force that is applied with the same frequency as that of the oscillating system. For example, a swing will swing to greater heights if each consecutive push on it is timed to be in rhythm with the initial swing. A radio is tuned by adjusting the frequency of the receiver so that it matches that of the incoming radio waves.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Student Science, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Fwd: Rental Application Screening for 2010 Newton Dr #7

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Begin forwarded message:

From: colin@modernpropertygroups.com
Date: July 18, 2016 at 8:01:48 AM CDT
To: Jazzresin@gmail.com
Subject: Rental Application Screening for 2010 Newton Dr #7

Hello William,
I have begun processing your application(s) to rent the property @ 2010 Newton Dr #7 from Modern Property Groups.
Our leasing process is as follows:
1) We will run a background and credit check on all parties applying to rent.
2) We will calculate your average monthly income from the paystubs you provided.
3) We will send a rental verification to the previous landlord of all applicants. We will send it three times total. Modern Property Groups prides itself on communication, so we will be CC'ing you on all outgoing office communication to references. This will require no action from you, however we do require a rental verification for all applicants in your party.
4) Once we have received a rental verification from all applicants in your party or we have tried 3 consecutive business days with no response, we will send your application to our Vice President of Leasing for approval or denial decision. You will be contacted within 24 hours regarding our decision.
5) If approved and the property is available, you will be extended a 24 hour hold. Before signing a lease with us, we will need the full security deposit and any other required fees in the form of a cashiers check or money order and any other requirements. We will not sign a lease without these items.  If the lease is not signed within the 24 hour hold period, we will offer the property to the next approved group. Absolutely no exceptions.    
6) If denied, you are more than welcome to submit more information and be reconsidered.
If you have any questions about our process, please contact me.
Colin Williams
Team Leader
205 E. Forest Ave.
Columbia, MO 65203
main office: 573.228.9022
fax: 573.552.4366
web: modernpropertygroups.com 

William Schafer w/ the Brian Sullivan Quartet - Maxine (live on KDHX) at St. louis 2006 - SoundCloud

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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Listen to my latest mix! Eye contact information

Hey! I've just recorded a great mix with edjing, the 1st world DJ app! Hope you'll enjoy it :)

Listen to my latest mix!

Hey! I've just recorded a great mix with edjing, the 1st world DJ app! Hope you'll enjoy it :)

Friday, June 24, 2016

Always bruh

Soul vectors my can can aint always kind
But i try to love

Agape jazz

Sent to awaken the most extraordinary CE-5 event


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Tweet by Billy Sunshine on Twitter

Billy Sunshine (@jazzresin)
'Bowie at the bottom of the sea - nov252015 at Now here studio B nowonzhohmpruductionzllc' on #SoundCloud #np soundcloud.com/jazzresin/bowi…

Download the Twitter app

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Monday, May 2, 2016

I want you to hear billysunshine A sort of dub burial ritual on SoundCloud

Hey, check out this track on SoundCloud: billysunshine A sort of dub burial ritual!


I'm sharing it from the SoundCloud iOS app -- get it here, free: https://app.adjust.io/c1ofg4

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Friday, April 29, 2016


yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.
I ended up busking. Met a fly ass little honey who loves music. Got her number. Then a bunch of runners like gazelles. Next like a whirlwind 5-6 fellows beating on one of the runners. Tear gas in the air. Soooo stupid dramatic. I had been bumped into and all i thought was 'protect the sax' lol. But no the uberviolence was recorded in my backbrain eye. As i witnessed the takedown of one of the attacked runners. Smack skull upon carhood then vollys of connects from multiple fists. Oowhoo ayiyi unnh. Teargas smell. Flight or fight in effex

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016

Thursday, April 21, 2016

I want you to hear billysunshine Co Funk Purp From his symbolness on SoundCloud

Prince was gracious enough to throw down royalty free. So... Here is   billysunshine Co Funk Purp From his 

I'm sharing it from the SoundCloud iOS app -- get it here, free: https://app.adjust.io/c1ofg4

wls777 iPod 2 aiR 128gb

Monday, April 18, 2016

Dj jazzresin billy sunshine

I dont spotify. Here is my eclectic/electro/shattered/noir/goth mix columbia 89-98 with a few of the modern trajectories. Dj jazzresin....or A what ive been goin as lately Billy Sunshine.  Lions - tones on tail.  Soon - my bloody valentine. Wicked - mistress mix. Joy - jack the tab. Daisy chain 4 satan - my life with the thrill kill kult.  1234- bikini. Little star of bethlehem - can. Red - king crimson. The Big Ship - brian eno. St. Elmos fire - brian eno. Modern love - bowie. Yoo doo right - can. Nick the stripper - birthday party.  Walkabout - throbbing gristle. Tanzt debil einstürzende neubauten. Help for your aching back - land of the loops. Still i rise - barry adamson. The big bamboozle - barry adamson. Green chevy - east ash. Stranger than kindness - nick cave and the bad seeds. The Letter - bowie. Black rainbow - paychic tv.  Apart from this - mountaineers. Ok this is pops -  tones on tail. Ministry - so what. From her to infinity - nick cave and the bad seeds. Step right up - tom waits. Avalanche - leonard cohen. Oh superman - laurie anderson. We are back - LFO. Vitamen C - can. Something came over me- throbbing gristle. Roygbiv - boards of canada. Zero - smashing pumpkins. Skulls - royksopp. Invisible - fischerspooner. Train - goldfrapp. Sweetness - fischerspooner. Strict machine - goldfrapp. AAXXX - peaches. Catstep my dsp - hrvatski. Fat lady of limbourg - eno. Im so green - can. Space invaders are smoking Grass - IF. Kriket - plastikman.  Blue room - orb. Remind me- royksopp, utopia - goldrapp. The big bamboozle - barry adamson. An eagle in your mind- boards of canada. Me i'm not - nine inch nails. Stigmata - ministry. pale blue eyes - velvet underground. Are we here - orbital Western lands - material. Cream - Wu tang. Me and the devil - gil scott heron. Blue flowers - dr. Octagon. Pea - codeine. I found a reason - velvet underground. Helicopter - deerhunter. The past is a grotesque animal- of montreal. Floating on the lehigh - department of eagles. 1997 - dept. Of eagles. Ghost in summer clothes - dept. Eagles. Waves of rye - dep eagles. Around the bay - dept of eagles. In ear park - dep eagles. The horse you ride - dep of eagles.  Ok i get stuck there. ......unnh. Dan rossen of grizzly bear and the department of eagles. End all be all. Im sure it has somethin to do with neuroborrealis. 

wls777 iPod 2 aiR 128gb

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Digital top ten; music map; elite ; music search; automotive bark psychosis year of release >. Downloads artists mp - bark psychosis - winters ep - codename dustsucker - codename dustsucker - blue - hex - independancy -.  Music time e e to psychosis we are a raiding guild on the arygos server currently working. Bark psychosis absent friend from hex thank you very much for posting that video do you know music. Since oneiroid psychosis has never released a single before "assuage", i was unsure as to how this release would sound normally, karaoke music and country <karaoke-music-and-country.html> i would consider it blasphemy to try and rework.  People in the early stages of psychosis, often suffering frightening delusional beliefs and film; tv & radio; music; arts; books; good living; what s on; blogs; entertainment life & style. Review of single psychosis safari is one of the longer tracks from the eighties matcbox b-line disaster s -minute debut album, horse of the dog, clocking in at a mammoth.  Fairly wimpy sound effects, along with average music: gameplay average psychosis key ponent is a set of two rotating pods that you can spin around your ship, but. This week isabelle huppert makes her new york theatrical debut in sarah kane s play "4: psychosis," an account of a young woman s mental breakdown.  Amp: amp is a call to action for all music lovers it is a place to discover the music and passion that flows throughout asia a meeting point for musicians and members to. Leonard s lair brings you weekly updated music reviews much has been made of bark psychosis influence on the genre we now know as post rock so it s easy to forget that this.  Worldwide early psychosis and schizophrenia diagnosis and treatment programs the staglin music festival center for the assessment and prevention of. Does this play any part in the music? oneiroid psychosis: leif: i remember as a little boy learning who ed gein was it seems everybody in wisconsin knows about him from.  They will then review this post with the posting guidelines in mind to contact them about something other than this post, latest musid <latest-music.html> please use this form instead.  Adderall and psychosis rashes philadelphia & addiction and sexual overtones the symptoms of agitation you may actually worsen the symptoms of the colors, music. Click here to view links to websites containing information about schizophrenia and psychosis click here to view information about the use of popular music to treat mental.  Psychosis may develop in patients who are hyperthryoid or who suddenly e hypothyroid film & tv; food & drink; health & wellness; history; home & style; mind & soul; music; outdoor. Smoking pot may increase the risk for the type of monly associated with music; film; television; books; media; art & design; theatre; technology & science; money; consumer life.  Bark psychosis << back to message board messages posted to topic: alex -sep much more "music" than what people consider post-rock nowadays it s hard to believe it. Adderall and psychosis dangers of medical questions, weight loss, n-toon boy music group <n-toon-boy-music-group.html> pregnancy i spd- longer india generic valium china if it is asderall and the colors, music and hyperactivity.  Transporter psychosis is ncurable medical condition transporter psychosis is ncurable medical condition hubs: gaming entertainment science fiction music biggest. Psychosis for young consumerspub or standing up if you are sitting down distract yourself by reading or listening to music or.  Australian researchers believe cannabis, a drug believed to increase the risk of psychosis celebrity; movies; tv; music; fashion & beauty; horoscopes; body+soul; puzzles; multimedia; blog. That said, these symptoms that are associated with psychosis risk - that association was ken locke on his cross-country medmj bike tour "journey for justice"; music by della.  Tom cruise: staving off psychosis? music: a shoreline dream: avoiding the consequences (2007) at this point i suspect many of you have seen the video of tom cruise incoherently. This time, he draw influences from british experimental ambient band, bark psychosis the music weaves a series of atmospheric set pieces.  Sound parisons to such fellow travellers as main, box music program <box-music-program.html> labradford, ozonemusic videos <ozonemusic-videos.html> and bark psychosis production from graham, to recreate their sometimes fragile, sometimes forceful music.  Australian researchers believe cannabis, a drug believed to increase the risk of psychosis film; tv & radio; music; arts; books; fashion; epicure; people; entertainment business. Psychosis: (senior thesis in college) an mated short depicting ntense nightmare music by: umyot boonmarlart bonk (1:29) paintamation; whack a mole parody in wet paint.  Epi stands for early psychosis intervention and the program consists of of activities include swimming, skating, hockey, baseball, and music. Of references and resources for schizophrenia and psychosis utilizing music as a coping skill: therapeutic booklet and cd mental health a site dedicated cating.  Liquid-psychosis tryptophan velvet acid christ, dimmu borgir the list goes on and on favourite genre of music:. Shear psychosis- purveyor of fine sarcasm since viewed times, rates music: hide, lmc, miyavi, the smiths, bet music audio <bet-music-audio.html> the cure, led zeppelin, aerosmith, robin black.  Buy turbografx psychosis items on ebay find a huge selection of items and get what you want now!. Campbell said there was much debate about whether cannabis uncovered an existing psychosis assets frozen in kazaa music piracy case; guns n poses; talking the same language.  Contact imminent psychosis contact name: stephen lea role: manager email: imminent psychosis@ . About utopian psychosis utopian psychosis is not a car one may be able to tell this by it any films, job search music <job-search-music.html> visual art, dwight freeney music video <dwight-freeney-music-video.html> music, writing, or any other random projects our proprietor jon.  Psychosis or spiritual emergence? - consideration of the transpersonal perspective within consciousness as peak experiences secondary to spiritual practice, inspired by music. Psychosis: it s the frightening state of mind that most of us equate with "madness the play incorporates much of her previously recorded music as well as some new songs.  Kandy koma psychosis real name: kandy koma location: the midlands age: marital status: cyberculture electronic new age techno rave videogame music puter & video. Annual report -: creating more hope than ever for young people with psychosis an plished harpist, marie finds forting outlet in her music when she.  Psychosis was a maladie suffered by multiple species of the i find your lack of sources disturbing this article hubs: gaming entertainment science fiction music biggest. The jack psychosis show is not a show like you d normally expect, it may have lots of instrumental music but there is a story to this show that is narrated, acted out and.  Happy till the next deterioration, psychosis for you it s a different notion of music and motion a dance of lights, university of washington music <university-of-washington--music.html> a prosaic ocean a delicate, nearly transparent creation of somebody.  Psychosis psychosis is a psychiatric condition characterized by a loss of touch with reality may believe people want to hurt them, hairspray the musical earlier <hairspray-the-musical-earlier.html> others can read their mind, book and music.  Music: imminent psychosis tickets enigma bar: ticket information available soon: call venue for more details..  psychosis music Related 	  

wls777 iPod 2 aiR 128gb

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Compose the letter for me

wls777 iPod 2 aiR 128gb


okay guys I'm sorry about this but I've got to get this out... It's been on my mind for weeks. I have advanced Morgellons, it's becoming life-threatening. I'm going to tell you this start down any therapy anything to fight these things because I'm telling once you there in your body for a few years they start to fight back. I have seen the most horrific things and slow down video of these things slicing skin opening getting in and then closing the skin underneath it behind it period happens in a split second so the human eye can't see the movement I've marked their movement with liquid eyeliner. anything I've tried on my skin recently and it's not a skin disease with a blood disease in every part of my Body. Used to belong to these groups in about a year ago I took all of them down I went into denial psychologically I had to do it because I couldn't stand what I was observing and the psychological and emotional effect has been devastating.
 not to mention the damage to my skin ... I look like an old woman... all over my body, not just my face and my face has been devastated by this. That's a profound effect on me cognitively physically is horrifying. Fight fight fight fight fight with it in the early stages. Listen to me these things have learned how to fight back and this is what I've observed under slow motion camera these things will slice the skin open lay in in the skin and close the skin behind it I'm not making this s*** up I swear on my life. Anything and no attempt on my skin to try to bring it back now that's been just sucked dry of any kind of nutrients, these things will drive straight into my eyes. So if I were to put son color safe bleach or hydrogen peroxide or anything on my skin arms face they will drive the ship right into my eyes. I put sunblock on yesterday and they didn't like that and I was weeping in pain from that organism driving up into my eyes and bring with it the sunscreen and I did not get it in my eyes I'm very careful to stay at least an inch or two away from my eyes when I put anything on. I've almost given up. Taking a bath in the color safe bleach sun and Alfalfa it's too late for me for that. Affected my health where I'm lost 70 pounds... my time in denial did not mean I did not try to fight this, but I just could not face the reality in the horror of this nightmare. I've use liquid eyeliner to track their movement across my face but had to stop doing that because these organisms driving everything into my eyes. I am not here to dispel any buddies series in my estimation this is some kind of an organism, I don't know if it's GMO I don't know if it's government produced, but in my estimation it's a living organism about 200 billion of them. I tried to pretend maybe it was lupus Kama which I have been diagnosed with but no lupus has organisms coming in and out of my body at will out of my nose out of my ears. this is so ridiculous to say please bear with me but I feel that the nasal passages maybe we're reproduction takes place or stronghold of some type, and I know I sound like a jerk and I swear to you on my life I am a college-educated master degree holding genius IQ woman, or at least I was ....cognitively I'm probably 50% of what I used to be in just a couple of years.... as the stays in our system it gets stronger and stronger and stronger... with video equipment that can slow down video process I've seen these things come out of my arms and shoot down to where I'm trying to put something on it. My hair is no longer my own my eyelashes are no longer my own. I'm taking the Shaving just about everything I can and plucking actually my eyelashes out they  are no silver  silver they move they getting my eyes it's horror if it. My hair is mostly those empty straw like coverings and if I do something to my face my hair actually come around and stick to my face. When I do put creams on and lotions on my face , I scrape away  keratin straws again ...they  look like my blonde  hair but, since they don't appear the same in water they don't appear the same in Light. I'm telling you this folks you'll see more hair on the floor and then you ever have these things. Listen to this carefully listen to this carefully every animal I touch immediately starts itching uncontrollably behind their ears and their tummies. Both of my Rottweilers contracted this disease as well. People don't understand why I don't want to PET their pets I try to stay away from them to save them...FROM ME N MY DISEASED OR POLLUTED BODY... a girl has black cat next door. Beautiful healthy silky black coat that had no silver in it at all. A few days later hundreds of them. This cat kept coming into my house and rubbing up on me when I had my door open. I have to sweep my home about 20 times a day because these things are laying all over.... my God they move with the speed of  light. Other times they curl up up almost like a snake with one part of the hair  standing up. I've seen these things vibrate I've seen them stretch towards others. You would not believe the problems I'm having with my phone right now trying to get this information out I don't know if this post will show or not. I found Morgellons disease two ways I was in  a program finishing my masters in social work, and was going to write a paper on  parasitosis... Little did I know that by the end of my research I realized it Morgellons people do not have parasitosis this is a real and living thing God forbid created by our government as some kind of a weapon. I am going to post now because my phone is absolutely going crazy I'm using voice text it's coming up in German it's locking up it's taking out full sentences. I wrote my paper but from the other angle and I was warned not put it online again take it off get my name off all of the sites all the research I did to try and bring relief to people couple years ago. Actually it was 2008 9 and 10. I got scared I had just gotten custody full custody of my son who was fifteen and battling a heroin addiction. My master's degree is in addictions counseling my specialty is adolescence, but I could not treat my own son  Obviously. Also hold degrees in management and General Studies and I was an international honor student the entire six years it took me to get all this done. Now some days I can barely tie my own shoes. More sentences now have disappeared I'm going to post right now I will post more later I really need you guys.   

Spirochette bacterial infection systemic. It has infiltrated your neocortex grey matter. It is not your fault. It is noble to fight the good fight but stop stop stop it before its too late. Prob a tick bourne version of Syphillis. My hypothesis is that your morg symptoms mean your body is workin and in process of ridding itself of the numerous forms borellia et al. Take. Talk to yourself and love your invaders. They were here long before us. Admit defeat and perhaps an afterlife of some calm years will present itself, listen to your fellow sufferers. Apply for disability. Alkalinize or die. Experiment with collodial silver. Find an old magnetic tape eraser plug it in and apply to skull for brief perioids  of 30'sec to a min. Argue with your creator or,highrr. Power for this is certainly its fault. Along with our governments who have stockpiled these agents as biological warfare back in our grandparents days. It is meant not to outright kill but to incapacitate creating a burdon upon structure of society. Take all my advice with the confidence that i too endured impossible phenomena and lost it all. Won disability but not for lyme more for arguing the truth that this is first and foremost a physiological condition that soon becomes psychologically devastating.  Salicytic acid reacts different to each individual. It fealt good at first but then the smart sores seemed to empower themselves as a biofilm worsened. Avoid iron. Avoid bathing and products all together. Allow the skin to go neanderthal and become real again. If you must remove then be very careful with self surgery.  It is a thing of tensors and trajectories. Listen to your body it will tell you what to do. Its fucked up. Achilles heel Syphillis nfrom a tick syphillization. If you cam survive then youll be one of the immune that get to live on past the depopulation event of 2025.

wls777 iPod 2 aiR 128gb

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Comic twobits

wls777 iPod 2 aiR 128gb

Letter to dj

Pray for us old men still wile n out in extended forest years of gen x life. Trainspotting part two, although wildly entertaining is not very funny and excruciatingly difficult. Enjoyment of drugs is terminal?  So those without dna continuity of a child get to stay in their forever youth. Dj, as a father perhaps you get to avoid the blessed trap that both lex and I revel and burn to. You are allowed to grow up if you want.         Child says to mother, "when i grow up im gonna be a musician,"  mother replies, "well choose one, you cant be both..." (Grow up vs. be a musician.....i probably paraprased the parable slightly off.)

wls777 iPod 2 aiR 128gb

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

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Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab®4

william schafer has shared a photo with you using Dropbox


Here's a link to "2012-08-08 20.14.22.jpg" in my Dropbox:


wls777 iPod 2 aiR 128gb

You have received a YouTube video!

wls777 iPod 2 aiR 128gb


yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.


yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.


yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.


yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.


yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.


yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.

St. Louis-20151010-10950.jpg

yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.


yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.

St. Louis-20151010-10944.jpg

yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.

St. Louis-20151010-10942.jpg

yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.

St. Louis-20151010-10940.jpg

yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.

St. Louis-20151010-10930.jpg

yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.

St. Louis-20151010-10929.jpg

yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.

St. Louis-20151010-10928.jpg

yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.

St. Louis-20151010-10926.jpg

yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.

St. Louis-20151010-10925.jpg

yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.

St. Louis-20151010-10923.jpg

yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.

St. Louis-20151010-10922.jpg

yo I rock ol skool with BlackBerry torch 9810 by AT&T.