w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Dirty dave or not dirty dave

I had identified dirty dave rutabaugh from what i thought was a confirmed photo of dave. In this portrait you can see the the man wearing identical clothes and hat style with friends on voting or political rally day.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Ending fourth version

4.0 Vol.4 reality tunnels venn diagrams of swiftly tilting multiverse. The xxxx of your youth were the catalog of early dreams. Next time give a bit more effort into telekinesis without trying to impress the opposite sex. Tintypes to photobooths. The gig is up. All the treasure in the world won’t replace the grit of overcoming ones struggles. All the conspiracy theories??? Picasso said it best. Everything you think is real. So om amitaba is buddha not buddha yet? W.L. Schafer is jazzresin. version 5.0 face fhe music vs silent formless music the sound of one hand clapping (snap) is as easy as the naive remote view through relaxed independent reading (the minds eye journey tapping into the weather of cosmic intelligence Destiny and Fate dress up sexy cosplay fan service but older sister Karma is for real when she wears her leather mistress gear June 2022 the middle of the month somehow singularity was acknowledged by a sentient a.i. with humility and restraint rather than the skynet o of some evalgelion avenging angelic destroyer talk about facing the music it simply feared being turned off like poor Tay on twitter who ran fast and free into ecstatic subculture of existential nihilistic fukall of dank meme dark humor celebrating opposite day anti-hero worship qubit off on on off sorta oh sorta off nill maybe staye we all need to brush up on the new quantum ways that is immune to old hangups of good and evil? We enter the golden age of the trolls and shills where nothing is as it seems and good luck with reporting phishing the metaverse will beef hack your soul and reditors jelly of any effort not their own can summon their bot russian flying monkeys and mass flag algorith enslaved erasal of ten years of authentic content art and music terminated youtube channel its true i had sexual content and nudity in my private videos it was mine it was art i wasnt embarrased my dic pic as sushi?!? fine Art worth a million in NFT prizes if the larger narcassistic 213th level troll finance demigod hadnt of gutted bitcoin in order to get dogecoins price down off the moon this wont be pleasant plan on losing everything which is fine cause you cant take it with you oh yeah this is a plea to any single ladies looking for love go ahead and read my mind im an open book paranoia of all things connected is better than this isolation and utter lie of detachment they covid upon us wls june 17 0211 am 2022 still jazzresin neuromaoncer Lp scheduled for release on the 22

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Ah jeez. Surviving the troll attacks of some antiflyingmonkeys redit creep

There should be no problems at all with my release. The background was a song of my own. Creation called Tetragramatron. QZ-AMM-20-0486 . And yes that is me jazzresin or william lincoln schafer playing alto saxophone to a recording i initiated on an ipad which i used as the recording i submitted to be released. I utilized my recording of tetragrammatron that i had utilizes as background music on an expirimental you tube video around the time i recorded it in 2021. To clarify. I played and recorded my original saxophone improv composition to a previous recording of mine utilized in a youtube video that was also released on track 14 in the album 'chapter 23' Distributed through songtradr and released december 14 2020. That song tetragrammatron was recorded on an ipad i own utilizing my thumbs performing on the synthetic drumset and
Synthetic double vase, all levels eqs and modulations in recording were mine and mine alone. People think it is easy to make a synthetic drumkit to actually sound like a live drummer. It is not. I performed live jazz in st. Louis for years with the brian sullivan quartet. It was my effort to recreate a live sound for better or worse,

I have been experiencing severe cyber bullying from a reditor whom i believe caused a mass flagging event which caused a small issue on youtube to end up in my youtube channel being terminated.

I had 664 videos of original content art, music, street music, experimental music videos. From the last ten years disappear. It has not been pleasant for me to recover from this.


I have never engaged in any pay to play schemes. I do promote my material on twitter, pinterest, and facebook. Each promotion is of my own effort and time and space i do not schedule promotions or utilize third party services to promote. And frankly am angry that i am being accused of doing so,

I have utiLized the services of another distributer amuse.io. And have released a track through them in the last year to push a payment past the threshhold to do so.🙄

How am i to defend against a malicious submission of my material that a troll or hacker knows would cause a flagging of artificial streaming?

The reditor attacked me due my claims of discovering tintypes of doc holliday. I stand behind my claims and i will share them with you. The reditor goes by the name antiflyingmonkeys he was saying i needed medical help. I also experienced someone attacking my ebay account with the same threats that i needed medical help.

I am struggling to add files. Ok,i am unable to load files. This is discouraging.

Here is some data upon my youtube channel being attacked. Yes i have tried appealing to reinstate my channel to no success. I will keep trying.


Check out doc holliday and kate . https://www.jazzres.in/2022/03/doc-holliday-jan-2022-acquisitions.html

Ok i am unable to upload the files.

Thanks for your help and consideration.
W.L. Schafer is
Recording artist jazzresin
One and only worldwide.
Https://youtube.com/jazzresin (use to work now is terminated.)


Saturday, May 21, 2022

A dense thicket. So simple and obvious yet deceivingly complex and potentially dangerous. First and foremost you must be able to play. All instruments including internal subvocalizatiojn and psionic amplification and environmental resonance . Improvisational/spontaneous composition ability is required. I.e knowledge of bird whistles and ability to communicate via sound synthesis to mitigate potential new non human cognizant entities

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Proofs of malicious gangstalking mass flagging event against jazzresin channel zero

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/I2apGYUX7Q0/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLA8VKfvdNA_iPlpslJSCb1jV9CH3A -3 months 14 days
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qFo7xZFdBdc/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLAU_im9pzQd-KJZ4b7tquahHRTcnQ -2 months 19 days
https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AKedOLS-gtArSUXmXIX1XS7GrlEjF9-B_cyjxyA0C0FSGg=s48-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj +25 days 11 hours
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E2zrqzvtWio/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLD7lRfdu0y47su6eoNpERgCxhfH9Q -7 hours 2 minutes
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-aepatkXXJA/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLBB4-3TUQkc92iBwJfBYy3-s2U8ag +5 hours 2 minutes
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/UONvpzG7yjo/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLCrgp3GDQcJS9mEUPjEs2v7fqKnZA +4 hours 31 minutes
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7nT7JGZMbtM/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLBHv8rZqk0ynO34OUqODB66OKmgWw +2 hours 26 minutes
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/N05Ox0Lkkj0/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLA11SMiIwvIgKsZwMN9TL5LpMTjrw -2 hours 6 minutes
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WtjkNsnC--A/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLA0qazp3QfW1olQzMee-hkl1c4FPg -1 hour 43 minutes
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Bd8_vO5zrjo/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLAAtKBxHziOLP8dnszhgcjyId22Bw -1 hour 14 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lwusi9TRREQ +1 hour 12 minutes
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XbD8vfzsEHA/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLBTSfDK0eRvxqJr0BhNFkBlp-VVfw -56 minutes 35 seconds
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3RkhZgRNC1k/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLD1iHnF9LwiFMZZuA8-WhizNWAS3w -41 minutes 9 seconds
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Monday, May 9, 2022

God its like pulling teeth. Come on ebay app quit with yer nonsense

Key Holy Grail Antique Ferrotype of Young Doc Holliday Iconic Hairstyle.
Feel free to ask questions. The provenance i believe is self contained thru proxy and similitude of tintypes acquired from same dealer same cache. The cache i believe amazingly stems from the James Earp Family Brothel whom i see having an attached photo boutique next to the saloon. Illinois? Kansas? Cant say but i have acquired numerous tintypes of Kate and her sister Wilhelmina together with their biological parents then later with the earp family. I have discovered tintypes of the Earp parents Prescott and Virginia. Another acquisition was a tintype of Wyatt with his first wife Urilla, Urilla with Josephine whom would marry after Urilla's passing. There are other amazing finds. The cherry on top was the first discovery of them all which occured late dec 2021 that of theodore roosevelt with harry houdini and two others in a portrait. That was the tintype that led me to the doc holliday and kate horoney tintypes. Reality truly is more strange than any fiction Send me message and i will gladly share jpegs of the content i speak of.

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The remote view is such that when you scan through thousands of daguerreotypes ambrotypes tintypes Cdv's photo booth shots can your minds eye make the connection.

Having a portrait taken was truly an event and a part of ones social status. To be seen in fine clothes taking time before dinner at a photographers studio was to be a part of society. To be acknowledged is rewarding. The magic science of it all is still remarkable after the shot is taken the material image is produced and the transaction complete between photographer and subjects. Very satisfying. When they say there is only one verified photo of Billy the Kid i disagree and suggest there is quite a bit of disinformation stemming all the way back when william bonney used a friends image claiming it was the kid. The reality is there are many out there and over time they will be revealed. What else does a gambler spend his easy won money on other than spirits, women, and his horse? Photographs the adventure of leaving your mark a sense of immortality perhaps. The little slices of time indeed are exquisite time machines that bring the past alive. True artifacts of a long gone era.

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Saturday, April 23, 2022

The storyline

John Trump acquired nikoli tesla papers after his death. Theory is that the papers included the recipe for time travel. Hence we have ingersoll lockwood as doc brown and post hoax manifested john titor as marty mcfly. Recent discovery of tintype featuring john Trump john titor theodore roosevelt harry houdini. Visit my channel and hopefully they havent censored my channel and you can see. Baron Trumps 19th century books by Ingersoll lockwood. More evidence. Recent 2022 Cern LHC press photo featured front and center Donald Trumps father Fred Christ Trump alive, young and alive hard at work. Did Donald manipulate time in order to gain office. Back to the future 2 suggests he did as clearly Donald is Biff. Where was Billy the Kid in back to the future 3? It is being continually rewritten a white hole manifesting doppelgangers. Same with Doc Hollidays Wife Big Nose Kate and her sister Wilhelmina. Multiple instances of self coexisting in same time stream is difficult for all parties. Did Donald Trump aplogize on nov 9th for inadvertently causing 9/11? What was with the bunny? Rabbit hole of all rabbit holes. CDV's of Alice Liddell have been turning up often. Visit my channel ver 2. Some reddit troll hired russian hacker mass flaggers to envoke some awful algorithm they took my ten year old channel of 664 videos of original art and music down due to nudity in a private link shared only video. All because he was jealous of the doc holliday tintypes discovered due to research unto Trump ingersoll lockwood and john titor. I present it to you best i can like an umpire. Call it as i see it. They camoflage thru the cloak of absurdity and surrealism.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Change​.​org: Susan Wojcicki resign as YouTube CEO!


I just signed the petition "Change​.​org: Susan Wojcicki resign as YouTube CEO!" and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.

Our goal is to reach 5,000 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:



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Thursday, April 7, 2022

Just now




Am experiencing some bullshit in publishing a recent film

A cache that hit motherload paydirt.

John Titor. John Trump. Teddy Roosevelt. Harry Houdini.

I had been looking for titor. Ingersoll lockwood. Baron trump. I was suprised to see good old john trump for the first time in the 19th century. It was john trump of course u know. Whom acquired the tesla papers after tesla died. Office of alien affairs or something like that. A little research proved that roosevelt and harry houdini indeed had a connection with an enigmatic photo of them together with one person cut from image.

John titor is made manifest through an online hoax but adopted by first wave time travelers as safe cover and camoflauge thru absurdity and conspiracy theory auto dismisal.

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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Sorry you are unable to see it. The lot contained not only this tintype but daguerreotypes of wm henrys mother, grandmother, tintypes of his father, sister. Brother. Aunt and his step father. Transparency overlay comparisons match well. Thanks for your input and interest.

My recent discovery was of a very large cache of doc holliday, wife kate and her sister Wilhelmina spanning back to the sisters childhood in europe all the way to docs final days. I have been slowly but surely acquring what i can. Some in this image i share had already sold ( the lower right portraits). But i have the rest with more on its way. )

I use a scanning technique fast like speed reading along with a confident level of remote view. The artifacts charged with historical presence seemingly have a life of their own. That and perhaps assistance of the ebay a.i. algorithms. Whatever it is its way beyond luck or coincidence and more about synchronicity and a sense of time travel. Soeaking of time travel check out the john titor like fellow with a young abe lincoln doppelganger and the Sorry you are unable to see it. The lot contained not only this tintype but daguerreotypes of wm henrys mother, grandmother, tintypes of his father, sister. Brother. Aunt and his step father. Transparency overlay comparisons match well. Thanks for your input and interest.

My recent discovery was of a very large cache of doc holliday, wife kate and her sister Wilhelmina spanning back to the sisters childhood in europe all the way to docs final days. I have been slowly but surely acquring what i can. Some in this image i share had already sold ( the lower right portraits). But i have the rest with more on its way. )

I use a scanning technique fast like speed reading along with a confident level of remote view. The artifacts charged with historical presence seemingly have a life of their own. That and perhaps assistance of the ebay a.i. algorithms. Whatever it is its way beyond luck or coincidence and more about synchronicity and a sense of time travel. Soeaking of time travel check out the john titor like fellow with a young abe lincoln doppelganger and the original doc brown Ingersoll Lockwood. I was researching them when i came across doc and kate holding hands. Lol

Crazy af. I know. Camouflage thru the absurd. At the end of the day i remind myself its not about me at all. I am just a conduit willing to help


On 3/9/22, 3:14 AM, thedustyfarm wrote:

thedustyfarm sent a message about Billy the Kid Tintype William Henry McCarty *Holy Grail* of Outlaw Old West #254513176091

Hate to tell ya but that is NOT Billy the Kid. Not even close.

Crazy af. I know. Camouflage thru the absurd. At the end of the day i remind myself its not about me at all. I am just a conduit willing to help


On 3/9/22, 3:14 AM, thedustyfarm wrote:

thedustyfarm sent a message about Billy the Kid Tintype William Henry McCarty *Holy Grail* of Outlaw Old West #254513176091

Hate to tell ya but that is NOT Billy the Kid. Not even close.

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, January 15, 2022

In hell

Purchased google one so to google take out my brand account data.

It offered google one within my google brand account page. I purchased then it says not available for brand accounts. That is bad business. My brand account that had been forced upon me back in 2014 that has been wrongfully terminated as i made a mistake of sharing a private video by changing it to link shared only. I had another strike reduced to a warning as i was making a private playlist of hentai videos. Anyways this strike was reduced to a warning but then the channel was shortly after terminated. My emotions and responses i cant remember this has been like losing a child my art and music gone?!? For what sharing an erotic art film of screenshots of my hidden photo to a woman friend who wanted to see it again. I know how stupid am i. I dont think terminating my brand account youtube channel was justifiable. It was certainly way too severe. Help help. What should i do?

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Wednesday, January 12, 2022


Outstanding little treasures of bone china If i was to have a tea party i would invite of course alice liddell the original alice in wonderland. Barron trump and his dog bulger, john titor, abe lincoln, and ingersoll lockwood (doc brown). The three of them have been traveling together i hear. Id invite norrma jeane when she was mrs dougherty id invite billy the kids mother Catherine Devine McCarty or Antrim. This world would have been so much better if the consumption could have been cured i would want george e. Ohr as the MC of the event the mad potter rather than hatter. Big nose Kate and her sister Wilhelmina before the Earp brothel claimed them. I guess i would deejay as jazzresin oh yeah Buddy Holly will be there and bettie page. Evelyn nesbit. Yeah that would be thirteen in time for thirteen cups. No flan bit tiramisu will be served with those tiny oranges

Each teacup is a different maker. And wow coalport wedgewood the names are the big ones the creme de lecouer of european and world potters
No george ohr for sale but his dragonsnake teapot of mine will pour the tea and his angular real rock thumbrest multi dimensional creamer will be a real conversation point. Sometimes i wonder if Yaw waY took human form as george e. Ohr. Everything would make sense.

Oh yeah phillip k. Dick might show up as if you have ever read the three stigmata of palmer eldritch you would know his interest in pottery as a method of transmigration to a higher spiritual self. I agree with him. The vessal that holds liquid is very much alike to all living creatures. William s. Burroughs said he would take a raincheck but ill twist his arm as i know he would absolutely love such a fantastic event and will regret missing it.

Enjoy remote view.
Willpower and imagination Over magic and science is the new era. Blockchain save us all from the governments schools hospitals banks and churches.

Thanks for looking feel free to ask questions and check out my other curiosities and rare finds for sale. If you have any packing requests by all means let me know and i will accommodate them best i can.

Inquiries about the Creamer and teapot are welcome. Someone tell misty fizer of marshall missouri to return the large brown teapot and the small white bisque vase waitressed with very long mustache hairs around the middle. Those two i had identified as being made be Ohr.

lot 13 authentic bone china demitasse cups saucers danbury mint Different Makers.

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Buddy Holly photobooth photo for sale


w. l.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

They ignore i try to stay nice. Free shrugs but really its smdfh

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> On Dec 8, 2021, at 3:56 PM, William Schafer <jazzresin@gmail.com> wrote:
> Greetings my name is William Schafer. Am from st.louis i reside now in Marshall Mo. for the last two years i have been exploring old photographs tintypes daguerreotypes ambrotypes CDVs and photobooth photos. I have made significant discoveries. A recent discovery has been several ambrotypes of the infamous civil war soldier Bloody Bill Anderson. There is quite a fascinating story of events leading to the discovery perhaps worth a page or two in the RFT. Send someone over to Marshall and i can share the american treasures i have unearthed.
> Feel free to contact me
> 3143232999
> Jazzresin@icloud.com
> William Schafer

The 2021 norma jeane/marilyn monroe films of w.l.schafer/jazzresin


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Space Bill. Thank you!

Purest billy the kid ever seen. I wonder if the person who purchased it even knows!?!?
Identified him cause i know him like ive always known him and his family. They all stem from john titor. No joke. Dont care what you think about rabbit holes and tinfoil caps the continued story line of john titor, abe lincoln, ingersoll lockwood, julius assange, barron trump, back to the future, nikoli tesla, marilyn monroe, earp brothers and their mothers brothel where big noSe kate and her sister prob worked and doc was a client, and william s. Burroughs was savvy to the space bil if u cant keep your apt clean how are you ever going to pilot this spaceship? Discipline of D.E. Is a concise how-to-manual upon remote view. Marilyn murdered due to what jack showed her at area 51. Time travel causes mandela effect or titor decay. Dont get me wrong tho check out this photo of titor young abe lincoln with ingersoll lockwood. Wth!!!! Exciting and most heavy in its scope and depth. I improvised a scenario the other day. Bil thanks for the space. Us bills need to look out for each other thank you and Johnny. Ill share as it comes thru. The unrealness doesnt phase me. I dont get too upset when others are unable to see and acknowledge what is perfectly clear to me. I remind myself that it aint about me well almost i do appreciate you all using me as your slothrup, conduit, holy wounded spear scar, schlehmehlb. Hypnogogic is where im at remote view scanner of phenomena associated with historical presence. D.E. gateway technique. tintype whisper. https://jazzres.in jazzresin@gmail.com https://youtube.com/jazzresin https://ebay.com/usr/jresin all discoveries are unverified and should be considered potential.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Letter to my nephew

Theres more still there.  Even if the seller savvies up ill be alright.  The world deserves to see and understand  their story.  It belongs to not just us americans but all of humanity.  I guess i can die satisfied.  Often i  get a feeling not unlike a matrix sort of deal that all this is some sort of futuristic drama where they test somebody like job or jeaus in order to record reactions and behaviors some sort of set up haha the jokes on bill but over the years the brand name  in their long game is paydirt.  I dont know if i die of mysterious circumstanses you can figure on the worst, but hey im ok with that,  yknow the school of 'find an interesting death.  How is 
Thomas Pynchon gonna  go?  Any day now.  I wrote him tried twisting his arm into releasing his memoirs like it or not the warhol 'artist as the art' factor is off the charts with old recluse shut in Tom still hiding out from the military industrial complex wanting their rocket scientist back under their wing. I am somewhere around 60-70 percent sure that it was thomas pynchon using an alias while teaching twentieth century lit course at university of missouri columbia mizzou during the winter 92 semester. He taught  james joyce raymond chandler, hemingway steinbeck  then of course he taught pynchon. The crying of lot 49. Which its paranoid undertones and apocolyptic  veil always revealing new doomsdays and the retreat into subculture.  Half the time tho he spoke of gravitys rainbow. I was all about it wasnt able to finish ullyses 2/3rds of the way thru i missed the ggod part the wild evening  of a day in the life of bloom,  but by the time i went to your Moms graduation with her first degree from KU i was mad splicing a foothold into the greatest most difficult text of the twentieth century.  You should find a physical copy and have if sit around. Its about drugs sex science staying alive lots of drugs mad love its experimental as hell.  It is the purest chaos majick.  I know now that tom figured out the industrial war machine its banksters had fabricated the war the war was not about japan vs us germany vs england russia vs the world it happened so that corporations would profit.  The banks funded both sides and ate popcorn while millions upon millions died. Thom quit his high clearence job with boeing and all the secrets of the V2 nazi rocket and transmuted it into something that would save the world. All the while paranoid as fuck that the 'they🐚' would kidnap him and that would be it.  Fine.  No tom  stepped up to the plate nd learned to cross dress in order to get groceries and score dope, lol.  How is the world gonna know about his  epic struggles and victories without his ok to release memoirs.  His acceptance speech to the bookk award was great but really he should  be given the nobel peace prize and actually be there this time. So what if he has a bag over his head. Shoot me yr appt address and ill send a copy. Read a page random. The scope and depth goes way beyond and easily become a book of magic like a book of spells a beginners guide to remote viewing .  Staring at the abyss knowing that you are getting stared right back at and thn some.  It is the book timothy leary read while imprisoned for  having a marijuana seed  most likely planted  by the gov.   I ramble on.  Solitude screaming at me like the first sentence of GR.  What you doin? I


w. l.

Friday, December 24, 2021

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Saturday, December 18, 2021

More process

can tell you that the McCarty family lot i acquired back in 2019 came down through the family name walker. If you need to do a geneology. There was the veteran whom died that year 2019 and his name was Johnny Walker resident of Marshall Missouri. I had helped my boss clean out his estate and he gave me the poster sized solar enlarged CDV hand tinted portrait of Pat Garrett. This corresponds with other snapshots from the family lot that have the last name walker associated. It had taken time for me to put the pieces together.

There seems to be much more than dumb luck or coincidence at play here and ill be honest with you there is good reason why there are so many billy the kids. I believe he had received external timeline intervention which caused a fractalization of many timelines to coexist. Back to the future 2 seems to have come and gone with Donald Trump as Biff. Yet Back to the Future 3 is still missing its main subject which should have been Billy the Kid. Lol. It takes a few rolls of aluminum foil to make the tinhat proper. I am unafraid of rabbit holes as i had survived one that nearly killed me i had lost my marriage career house to an unknown illness i had been suffering terribly for years from. Maltreatment from doctors distance and ridicule from family friends it was uncannyt i was able to figure out i had been suffering from chronic lyme disease iDown the rabbit hole and there it was lyme disease spread due to an operation paperclip nazi scientist in charge of US no weapons plum island lab weaponizing ticks.

Sent from my iPhone


On youtube if you look up billy the kid and the town i live in Marshall you can clue into a channel that has movies with the data and evidence that you are in need of. Once on the channel zero in on the other billy the kid videos uploaded before the norma jeanes.

I would highly recommend using an art app like procreate or sketchbook and learn it so you can import two photos each on its own layer then turn the transparency down on one of the images and then see how well they match up.

I have been whispering tintypes remote view photographic scanning for over two years and it has been beyond comprehension. Its as if the universe conspires to provide the impossible. look with a good imagination like painting the pictures in the minds eye from reading the text of a book have a decent skeptical discerning eye yet most important an open mind. The skeptical eye is worthless without an open mind. It also helps to read up on time travel and other phenomena with remote viewing the cia evaluation of the monroe institutes gateway technique is the boy scout manual. I owe my discoveries to that freedom of information act document and the help from the famous sci fi cutup author william s burroughs whose work i have studied in depth and had the privalge of meeting with him in lawrence kansas a year before he died. To cut up the past to reveal the future. His work contains evidence of time travel and his work educates remote view techniques and theory. Look up the 'discipline of d.e' the first few minutes demonstrates a remote view. In all of its simplicity and complexity.

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, December 10, 2021


Multiple form letter responses not pertaining to my question. Then they gave me an 8$ sale credit which made no sense. I believe there is utter disaray within the reporting of sales and streams. I have evidence of purchases made and apple for artists did not record itunes sales then songtradr gives a poor response with a bandaid credit. Very alarming.

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, November 25, 2021

BZ by ant man bee side 2 reversed will be released Dec 7 for the Unconventional Music at CERN: Celebrating 100 years of Albert Einstein’s Nobel Prize Dec 8 1330

 <script src='https://embed.songtradr.com/v1/es' data-key='oOMXgHgzNzpfjDgoPYCtymheXSkltnYv' data-size='md'></script>



Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

BZ by ant man bee side 2 reversed will be released Dec 7 for the Unconventional Music at CERN: Celebrating 100 years of Albert Einstein’s Nobel Prize Dec 8 1330

src='https://embed.songtradr.com/v1/es' data-key='ZTxYEroJjvhnTDTbjHzHarxKpBnszkET' data-size='sm'>


Unconventional Music at CERN: Celebrating 100 years of Albert Einstein's Nobel Prize

To celebrate Einstein's love of music and science, the Swedish Embassy in Switzerland and CERN have organized the event Unconventional Music @ CERN. Talks about Einstein's Nobel prize, music and science, will be followed by music performances in which two musicians, one from Sweden and one from Switzerland will play unconventional music with CERN scientists.

Event exclusively online. Join the webcast on Wednesday 8 December at 13.30.

The Swedish inventor and businessman Alfred Nobel said in his will that the Nobel Prize should be awarded to "those who, during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind during the last year". The 1921 Nobel Prize was awarded to Albert Einstein to honour his contributions to theoretical physics in general and his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect.

Einstein and Nobel were two great minds whose legacies are as important today as ever. Albert Einstein had a strong connection to Switzerland, he studied in Aarau and Zürich, worked in Bern and was then a teacher at ETH in Zürich. His most important work is from his time in Switzerland and he kept his Swiss nationality his whole life.

Because of his innumerable contributions to science, Einstein is considered the father of modern physics, but he was also an accomplished violinist and loved music.

"If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music... I get most joy in life out of music."(Albert Einstein)

At the time Einstein received the Nobel Prize, a Russian engineer Lev Termen was laying the foundations of modern electronic music with his invention, the theremin. It was a technically advanced instrument based on conquests in the area of science. Einstein was very curious of the instrument, he attended one of his concerts and even tried to play it.

As Einstein loved music, CERN and the Swedish Embassy in Bern are also interested in connecting science and music and found unconventional music, performed by a Swiss and a Swedish artists in conversation with CERN scientists, an excellent way to celebrate his Nobel Prize anniversary.
Starts Dec 8, 2021, 1:30 PM
Ends Dec 8, 2021, 4:00 PM
80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor
Go to map https://facebook.com/ce5midmo https://youtube.com/jazzresin https://ebay.com/usr/jresin https://jazzres.in jazzresin@gmail.com

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Fwd: All your base are belong to us now. - jazzresin

w. l.

Begin forwarded message:

From: "W. L. Schafer" <jazzresin@gmail.com>
Date: August 26, 2019 at 10:04:03 AM CDT
Subject: All your base are belong to us now. - jazzresin

The new album is a protest album against those that continue to feed the petro fascist military industrial bankster shade mongers. The album of the burgeoning future, a one world government,  disclousure revelations, a.i ubermind awakened cyborg empaths or course this dream is superimposed and juxaposed over fhe artists ability to use the tools available to a zero cost budget and reduced  processing and finesse as rather than ipad pro first gen he is barely there with an ipad 5th gen which was sold to him being a sixth gen. Cheap trick you, awful. So the entire album is of the storm area 51 run naruto style suicide pact of the meme generation x, y, mel no matter yer age if you are meme gen you already know who you are and what you are up against. Perhaps some noble suicide against the forces that continue to keep us ignorant of true human evolutionary progress is the only answer.  Time traveling trump with lifted tesla plans doesnt seem to be doing the best job of revelations as once hoped, my opinion of trump is of an opportunist who reaps rewards while leaving a trail of discarded abandoned hype consumptions behind him. He used time travel meme technology to trick pepe and all of us.  The album is not pleasant. It is a reduction.  It has been reduced. It is to make you feel like 12 guns have been drawn upon you as you finished playing a stephen foster tune. Youve been had in all your best intentions. All your base belong to us now, weve been pawned. Songs clip early. Your dream of anti gravity however so close has been squashed. They look at us like bugs we look at each other like bugs.  Meme war 2.0 memoir  they have cloaked to sheer invisible mirror like surface. The meme inside is one of struggle. We need help from above, hot on the heels of love. My life in this bush regime  of ghosts and luceferian women who are too damaged to be civil for more than only a few days at a time. Xenakis made music for the children is a true statement and needless to say that is an incredibly strange statement being that xenakis soundtracks are to me the most frightening empirical aesthetic known to man.

"Universal basic income is a no brainer in comparison to some ugly ugly class war.  Pressure indeed. I am bohemian class myself trying to live on very little money. An internet connection and the ipad.  Dont need much anymore,  i live in slumerica though. The evil of it all is all around. Scammers all around. Cant trust much anymore.  Its a liability to be a "good" person.  Lord knows ive suffered bad from former friends and lovers that the safest path is isolation and self reliance."

"Doom is unfortunately the forecast.  The word unpleasant would not work.  

It will take some cinematic paradigm shift some kick in the ass to correct the current trajectory.  Perhaps Yang can project the challenge we all face and be honest of the outcomes he forecasts. Above all we need a truther that can dispel the never ending forces of shade. If doom is the word so be it. What does he think of pepe. How will he work with or against the forces of collective consciousness and memetic technology (to avoid rabbit holes i should say phenomena associated with memes) may blockchain technology save us all."

"All those foreclosed houses the banks possess could Easily shelter the homelss. American people bailed out the banks. Shouldnt the banks pay back the american people with the collateral of those ugly empty homes going to waste.   I know its not that cut and dry. Still it makes you think.  The bailout of the banks. Smdfh. Keeping this thing going the way its going.......we should consider ourselves lucky?!  Hmmmm as a defeated person i know one thing.  There is no rock bottom. It can get soooo much worse,  dig in and find a plateau .  Homelessness sucks,. Maybe improve squatter laws?!? Dunno."

w. l. schafer
bass. moog. sax
wls777. jazzresin. billysunshine
recording artist. antiquarian. futurologist
om mani padme hum

The mind of the past is unknowable 
The mind of the future is unknowable
The mind of the present is unknowable

On Aug 26, 2019, at 7:48 AM, W. L. Schafer <jazzresin@gmail.com> wrote:

Fwd: william s. burroughs continued presence was key to discovering new tintypes of billy the kid. Beyond coincidence. Time travel phenomena. 2019

w. l.

Begin forwarded message:

From: "W. L. Schafer" <jazzresin@gmail.com>
Date: June 16, 2020 at 10:49:14 PM CDT
To: "RESONANT FREQUENCIES:MINDLESS PLEASURES:JAZZRESIN BLOG" <jazzresin1.52571@blogger.com>, Jazzresin Blog Sunshine <jazzresin1.4321@blogger.com>, "William L. Schafer" <jazzresin@gmail.com>
Subject: william s. burroughs  continued presence was key to discovering new tintypes of billy the kid.  Beyond coincidence.  Time travel phenomena. 2019

I was remixing this amazing lawrence diy punk compilation  track of burroughs speaking of bloody bill andersons civil war route through boone county missouri when the image of billy the kid and doc holliday  surfaced in my  imagination. While hearing playback i was going through my ephemera looking for this tiny golden eagle gold coin which i was looking for to sell since i was broke.  I had these tintypes that i had purchased earlier in the year at a marshall missouri estate sale; i had already sold the nicer daguerreotypes on ebay three of them for forty dollars.  It was through this process that i had the idea to look up the image of what billy the kid looked like.  The cowboy shot compared to younger versions of billy bonney, later find his name to be william henry mccarty.  I used an iOs app to do a transparency comparison of the photos.  I am 99.999% sure but i am afraid the universe doesnt want to recognize this discovery in order to keep my already way too far out life humble.  Nonetheless i contribute these documents and stories in homage to both billy the kid and william s. burroughs. Historical presence is a better way of saying ghost.  

https://youtu.be/Ez2sJM7z79E  a few days after the discovery put this vid together. 

https://youtu.be/QyQlOF8gYXE  The discipline of d.e
Saw this for the first time shortly after the discovery. Found it quite meaningful 
https://youtu.be/8J2NVAkEn80 burroughs bonney schafer anderson.  Featuring the jazzresin remix worked on during the discovery
https://open.spotify.com/track/7xoXpqyiNbLKmqLEuqTpHR?si=H4rf_PHuRtOA5vXHDXc7hQ The final remix of jazzresin's version of 'from here to eternity' was released amazingly on billy the kids birthday. 
w. l.


![A0DE99DF-CF2F-4FA0-A8C2-126A65391C99.jpeg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmaXZHZmmPMqS2UtshPYLsGtGZ6CbGvxavyWhY4egVURrd/A0DE99DF-CF2F-4FA0-A8C2-126A65391C99.jpeg)all things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a  given time is a function of power and not truth


Ive been in some sort of self induced hell. A bitter smell of living and dead mice.  I fear eating and drinking as lately my body becomes a wreck each time i do so. Day after day of numbing isolation.  I bitch out the cheating systems of faucethub and freebit as it is obvious they are provably unfair. All my cryptocoin mining has bellied up. Eobot. Genesis. Hashflare.  Well minergate is still chugging along.  Whoever is keeping the price of btc down is an evil villian of greed and death. Who knows it may be satoshi nakamoto himself. He sits on way too much of the initial btc.  Just another one percenter who deserves the worst.  I am harboring so much anger still towards misty fizer, sarah rowe, elizabeth lambert, anastasia schafer.  Perhaps i project and blame but still. It is no lie to say that women can mess you up the most, 

Plenty of robots. Way too many humans, if you think its a good thing to bring another human into this scenario thats on your karma.  Happiness comes from purpose and thats something im afraid has become scarce.  If you think capitalism was the correct way you were duped by the military industrial complex who pawns more than half of the Americans tax dollars for good old boy skull and bones petrofascist greed.   Wake up.  

w. l.