w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Hacker slime you is fuckin with me know. Inverting lines pulling wizardry. Really think yer american? I think your scum shit surviellance is not even human. Its demonic subhuman shit that is criminal and unjust and you and your loved ones will certainly pay the karmic price if they havent already (kyle!!?). It isnt me man that throws the karma i am forever paying a price for something i dont even know what i did wrong. So be it. Midnight gospel it. It is ass it is. I know your orders from the top down is to deny me the prize from these treasures discovered, gifted, bestowed upon me. Time triangulated or not. They keep coming. So what. The larger spell is to keep me poor and humble in order to keep me alive. Lord knows id get well to do and next thing you know im a drug overdose casualty or death from over eager succubus lust. Im perturbed by peoples lack of vision. Like 20/20. They dont see it, pffft. What the fuck ever. My vision has always been super sharp for details and printing in the fine line. Once the time travel baffoon is no longer in office and his time stream manipulation gives him con nip tion fits maybe 'like magic' you all will start seeing clearly. I didnt make this shit up yet it happens. I dont care either or, my tragic life will remain exhulted and suffered and you keep with your soma cheap happiness (is not all iT use to be i know) uoy kcuf.

w. l.

Before the discovery of the billy the kid tintypes was this arrival of a leopard shirted young Pat Garrett March 2019

Billy the kid 2020

Yes this is a billy the kid i purchased off ebay 2020 since i knew what he looks like judging from the other two images discoved of wm henry mccarty in a 2019 marshall mo estate sale.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Blogger: LymeMD - Post a Comment


Lyme md

Soft disclousure is better than none. Does the cdc remember unknown dermopathy? Dermatologists can really mess you up the most, washington university really really did me wrong. I figured it out on my own after years of inexplicable suffering and decline. It took a trip to the CEHF 6th annual morgellons conference to figure out the connection to lyme, then only a few years after to grasp the sick cover up ordered down from those that define best practice, CDC admit 350,000 was more like 3,000,000.:its hard for people to understand how disruptive chronic lyme can be upon life and sanity. I was being directed towards it being a psychological condition where i knew first and foremost it was a physiological issue. A doctor even had the audacity to use the chicken or egg which came first. Smdfh idiot the egg was around in the protobird dinosaurs way before anything that resembled a chicken. I ramble. Lost my job, marriage, home and estate, nearly my sanity and life, disability due to adjustment disorder? Pretty sure it is lyme. Not that i ever plan to step in to a doctors office ever again as long as i live, they dont have your best interest in mind people, save your money and use the alternative resources, the health care politicsl power complex steals liberty and lives. They need to be put in their place, covid19 was an information war. They promote fear and we cave in and lose liberty all the while applauding them. Covid19 tests are like lyme tests. Unreliable and most likely contrived data to suit their agenda.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The short and long answer of baron trump blue boy antique bisque

Who is the maker of this piece? Does the figurine have a maker's mark if sticker? Also, per the posting it is described as an antique, which indicates it is 100 years or older. Could you let me know how it was dated? Thank you!

I first started collecting bisque about 12 years back. It is my appraisal upon price as i see fit towards the value comparing it to similar work online/stores. There is a grit you can feel to it that speaks of its age. I believe they used bone material unlike 20th cent bisque. soft pastels i believe was more in vogue during victorian era. I admit i should have titled it better as most likely was made in germany, i doubt german makers would have made patriotic american bisque post ww1. Check and see the other bisque spill vase in my store. Thanks!

Who is the maker of this piece? Does the figurine have a maker's mark if sticker? Also, per the posting it is described as an antique, which indicates it is 100 years or older. Could you let me know how it was dated? Thank you!

Now that i think of it. I had priced it accordingly as it reminded me of Baron(Barron) Trump! Are you familiar with the strange correlate between an old text from the 1800's and our current presidents son. Very very peculiar. Even more strange is donald trumps uncle John trump was the man whom inspected nikolai tesla's (the grandfather of electricity) documents after he had passed.


Crx nxxxna 43


Friday, April 10, 2020


Interesting website! I believe i discovered a cache of mccarty family dags tintypes and parlor photos a year ago here in marshall missouri estate sale. I had purchased the lot, a shoebox full, for 9$. I never had much interest in the old west until that fateful day in which i looked up the image of billy the kid and through near impossible syncronicity then compared the image to the tintypes i owned. I believe i have several images of william henry mccarty jr at ages 13 and again at age 15.

Recently i have purchased a dag from ebay that i purchased having a bit of an idea of what he looks like apart from the "uncharacteristic" cowboy shot. Anyways i mean to share this data freely for future historians to consider. I am no forensic expert or professor. I fortunatly knew how to use transperency layers in an art app, this evidence along with the provenance of the lot containing images of his mother and grandmother were enouh to convince me 99.9% sure that it is authentic btk. Im not here to prove or argue. Rather just to share and potentially provide pieces of his important american story.









William schafer

New btk match 4 2020

Ebay btk purchase april 2020

Interesting website! I believe i discovered a cache of mccarty family dags tintypes and parlor photos a year ago here in marshall missouri estate sale. I had purchased the lot, a shoebox full, for 9$. I never had much interest in the old west until that fateful day in which i looked up the image of billy the kid and through near impossible syncronicity then compared the image to the tintypes i owned. I believe i have several images of william henry mccarty jr at ages 13 and again at age 15.

Recently i have purchased a dag from ebay that i purchased having a bit of an idea of what he looks like apart from the "uncharacteristic" cowboy shot. Anyways i mean to share this data freely for future historians to consider. I am no forensic expert or professor. I fortunatly knew how to use transperency layers in an art app, this evidence along with the provenance of the lot containing images of his mother and grandmother were enouh to convince me 99.9% sure that it is authentic btk. Im not here to prove or argue. Rather just to share and potentially provide pieces of his important american story.


Thursday, April 9, 2020

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Spotify submission osiris express

Give yer head to the sky. What its worth. This body is a vessel to get us from one shore to the other. Om mani padme hum. To me means may all sentient creatures throughout the crystalline multiverse know oneness, may their suffering be minimal, and may they complete their spiritual task. So this is a wild little ramble of a song with a nod to brian eno's masterpiece 'st. Elmo's fire'. I really need to think about going to the desert this time new mexico rather than south texas. Thnx sptify

w. l.

Allowing shade in self autodesk sketchbook clear ten gb


Thursday, February 20, 2020

Dead buddha this recording artist that. A lover of both real and unreal. Surely a lover not a fighter yet he plays that war robots game william lincoln schafer as if vice versa. Futurologist metafiction cyber shamanism humanist hopeless romantic. Scifi sounds and post bop mayhem as his dj moniker suggests. Dj jazzresin smoke it down to tar and it still gets us. Billy sunshine for the limelight as he is so gloomy its downright bright. Ask him how he discovered billy the kid tintypes.

w. l.

yatsirh (australia becomes antarctica)


Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Ebay writeup

Documentation of comparison using iOs ipad app sketchbook transperency layers to verify match of facial features with the famous cowboy image of william bonney ( billy the kid) to a newly discovered image purchased from a marshall missouri estate sale in may 2019 and discovered to be a match in oct 2019. It is my hope to bring these new tintypes to public eye as to better understand the complex history of one of the most legendary of anti-hero old west characters. Through valuation and auction these american treasures will certainly be promoted and preserved accordingly.


This tintype was purchased in a lot that included 3 daguerreotypes and other cabinet cards from an estate sale located on slater street in marshall missouri. It is of provenance that the daguerreotypes were of william henry mccartys mother and grandmother as can be seen in the included photos. the daguerreotypes can be identified by the golden frames. The daguerreotypes were sold last summer to a dealer before i had made the discovery. I had contacted the dealer of the whereabouts of the sold on ebay daguerreotypes and he informed me that they were already sold. It is a shame to have broken up the lot nonetheless the provenance is real. I can supply any inquiry's with other photos of the daguerreotypes.

There has been recent images of billy the kid that have surfaced in the last few years that strengthen the congruency of the tintypes i present for sale here. I am tempted to contact university of missouri's history dept of columbia missouri or some other voice of authority in the science of historical investigation and i encourage you the reader to take up research on the tintypes. It has been an amazing personal journey to have taken part in some strange way in the unfolding of billy the kids historical presence. The last photo i included is of an old poster i was given to in march of 2019 a few months before purchasing the estate sale tintype daguerreotype lot. It appears to be none other than Pat Garrett himself. It is as if history had synchronized across time space to make events happen like clockwork. Impossible order out of thickest chaos. I had never been to knowledgeable about the old west mythos and legends. Strangely more the event that led me to make the tintype to billy the kid connection was through my working of background soundtrack to a william s. Burroughs recording in which he speaks of 'bloody' bill anderson's routing of boone county missouri during the civil war. Thinking of outlaws while perusing through my ephemera collection for a tiny gold coin to sell i saw the image for sale and thought of doc holiday and billy the kid. How impossible the odds for me to look up the famous cowboy image of btk on Pinterest and notice that the eyes, nose, nostrils, chin looked similar. I encourage all potential buyers to use the images in conjunction with art apps such as sketchbook or procreate to do the translucent layer comparisons and see for yourself the proof. Even if these tintypes do not find a buyer i believe that exposure through ebay will help future investigation in one of americas most important and relevant figures of the old west. His story continues to be told and i believe the mystery of billy the kids life and supposed death has worked through me somehow attempting to be resolved. By all means contact me with any questions or information. I am more than willing to share the results of my research.


w. l.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Quinn lands job w/skull&bones bush regime


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International Research Awards

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Sunday, February 2, 2020

billy found shelter in abandoned cliffside pueblo dwellings


New billy the kid

Ether theory submission to spotify

Why must the women of saline county be so trecherous? I have no idea why the world doesnt acknowledge the billy the kid tintypes ive discovered. Why hasnt the ipad repairman called me back. Why do we allow google facebook apple microsoft to have so much power over us. Why is what it is lately. Ether theory is just questions. Im blank slated. She thought i was conspiring to make her homeless. I restrained her from her attempted assault. It is unfortunate. Isolation to answer questions.

w. l.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Wozniak’s Funkstep (glitch 25 mix)



My iphone died so i was trying to restore it with my old computer and it would almost get to the finish line only for some error that the iphone could not be found. I had been grinding away trying to get itunes updated but i had to go through.the new microsoft app store route to get it and i was three sheets to the wind loosing my mind when microsoft kept wanting me to sign in after i had already done so. This was the freaking end of the world for me. The utter filth nonesense that i had to go to a microsoft store in order to update the  apple software onto a PC so that i could recover my primary phone an old iphone 5c . I wanted the head of billgates on a stake i was furious. Hell no i am not going to call microsoft help line i am sure thats what they would want. No i got on twitter and ranted curses at Windows Apple bill gates, zuckerberg. Thats when i am so glad i got on twitter as it didnt take long to realize that microsoft had pulled support from the windows 7 operating system ONLY a FEW DAYS ago.  Dear lord help me.  Soooo thats whatsApp. Maaaan i take stuff real personal and im not fast on a PC like i use to be. Controlling a mouse is very difficult these days for me,  yknow. But a wave of relief washed over me. When i figured out. I mean it was bad.  Felt like center stage of a cosmic joke.  Real real evil like.  So tell all your friends make sure they know they should not use there old computers with windows 7 online anymore.  Very dangerous to the health. Windows 7 is NO MORE. I abhor windows 10.  Am thinking seriously about jumping to linux operating system.  Sick of The Evil that proliferates through this timeline. Throwin shade to illuminate....you figure microsoft could have sent an email informing us. I had been to my account page several times last month.  Bigtime fail microsoft it shows how little you care.

Tarot is. (Sunshine 3rf mix)