w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

When you find out it all begins to make sense. All the previous phenomena that was so non congruent and baffling suddenly goes to the wayside in a moment of acknowledgement. Not to say the struggle ends because it doesnt....but knowing is half the battle. W.schafer 2019

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Erite up

This represents my journey thru the underground of the drug addicted and criminal minded. It is from the years 2015-2019. The welcome inn is the strange hotel of columbia missouri i lived in when a narcassist woman tricked me into love and used me for several years i moved to her hometown. During this awful time i was prolific in recording music in the iOs. The western lands in the place of immortality that the writer william s. Burroughs wrote about. This is the soundtrack of my life as of late

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Re: List

Journey into the mysterious landscape of underground bass research. It is advisable to wear hearng protection before standing in front of 12 foot subwoofers.  You may experience temporal phenomena during peak push of volume defraction.  It is of the utmost importance to remain relaxed during said phenomena as your input participation will feedback into direct frequency cutoff and resonance. 

No apologies with cover art.  The image is of a romance scammer whom very well may be trying to hoax herself into a career as a pediatrician but is too above communiting with a victim of her image.  So be it. If her image is more than what she is let me disply her as a vril swastika dr. 

On Dec 16, 2018, at 3:45 AM, W. L. Schafer <jazzresin@gmail.com> wrote:

what the


Saturday, January 26, 2019

2019-2020 SWP Printed Catalog Request

Hi my name is william schafer. Im an musician/artist living in missouri. Would like a catalog sent to me. I was thinking about Kerouac and the school for disembodied poetry and how beneficial it would be to interact with the workshops and attend classes of university.

I am not that concerned with the acquiring of degrees or credentials...more along the notion of how i can better place my eccentric self back into this expanding yet so disparate world.

I met william burroughs a year before his passing in lawrence kansas. I was staying with friends whom played together in the band blackwater. They lived a few blocks away from bill and knew where he lived. I saw bill before only briefly at the nova convention. I had wanted to meet bill as a few of his books had contained phenomena that were beyond explanation and had a lasting transformative effect upon me. On a sunday late morning i knocked on his door. He growled, 'what do you want?' And i told him just as you kerouac and ginsberg paid homage by visiting celine i was there to see him. No longer growling he invited me in. We spoke of many things, his favorite cartoons, creve coeur lake, genesis p.orridge, dr. fingers schafer, and the writings of thomas pynchon. The curved bejeweled dagger that brion gysin had given him was displayed on a table in his living room. He was very kind and generous and as said mi casa es su casa.

I would hope that this would be credentials enough for your consideration. I am interested in a new form of art i call elecro glyph and would like to research how it corresponds to the theoretical invention of photographed thoughts by the inventor nikoli tesla. My sister and her family have a ranch home in castle rock south of denver but i would probably need boarding of sorts for the extent of my stay.

Thank you.

william l. schafer
692 n. benton ave
marshall, mo 65340

I was sick it was 5 years ago 2013.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

So now the image isnt loading. Maybe they are finally believing that their person is a criminal. Fuck you badoo. You are the real criminals.

Screenshot 2018-12-22 at 2.26.02 AM

@doctor.nicki • Instagram photos and videos

i just found out about this. Who knows if the person that romance scammed bank fraud robbed me is the same as the woman shown in these images. I knew her as elizabeth lambert. She then changed her name to elizabeth rivera on facebook then to sarah elizabeth rowe. If it is her its a rotten way to pay for medical school. Smdh i would never invest in MRIs. Anyways i reported her to instagram as an imposter/impersonator. I already know they wont do a damn thing. They support criminals more so than victims. Karma will catch them too.