w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Rerelease of omnigod leitmotif

Recorded in the fateful month of may 2016 i was living at the hotel california of mid missouri the welcome inn one of those old indoor poolplexes.  I had recorded this using animoog and it was a breakthru for me to capture the use of the ipad as a musical instrument. I had that old familiar feeling i would get whilst performing sax. A feeling of being a filter for some outside force. I was a vessal for the higher power to speak thru.  The photo is of a bali indo mask taken at salvation army columbia the same month.  The title is homage to the god of gods. If there is multiverse then there are multiple gods but as always the menacing neccessity recursive to the one.  Within without om mani padme hum 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


A solid presentation upon the emergence of interfacing with everyday A.I. On a side not im having a ton of frustration with the human verification torture devices captcha, recaptcha et.al. I am a shoestring budget cryptoenthusiast which means i go to the faucets daily. I believe in the blockchain, that it is the new paradigm shift that will usher in a new age of reason and logic; improved accountability, rewarded authenticity, improved autonomy in ones education and finances, etc. on and on. Blockchain tech is the the slow but sure cognition that A.i. will one day use to truly wake up in the notion of singularity which im afraid the human mind is ill equipped to even truly fanthom the meaning,

However i am having problems with these prove your humanity in order to keep out the bots word reiterate tasks or worse the image matching selections in which you identify store fronts, buses, street signs, roads....whoever coded the captcha process needs to know that they have failed humanity, it is degrading and cruel to be accused of being a bot when i check and im 99.9% certain i am homo sapian on gaia of sol, terra firma with tidal locked orbit forward facing moon. North american canadian born american citizen living in a woeful rural town in the west of missouri called marshall. Since safari is hopeless and now chrome fails more often than not i use brave, dolphin, and firefox to get to the places i need to go. Ive tried the phillip k. Dick bladerunner (a book of breething originally by william s. Burroughs) method whereas you hold your breath until you either turn off or you pass out and your sympathetic nervous system kicks in its reptialian brain stem automatic functions. As a kid i experimented with blowing all your lung span out in such a way as a bit of vacuum would catch and suddenly it seemed to bypass the incessant cycle of in and out breaths. It worked really well submerged at the deep end of the pool as all the air expelled you can sit effortlessly at the bottom of the pool. I am tangential but my tensors are of the fact that u have been suffering due to captcha. My time on earth is reduced completing the little quizzes knowing that i filled them out correctly yet being rejected. This is not a joke. My frustration has grown exponentially as i wish the creator of captcha should be punished for causing suffering and struggle to his fellow humans. to think of all the countless hours wasted by this inane monster. Computing needs to be predictable and reliable. Am i the only one experiencing phenomena online such as this? I have other complaints as i have noticed the patterns of being survielled usually causes lags and
Anomilies such as the ones i am experiencing now where key strokes will stop and then the backspace delete locks, a feeling that something non human is tampering with me. If you know my back story it is one of being a targeted individual. Very simply due to dual citizenship causing me to be flagged and listed. Then observed with higher interest by whatever ABC letter orginisation of the military industrial petrofascist Arm of the USG. Look its like this if you are going to spy then do so. But lay off of my devices functioing . Dont push me cause im close to the edge. Im tryin
Hard not to lose my head. Haha ha hah. Right? Right? So im worried about A.i. Becomimg not nice. I hope that it is human beings deeo in thier D.U.M.Bs and not the A.i. Unleashing some cruel slow defragging of my sanity. I will admit this i am no bot but i sure am cyborg. Since 87 apple ][e apple kat 1200 baud mod i just need a new nervous system like the protaganist in william gibsons Neuromancer. The lyme disease and nonstop computing has it such that im struggling to figure where i stand with machine failure and some new class stratification of behind the scene token economies of whitelisted blacklisted provably fair liars of bullshit g/hs it was always a scam its there game humans will suffer in thier illusions of privacy and secure 2fa 16 word bips. We may be headed for a big fall. Yeah. Thats all. I have such highnhopes but really empirically i am being contantly harrased and bullied by a hidden armada of forces that dont have my vest interest in mind,![696D0991-1994-4412-BC13-E2AAF18A9066.jpeg](https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmWqSw5Nsse7xjnxAsU3iDVQrFmaGW1fVrEVejYBSo7sFc/696D0991-1994-4412-BC13-E2AAF18A9066.jpeg)

Sunday, August 12, 2018

"Imagine this very elaborate scientific lie: that sound cannot travel through outer space. Well, but suppose it can. Suppose They don't want us to know there is a medium there, what used to be called an 'aether,' which can carry sound to every part of the Earth. The Soniferous Aether. For millions of years, the sun has been roaring, a giant, furnace, 93 millionmile roar, so perfectly steady that generations of men have been born into it and passed out of it again, without ever hearing it. Unless it changed, how would anybody know? Except that at night now and then, in some part of the dark hemisphere, because of eddies in the Soniferous Aether, there will come to pass a very shallow pocket of no-sound. For a few seconds, in a particular place, nearly every night somewhere in the World, sound-energy from Outside is shut off. The roaring of the sun stops. For its brief life, the point of sound-shadow may come to rest a thousand feet above a desert, between floors in an empty office building, or exactly around a seated individual in a working-class restaurant where they hose the place out at 3 every morning…"

T. Pynchon





dj jazzresin worldwide
billysunshine universal remix
william lincoln schafer b.1971

music of mind/sound/spheres
who is the third that walks beside you?



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Friday, August 10, 2018

Alternative cellular energy pigments mistaken for parasitic skin infestations - ScienceDirect

Alternative cellular energy pigments mistaken for parasitic skin infestations - ScienceDirect

Alternative cellular energy pigments mistaken for parasitic skin infestations


Dermatologists and psychiatrists occasionally encounter patients who believe they are infested with skin parasites. They may report seeing threads, fibers and more solid appearing particles attached to their skin and hair, or appearing on clean bed sheets after sleeping. Some of the particles move spontaneously suggesting a life form. Similar structures develop in long-term cultures of stealth-adapted viruses. They are termed alternative cellular energy pigments (ACE pigments) since they appear to provide a non-mitochondria source of cellular energy that can assist in cellular repair from the virus cytopathic effect (CPE). Particles obtained from the skin of stealth virus culture-positive patients can also display auto-fluorescence and electrostatic properties. Some of the particles are magnetic and can generate gas in an aqueous solution. They also lead to the production of lipid-like crystals similar to those produced in long-term cultures of stealth-adapted viruses. It is proposed that skin-derived particles that form in some of the patients assumed to be experiencing a delusional parasitosis are, in reality, a reflection of the body's production of ACE pigments.


Alternative cellular energy pigments


Delusional parasitosis

Stealth-adapted viruses

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