w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017

fifth column out of here at Othership Nona Fin - SoundCloud


Elix hex diverge wisc mdf wls - SoundCloud


hop poppy - SoundCloud


When you the wing i am the wind - SoundCloud

When e.e.cummings wrote an intro to a book of krazy kat. The title though refers to a dream i had of william s. Burroughs in 94. I worked at the mizzou mbs bookstore trade paperbacks. Burroughs was to have a book signing. Instead some hyperdimensional like plane was presented. moving faster than anything yet staying relatively still. Still enough for bill to walk across the wind and state "when you the wind i am the wing. When you the wing i am the wind."

the problem with solipsism - SoundCloud


Friday, August 25, 2017

Track notes

another kansas city route. Killin time for a call. Never came. I am an indentured servant to a firebrand country girl. She drives me crazy. Not in that way though i wish. Jealousy of her others...the exboyfriends nword and his kids. The masonic heir dumb farm boy. Billy and christine. My first girlfriend christine gastler. She had that country girl allure faar more dangerous thAn anybsuburb city bird. But out of all this i still think of my wildchild woman s.vietmeier. I conjure your memories just to counterbalance my struggles,with my latest flame. Damn love use to be easy no victem no smartphone cold shoulder. No witheld love no suspect deciet.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

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Listen to my latest mix!

Hey! I've just recorded a great mix with edjing, the 1st world DJ app! Hope you'll enjoy it :)

Listen to my latest mix! Au

Hey! I've just recorded a great mix with edjing, the 1st world DJ app! Hope you'll enjoy it :)

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Ant Man Bee - Guanine | Potluk

https://potluk.bandcamp.com/track/ant-man-bee-guanine H.covey -voice, lyrics, percussion. D.dice fx guitar. W. Schafer (jazzresin) bass, composition. Quinn palmer akai ax-60 synthesizer, producer, engineer. Spring 1994 columbia missouri hitt st.

Friday, April 7, 2017

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Get the most profit of your computer. Automine coins with highest exchange rate.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


It has been a while since I've had my last full on Morgellons lesion this one is in my nose it is an open lesion I was on both sides I got a down one side now though it's a lesion on pulling very Mike is fiber is paying for fibers out there long strands why the coil well they're not here as if they were hairs on this and I like the body must've took them on her like a ingrown hairs and the ingrown hairs most of the deteriorated after while to make it so thin you things out there and Simusz they just they keep coming to God I can hear them I know this sounds funny but when I move my John with my head or do anything of the sort there is this crackling noises which I assume is the film at communicating with his other parts bolivar the ferry filament please call the bacteria right in right now I hear this could could could could check check check could could could could could could could could click click click click click click and I could could could could check check check check check check check check to talk to Jackie to Chuck chuck chuck chuck using a triple antibiotic that helps out immensely but I don't so doesn't get infected the deletion stays open very painful to like my whole knows my whole face in general seems to be kind of in a state of mollies how do you feel kind of worn down my arm is not correcting as well as I thought it would I'm wondering if it's the metal plates my body that are causing the precarious alignment that I thought I had agreed upon during this would disrupt and where and I didn't think that I got rid of Morgellons lime disease I taught that is an out of my system I have adjusted to and it had adjusted to me this is a smart saw her this is not typical saw the thing on this can you please not a nice feeling is this you can't have a glorious burns it disrupts ones flow of the day pretty bad but I am also dealing with heartbreak of relationship from going with my girlfriend Robin is slow but sure is there any things made my theory is that my theory is that these filaments have to come out with their core processes whatever bug but the brain behind the film and removed I don't know how far back it goes in as could be in the amygdala you know I feel in the back my bar of my throat is like I can hear it in my head itself it's very maddening Acacian nothing but nice to go away and I'm thinking about it and it's become aware of the quantum about it anyways sending this out

Friday, February 10, 2017

Check out textPlus

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- William

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Monday, January 30, 2017

Fwd: the collision

Sent to awaken the most extraordinary CE-5 event


Begin forwarded message:

From: Julian Thomas <blackaugustent@gmail.com>
Date: January 30, 2017 at 10:36:48 AM CST
To: "alex h.melise" <complexlex@gmail.com>
Subject: the collision

this shit went hard this week

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The new decay of light disrupts sephiroth rewrites - SoundCloud



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Friday, December 30, 2016


The feedback influence upon ones psyche upon the fractal of multiverse is evident and astounding. The awareness of the varied often unique phenomena leads towards both composing and recieving meaningfulness, that being the true sustinence of the soul. The effecient hypercomplexity of archetypal glyphs is felt through all expression but crystallized and communicable by those willing to communicatecand relenquish their intent and interaction.They then act as strange attractors effortlessly influencing space/time and collective conciousness. Indeed we know this type as the sensate, the creators, the artist! Woe to them as they now walk an often uncharted path as they succumb to the strife of secure livlihood yet unto their selves and all dimemsions their responsibility knowing that their work has to exist and preferably demonstrated more so than simple vanity or attention seeking. They often fall prey to humility of intelligence, seeking cooperation rather than the competition that external influences limit the currents and eddys of style in order to profit from a predictable controlable consumer audience. Most these days still accept the corperation but are aware of the burgeoning metamorphosis of subculture and the celebration that any one of us through work, perseverence, study, experimentation, or ability to realize visions of imaginations and organize with like minded others to celebrate life through signifying meaning. Art makes life worth living. William L. Schafer, aka dj jazzresin, aka billy sunshine. 12/29/2016 Marshall, Missouri, United States, Gaia.

wls 777 since 1971.

Listen to my latest scratch routine!

Hey! I've just created a new awesome scratch routine with edjing Scratch and Mixfader, the first connected crossfader! Listen to my performance :)

wls 777 since 1971. Jazz