w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Monday, June 24, 2013

Radio Anomaly: http://iridl.ldeo.columbia.edu/maproom/Global/Precipitation/Pentad_OLR.html
Shakemap, PrincetonUniv: http://global.shakemovie.princeton.edu/event.jsp
US TEC: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ustec/images/index.html
US Windmap http://hint.fm/wind/
US Severe Weather: http://www.weather.com/news/tornado-central/severe-weather-tracker-page
MET Office: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/europe/forecast.html
NOAA: http://www.weather.gov/forecastmaps
EU Weather Alerts: http://www.meteoalarm.eu
US Weather Warnings: http://www.weather.gov
India: http://www.imd.gov.in/section/nhac/dynamic/allindia_main.htm http://www.imd.gov.in/section/satmet/img/sanew.htm

NDBC Buoys: http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/
Tropical Storms: http://www.wunderground.com/tropical/
HurricaneZone Satellite Images: http://www.hurricanezone.net/westpacific/animations.html
Weather Channel: http://www.weather.com/
NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory: http://www.nnvl.noaa.gov/Default.php
Pressure Maps: http://www.woweather.com/cgi-bin/expertcharts?LANG=us&MENU=0000000000&CONT=glob&MODELL=gfs&MODELLTYP=1&BASE=-&VAR=pslv&HH=0&ARCHIV=0&PANEL=0&ZOOM=0&PERIOD=
Satellite Maps: http://www.woweather.com/cgi-app/satellite?LANG=us&CONT=namk
Forecast Maps: http://www.woweather.com/weather/maps/forecastmaps?LANG=us&CONT=usus
EL DORADO WORLD WEATHER MAP: http://www.eldoradocountyweather.com/satellite/ssec/world/world-composite-ir-sat.html
TORCON: http://www.weather.com/news/tornado-torcon-index [Tornado Forecast for the day]
HURRICANE TRACKER: http://www.weather.com/weather/hurricanecentral/tracker

Precipitation Totals: http://www.cocorahs.org/ViewData/ListIntensePrecipReports.aspx
GOES Satellites: http://rsd.gsfc.nasa.gov/goes/
THE WINDMAP: http://hint.fm/wind/
Severe Weather Threats: http://www.weather.com/news/weather-severe/severe-weather-tracker
Canada Weather Office Satellite Composites: http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/satellite/index_e.html
Temperature Delta: http://www.intellicast.com/National/Temperature/Delta.aspx
: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/extremes/records/

Spaceweather: http://spaceweather.com
SOHO Solar Wind: http://umtof.umd.edu/pm/
HAARP Data Meters: http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp/data.html
Planetary Orbital Diagram - Ceres1 JPL: http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=ceres;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=0#orb
SDO: http://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/
Helioviewer: http://www.helioviewer.org/
SOHO: http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/soho_movie_theater
Stereo: http://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/images
SOLARIMG: http://solarimg.org/artis/
iSWA: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov/iswa/iSWA.html
NASA ENLIL SPIRAL: http://iswa.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/iSWACygnetStreamer?timestamp=2038-01-23+00%3A44%3A00&window=-1&cygnetId=261
NOAA ENLIL SPIRAL: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/wsa-enlil/
GOES Xray: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/sxi/goes15/index.html
Gamma Ray Bursts: http://grb.sonoma.edu/
BARTOL Cosmic Rays: http://neutronm.bartol.udel.edu//spaceweather/welcome.html
ISWA: http://iswa.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/
NOAA Sunspot Classifications: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ftpdir/latest/SRS.txt
GONG: http://gong2.nso.edu/dailyimages/
GONG Magnetic Maps: http://gong.nso.edu/data/magmap/ondemand.html

MISC Links:
JAPAN Radiation Map: http://jciv.iidj.net/map/
RADIATION Network: http://radiationnetwork.com/
LISS: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/monitoring/operations/heliplots_gsn.php
QUAKES LIST FULL: http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake/seismologist.php
RSOE: http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/index2.php [That cool alert map I use]
Moon: http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/pacalc.html


Man i studied 10 credit hours of Nippon at MU before i found out my degree required a romance language. I took french for two days before bailing and switching to deutsch. Music of deutschland i like. Beethoven bach wagner can kraftwerk neu! Einsturzende Neubauten is the best expression of the hollow way of guilt and self hate of their fathers sin. Blixa Bargelds Shriek. Tanz de bil. Halbermensh. Acid drenched bad trip ascetisism. I have that too being son of Glyphosate. My karma is weighed as monsanto is more than a sin. I aint no nazi and never will be. I do believe that we all need to wake up and be world citizens if we want to travel the interstellar music sun ra parliment uncut mothership. Help?!?
hen 20 guns get drawn on you for playin sax a phone so blue. U dont know how the love is lost forever and it is done gone through. Next time it happens i'll play the fool and make a fuss and act all cruel. They'll shoot me dead and i'll be through. It's what i want in a world corrupt and corrdid. My corridor of peace is gone shattered in pieces. Am i the impliment or is it the sax. Morgellons borrealai. When twenty guns get drawn. Wrists bent and contorted in cuffs. Dripping springs its not your fault. What did i say wrong. My peacock jazz walk. My lingo shot. I lay bleeding in my head. I smacked upon the jail walls till i gave myself a concussion. I cry for the other inmates jailed for petty crimes of survival and misunderstanding. With tiny grimey meals meal worms. Superjail in clayton. I sleep a waking nightmare without neurontin nerves are frail with misfire upon misfire. When 20 guns get drawn upon you playin a pawn shop saxophone. Dont. Just run and theyll shoot u dead. Shoot u dead shoot u dead. Its what u want now in hideous world shade shadow me this shadow me that. I wrote a song tonite outsida vintage vinyl. S'bout when 20 guns drawn upon a saxophone player blue. I blow sax. I blew it???? What did i do???? Ill with morgellons....nova police gonna nail me to the cross for crimes against time travel. Fkt. I shake with shot nerves. Next time i'll make a fuss and have them rat-a-tat me. C'est la vie. It would be an interesting death. Shall i do it again??? Look at me i'm blowing up. Ka-blu-ee. Kilroy was here. I'm a ghost of my former self. Dint even know i'm honor roll of stl sax players. It's an honor just to be in the same space as dave stone!!! Life can fuk u up. Morgellons can fuk u up more than life. I'm fukt fuckt. When i get to hell. I'll be workin as charon. Comin or goin?? Never know. Keep goin'
May 12
X Wesley Holloway Melise

May 16 · Seen 1:05pm · Sent from Mobile

Reboot i'm afraid the disk drive is fragmented beyond repair. ___. - I'll get a 300tb and start transfer copying what i can. Damn sleep/power/­hibernation/­screensaver GatesBill minotaurs keep fukin up the process. Morgellons has got me under it's spell this morning. I still gaze in horror and awe at the impossible parasitical life extracted that i play host to. (((FREAK SHOW))) if tick bourne vector illness goes bedbug we're all gonna suffer hell....


Phreak a mudder fodder will u? Several hours later I git got done. Man. I messed up thinkin ya'll was manager. (I thought it meant comrades and support. I had to do the this and that to reestablish my OLD SKOOL kloak n scagher the fuckin beeatch. Facebook stock? Wutever call me a nazi will u. Jus cause wot. Son of glyphosate tryin to write a book and a fictional metamovie director as character....i am sweatin in this sweatlodge of a mobile swinglow mobile recording studio. Wots with yer blitzkrieg on me bra??? I forgive and all. I cant visit U cause I did WOT U toll me to do. Fool. Anyways its done with fun. U can hit me i wont hit back. But i sure can pen a scrap of worthless paper and make it bloodmoney. I'm a goddamnednblessittofuk AUTHOR now. Musician is secondary (cloaked...rich and uinvisible to the music making im confident and confirmed i play for noone but wind and quasars u dig? Sure the blood penny is valuable. U a stoopid fooll for cursin at people throwin you money. Of course RAIN PELTED BRuISED SMELTED one does not care if the xoin missed the case. Yeah if you deleted http://www.facebook.com/jazzresin you would have messed ALL of my FACEBOOK up not jus the stooppid page but my hidden name. The name of the movie when i die. One of my seven souls. I love you alex. Dont be to difficult with my thanatos. FKALL with passion y'know and of course ONELOVE.) This letter to FB enabled me to cancel the scheduled deletion: I am primary manager (creator) of a page. My friends phone was abused by her wife and she chose to permanantly delete page. I have removed my friend as a manager but i still am unable to undo the scheduled deletion. The page is http://www.facebook.com/jazzresin.


Press Contact
Booking Agent
Will @ 3143232999
DJ jazzresin: TechnoShaman SoundSculptor Visionary Metafiction
Bill Schafer's dedication towards the field of music includes performance, composition, education, therapy, theory, research, directing, and conducting. He was the recipient of the 2003 University of Missouri-St. Louis outstanding music education student award. Bill has studied double bass with Henry Loew, principal bassist St. Louis Symphony Orchestra, and saxophone with Barbara Wood and Jamey Aebersold. He currently is working towards an equivalency degree and masters degree in music therapy... Continue Reading
Sonic Archaeology; Willpower quantuum observations; William S. Burroughs permissions; ANT MAN BEE uhuru; Gabriels Horns. Revelations. The Heavenly Music Corportation.
Band Interests
Om Mani Padme Hum
Artists We Also Like
Ryoj IKEDa Alva NOTO Keith Fullerton Whitman
Basic Info
Start Date
May 23, 1995
Release Date
January 23, 1996
experimental, cut-up, splicedelica ,jazz noir, metamusic, soundtracks, quasar soliloquies
Jazzresin, Silent Birdson, Kilometer Jones, Lloyd Lleyellyn Bum billBee.Billy Sunshine.
Saint Louis
Record Label
Nowhere Records; AMB inc. ; The Heavenly Musi Corportation
General Manager
Mela Yela
CAN Ant Man Bee Department of Eagles, City Squirrel, The Exit, St. Monday, The Pat Sajak Aassassins, Muddy Waters, Jimi Hendrix, Charlie Parker, Lester Young, Nina Simone, Beethoven, Xenakis, Stockhausen, Moondog, Captain Beefheart.
Current Location
Saint Louis


Whats yer take. When we were teenagers i struggled with the fact that Monsanto enabled overpopulation. Now it is known that it is unsafe and terribly unhealthy (roundup..glyphosate) very well may play a part in some cog of population control. In game theory it can be seen as a lose-lose (win) if so 888 evil scientist xxxxxx are agents of a utopian effort. Sigh. Bill gates pushin vaccines. ChemContrails dumping neurotoxic nanoaluminum barium with the guise of cooling the planet from global warming..... I could use an opinion. Near extinction events are just a blip upon the media. What is your writ, your poetry, word virus, time travel efforts like xxxxxxxx? Madness is such a cheap story plot. Post apocolyptical dreams seem so pleasant and refeshing. How is your mind/body adapting to WI/FI radiation. Are u integrated with Smartphone symbiosis. I read burroughs letters to ginsberg and kerouac. I'll be honest. You are the command intellect of Burroughs and i am the schlehmehl reactionary that is Ginsberg. I still have your smal press published poetry that i adore. Amongst my house of treasures there is a grey binder with our correspondeces handwritten. I hope it is within the hastly hoarded treasures i crammed into a U-Store 8x16x10 tomb. It would make great fodder for 'the Novel' I plead that u keep my lifelight real it doesnt need to be REAL/REAL. Just enough to help keep me alive. 20-40 hardbacks would seal the glyph upon the wild Yaw yet keeping to the Way. Word all and then some, !ibill.


onsanto's Game Over: Extreme Toxicity of Roundup Destroys Justification for GM Agriculture

If Monsanto's Roundup herbicide were actually 'safer than table salt' as they once advertised, the consumption of GM food wouldn't be nearly as controversial. The truth, however, is that virtually all GM food today contains residues of this toxic chemical, which disproves that GM and non-GM foods are "substantially equivalent," which is the primary doctrinal justification behind why GM foods are not properly safety tested and millions in this country eating them are living and breathing guinea pigs.

There was a time when Monsanto claimed their patented herbicide Roundup was "safer than table salt" and "practically nontoxic," and aggressively marketed this message until 1996, when they were ordered by Dennis C. Vacco, the Attorney General of New York, to pull the ads.[1]

Fast forward 15 years, after millions of farmers around the world bought into the false advertising and who, as a result, are now driving the production and use of several hundred million pounds of the chemical annually, Roundup herbicide is beginning to look eerily like Monsanto's Agent Orange 2.0.

Indeed, within the scientific community and educated public alike, there is a growing awareness that Roundup herbicide, and its primary ingredient glyphosate, is actually a broad spectrum biocide, in the etymological sense of the word: "bio" (life) and "cide" (kill) – that is, it broadly, without discrimination kills living things, not just plants. Moreover, it does not rapidly biodegrade as widely claimed, and exceedingly small amounts of this chemical – in concentration ranges found in recently sampled rain, air, groundwater, and human urine samples – have DNA-damaging and cancer cell proliferation stimulating effects.

You don't have to look very far to find research documenting its extreme and wide-ranging toxicity. Anyone with a smart phone can now access the accumulating body of experimental and
epidemiological research freely available on the National Library of Medicine's citation database MEDLINE, proving that glyphosate-based agrichemicals have been linked to over 40 health conditions, from Parkinson's to Leukemia, and over two dozen modes of toxicity, from causing damage to the DNA to disrupting hormone receptors, from suppressing the immune system to damaging neurons. To view all 26 adverse physiological actions visit our open access, MEDLINE-derived Glyphosate Formulation research page.

Once the public begin to let the reality of Roundup's parts-per-trillion toxicity sink in, then another realization naturally follows. The vast majority of GM crops are designed to survive chemical poisoning with Roundup. So-called 'Roundup ready' or 'glyphosate-resistant' plants are sprayed with this chemical, ensuring they are contaminated with toxic residues. This means that the potentially endless, impossible to resolve debate over whether GM transgenes inserted into food and feed crops produce 'allergenic' or 'potentially toxic' proteins only scratches the surface of the problem, acting like a smokescreen distracting from the more obvious problems associated with the clear and present threat of glyphosate/Roundup toxicity.

Essentially, if you are eating anything that is not explicitly labeled non-GMO or USDA certified organic (and there are reasons to doubt the veracity of this logo), you are being exposed to Roundup and its toxic metabolites. And when we say 'exposed' we are using a euphemism for poisoned. This also means that the primary doctrinal justification for not labeling, adequately safety testing, and regulating GM foods, namely, the view that they are 'substantially equivalent,' no longer holds any water.

Roundup poisoned food is never equivalent to Roundup-free food.

In order to drive momentum towards mass awareness of Roundup and Roundup-Ready agriculture toxicity, we are offering a free PDF download of our accumulated research on the topic to be shared far and wide. It is a 100% peer-reviewed and published research document, with hyperlinks back to the original citation location on the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE. Please download it here today:


For additional research and articles on the dangers associated with GMO food, visit our research page on the topic: Health Guide: GMO Research

[1] The New York Times, Monsanto recruits the horticulturist of the San Diego Zoo to pitch its popular herbicide, May 29, 1997

This article first appeared at GreenMedInfo. Please visit to access their vast database of articles and the latest information in natural health.

Ed Snowden may be a hired fall guy for the USG. Nonetheless he WILL be seen as a true american hero when the routing of corruption completes its swift task. I commend President Obama's support of the White House 'hackathon 2013' we will find out where the missing 475 trillion dollars of american taxpayers money has been siphoned to over the years. The USG has to be held accountable for not serving the people. It is now known that England handed over massive data taps to the NSA also.


Message recieved Karen. I will see you on Tuesday in order to set for friday. I wrote a cardinals song last year that samples the ------ theme. If we can uncut funk the polka out of it the version would be $,$$$,$$$. The lyrics are endearing too. 'St. Louis baseball is the best in the World (------------) St. Louis cardinals xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwn( you know its true) have a bxx wxxxx or if ya dont drink then a soda pop or ice tea or a lemonade, a or a (sponsered advertiser product like NOS, aMp, monster, or Red bull, yeah redbull for the Redwings.) ... On and on other verse would be about the best fans and stan the man and we'd love for albert pulls to come on home if he took a paycut and a half. Lol.


JOY! like the firstime i saw a psychic TV video! the video was called 'Joy' i saw it after my band Ant man Bee (columbia, mo chapter) had played a Gig at the Bluenote and someone dosed me took me to their crib and had me watch Psychic TV and Einsturzende Neubauten's 'Halber Mensh' movie!!! thank you and then some for this share! Department of Eagles and Grizzly Bear have been SOUL SOUNDTRACK to me since i first heard em on Hype MAchine (user name jazzresin) you all are the Voice of Generation WH(Y)!!! as a spokesman of GenX I say as you all do 'onelove'


ecorded in 1959. Born January 27, 1930, Rosemark, Tennessee. Moved to Memphis 1948. Played with Billy 'Red' Love and other influential Delta musicians. First recording was Dry Up Baby (Modern 848). Entered Armed Services 1952, joined Johnny Ace Revue after discharge, having signed with Duke Records. First smash hit, It's My Life Baby, 1955 followed by years of consistent success in R&B market.

In the 50s and early 60s, Bobby "Blue" Bland was one of the main creators of the modern soul-blues sound. Along with such artists as Sam Cooke, Ray Charles, and Junior Parker, Bland developed a sound that mixed gospel with blues and R&B. Bobby's style of soul-blues was punctuated with a big-band sound and slick, B.B. King-flavored guitar riffs.

Bland was born and raised in Rosemark, a small town just outside Memphis. In 1947 he moved to the city with his mother and began his career, first as a singer in the gospel group the Miniatures, then in the loosely knit blues group ...

Rant n rave to no one in

Rant n rave outside of Mangia Italiano to no one in particular...

Generation Y generation WHY better figure it. Generation WHY Generation X is dead and fried circuitry altered attempts at understanding and contributing. But Generation Y don't you know Generation 'AlphaOmega' is bout to come of age. Need to figure it out Quick. God bless the Youth Generation Hippie Counterculture Digital Pioneer Generation but Generation X died with 'this is really happening' LCD soundsystem. Gen X hacked since applekat modems and Bulliten Board Systems. Generation WhY the Internet was given to you. Hack deeper Generation WHY it up to YoU to guide Generation 'ALphaOmeGa' End or Begin. Love is not the answer Fkall Onelove. As the center of the milkyway there is an essential supermassive blackhole that puts the god endorsed motion of life into play the spin of sol gaia luna. We ALL nearly died a couple a weeks back in this june of twenty-thirteen when an extinction event astroid flew close enough to earth. Close enough to super8 the surface. Now the Moon is the closest its ever been to us in recorded history. I also am tortured by the aromatic decay. The nano-aluminum/barium stench of slow population control dumped upon us daily in order to stem off 'global warming' is far worse than the organic floral joy of organic skunk. Whale blubber....i cry for the children not yet born....generation 'alphaomega' seek help from WHY n X n Boomer. It's too late for us.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Half Zillion

He spoke some true to true trueness. Cyberpunk William Gibson Neuromancer Mona Lisa Overdrive steam punk Say it How it Oughta Be!! The Hackers invited to the White House to Route out the Corruption. A Bold Move by Obama!! WE ALREADY KNOW that the USG is spyin' on its own. We are living in a totalitarian surveillance state yet we recieve little to no benifits of communism. Slaves we are yet we have to pay rent and provide for ourselves. I cant remember the source but the syphon missing from the taxpayers over the years is estimated at 475trillion dollars!!! It makes our deficit seem small. WHErE did the half a Zillion dollars go??????


Greetings, i am an ol skool pseudo hacker. I was apprentice to a real hacker named Brian V--N. In the late eighties as teenagers we were about the new paradigm of software and Hacked Free. Both of us were Apple ][e and were always frying our modems. Applekat 2400 baud. BBS. Bulliten Board Systems. Trading 5.1/4" floppies with Charles Wallace. Frying the sysop of Apple Manor accidently turning on his kill switch (the room light). Lots of good stories. I returned to computing (hacking) in the late 90's with the advance of mp3 and P2P. I would like to attend or join your group. I believe hackers may save us all. Infromation Wars are heated and i want to offer myself as service. Onelove/Fkall. (The grey mouser was my old BBS user name but now i go by jazzresin world wide.)0

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Chemtrails, Immune Systems, And Smoking



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Saturday, June 22, 2013

WLS 777


Was goin on my bruh?? I dont know!!! Not an idea!!! I came to see you!! I couldnt sEe you. Was told not to come around so i dint.

if U fuk up ethics n morals thas on yer karma. I have nothin to hide but u cross line posting as me. I was told not to come round you holmes. I dont know if its u or yer 'wife' thats writing me all the hate mail. My esteem of self is so non existent that it dont hurt much. I dont plan on having much time. More important than our friendship, which means alot to me, is for me to get well with the lord. So bygones be bygones. And wuteva is like 'yeah yeah yeah' means nothin but a dismissal. SoRry bout death drugs. Im sure yer 'wife' would think POoRly upon my need to self medicate. Well fuck her. She has no idea how poor my outlook is. If she was a TRUE christian she wouldnt be hacking your account to hack me. Fuckin hack the corrupt system not a member of the choir, minister, pastor....chaplain. I'll always think of you as comrade. But as i git sicker i know that my illness has caused me to lose or cause distance with friends.

I fucked up but my genius friend you wrote the script in which i fucked up. I suppose i'll never see you again. We did. Go out on a blast, rock n roll n uncut funk, one love. N fkall with passion and the healthy bestial love that god made us all kinky with. Missionary bitches send you to church might keep u alive but it AInT goNna make u happy. But happy dont matter really. Love you always Alexander Wesley Hollaway Melise. Always and then Some!!! william lincoln schafer.

If neccesary this would be an appropriate end of reference to @jazzresin @melayela. And end correspondence.

nowonz hohm productions INC.



Friday, June 21, 2013

CDC - Tick Removal - Ticks



Sing unto the lord

Pshaa, girl ive heard you singin soft under yer breathe. Now what u do is not give a FUCK what other people and you find a place to start Belting and projecting. I recommend parking in lonely parking garages all to yourself. Campout. And sing. Sing with your children. They all have quite a bit of your talent AND shyness. Liberty my love. We can fight back by singing. U dont EVEN HAVE to sing to the lord (though i recommend it always) lyrics u find off the internet. Blog or facebook the song you want and work it. Usually have to fiddle with it first 8-16 times. Memorizing lyrics??? Well i cant speak on that im no good at it. All i know is you do have to work on quick breaths vs. Deep breaths. Sometimes the quick exhale of old oxygen to get the fresh and o yeah 0O0O open the mouth n throat!!! (I took two semesters of vocal tech at umsl (they were pretty easy cause i'd already suffered on solfeggeto do-re-mi. Do re may do sol ti. Do. Re mi fa sol la ti (or some say si) do. I would love to help. Gots to be informal though like pal to pal. You really dont want me in teacher mode. (Cause im bossy. Lol. Not mean. Just damn bossy and i get snotty with my voice and accidently call my students 'silly' (better than sayin you ninny or damned fool how many times i got to tell you. If the key is G- one sharp in the clef you MUST play F# unless it says F¤ (no natural sign so ¤ means regular or natural ol F) see it gets brutal. Best to sing to the Lord. Music theory is a cruel wonderful and precise science
How can we learn to LOVE the Morgellons?? Seriously it is the WORST. A million other forms of torture would be kinder than the inhumane, unethical, and downright cruel nature of the illness. Even worse!!! The ungraceful, ugly, and conspirital treament from other human beings. Lol or vice versa. I remember in Buddhism studies there are these 'tiny painful teacher's' called "klesha(s) so correlate it with prarieland



Thursday, June 20, 2013


u can hire me, dj jazzresin, for 20$ a night tel. u supply the soundsystem. i will provide the sonic satori. bonus is that u get to keep a digital version after the gig. all night. tell your friends. worldwide dj jazzresin. 3143232999. peace! i'm in bocomo til next tuesday.

Morgellons and the CIA’s MK/NAOMI Project (Part 2)



Borrelia burgdorferi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia









All Articles | Morgellons - A Mundane Approach




Thank you for the invite to the community. I am an activist in our shared dilemma.... What i know and believe is not so optimistic. I have no cure. I do recommend seeing a pysch as we have been fighting a losing war. Ask for Neurontin if you have severe skin sensations/phenomena and or neuropathy. Ask for colonopin or other anti-anxiety medicine. You are suffering traumatic stress w/ extended toxic shock syndrome..


Try to get you surfing the webs instead of this freefall downward spiral.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Re: My Phoenix burns so painful, or am i already the singed worm?? Advice upon my future or critique upon my past would be greatly appreciated!!

Love covers a multitude and your genius should not be shamed grey boy write your frenetic frantic !! !!!


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On Jun 18, 2013, at 3:14 PM, jazzresin@gmail.com wrote:

> Love always and thanks in advance for your time. We attempt to hold on to beauty and make objects sounds words. By holding on illness is seeded. Against the grain of god and society the artist spirals down or outwards. Enjoy the ride, face the music, accumulate and hoard, give the treasures away free to kind minded. We hold our shit in when of course nature insists we expel. I stop eating. Then no expel. Dead buDdha kick oxygen kick water. Coffee, ETOH, and tobacco. Fine. Perhaps i should start smoking the kind... Travel to colorado and be legal about the medicinal use. Lord knows i'm hurt beyond comprehension. My Soul is treacherous in its thanatos to burn Phoenix failure it all. Self destroy since i have done my best to fuck it all up. Against God, Society, and now the talons and beak wish to rip the very honest self to bloody unmerciful shreds. My unconscious i fathom is plotting accidental 'screaming across the screen' i roll i ching now like phillip k. Dick. I know i have a novel to write. The i ching agreed upon Windsor with a penchon for return to Columbia with its street medicine. Damn can i sell my Rothko/Warhol/Basquait/Calder, etc. If u know me. My play/play is DEAD SERIOUS. U saw my art accumulation!!! Ana, -I'm sorry but the Art was bought by ME and my speed reading EYE with the help of THe GHOSTS of 1300 s. 10th st. THEY WERE GOOD SPIRITS!!!! An original stl jew art collector hoarder who sold chicken eggs to his RiCh GROCER Brother. (Analagous to mike and joe freeman!!! Our best men rememeber?? ) I would buy all of you tickets and rooms in both FIJI and Tahiti then finally St. Thomas island. SSDI is so bad for any continued existence of mine. Fkt if I stay in current situation. My crossroad of catch 22's....please!!! Off the tesselation travesty. I pulled the saxophone split reed splinter out of my lip after 5 days of perturbed torture. The morgellons, damn/bless it would form its angel hairs in attempt to integrate the wound. I would not allow it and removed hundreds of tendrils that formulated around my lip sore. In a painful shower i had removed a prime filament which caused MAJOR body and back pain. Some unholy alignment had been disrupted in its control overme. My medicine bag is half empty. I was to save it. So in motion i must fly to BLAZE in order to fix the 13,000$ 68 mark VI that i call serena my own holy horn. Then a queer visit to ANNA illinois i must. For the first time at starbucks i heard Daniel Rossen of Grizzly bear/ department of eagles. Good job Starbucks. I like your coffee. Like mE!. I am sick and in my clinical knowledge of psychiatric dsmVI-V. Am certainly now psychiotic. My worm is resilience that i'm not sure i posess. A dead buddha's last lifetime? I am no Amitahba. Are we all not Job?
> 777

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My Phoenix burns so painful, or am i already the singed worm?? Advice upon my future or critique upon my past would be greatly appreciated!!

Love always and thanks in advance for your time. We attempt to hold on to beauty and make objects sounds words. By holding on illness is seeded. Against the grain of god and society the artist spirals down or outwards. Enjoy the ride, face the music, accumulate and hoard, give the treasures away free to kind minded. We hold our shit in when of course nature insists we expel. I stop eating. Then no expel. Dead buDdha kick oxygen kick water. Coffee, ETOH, and tobacco. Fine. Perhaps i should start smoking the kind... Travel to colorado and be legal about the medicinal use. Lord knows i'm hurt beyond comprehension. My Soul is treacherous in its thanatos to burn Phoenix failure it all. Self destroy since i have done my best to fuck it all up. Against God, Society, and now the talons and beak wish to rip the very honest self to bloody unmerciful shreds. My unconscious i fathom is plotting accidental 'screaming across the screen' i roll i ching now like phillip k. Dick. I know i have a novel to write. The i ching agreed upon Windsor with a penchon for return to Columbia with its street medicine. Damn can i sell my Rothko/Warhol/Basquait/Calder, etc. If u know me. My play/play is DEAD SERIOUS. U saw my art accumulation!!! Ana, -I'm sorry but the Art was bought by ME and my speed reading EYE with the help of THe GHOSTS of 1300 s. 10th st. THEY WERE GOOD SPIRITS!!!! An original stl jew art collector hoarder who sold chicken eggs to his RiCh GROCER Brother. (Analagous to mike and joe freeman!!! Our best men rememeber?? ) I would buy all of you tickets and rooms in both FIJI and Tahiti then finally St. Thomas island. SSDI is so bad for any continued existence of mine. Fkt if I stay in current situation. My crossroad of catch 22's....please!!! Off the tesselation travesty. I pulled the saxophone split reed splinter out of my lip after 5 days of perturbed torture. The morgellons, damn/bless it would form its angel hairs in attempt to integrate the wound. I would not allow it and removed hundreds of tendrils that formulated around my lip sore. In a painful shower i had removed a prime filament which caused MAJOR body and back pain. Some unholy alignment had been disrupted in its control overme. My medicine bag is half empty. I was to save it. So in motion i must fly to BLAZE in order to fix the 13,000$ 68 mark VI that i call serena my own holy horn. Then a queer visit to ANNA illinois i must. For the first time at starbucks i heard Daniel Rossen of Grizzly bear/ department of eagles. Good job Starbucks. I like your coffee. Like mE!. I am sick and in my clinical knowledge of psychiatric dsmVI-V. Am certainly now psychiotic. My worm is resilience that i'm not sure i posess. A dead buddha's last lifetime? I am no Amitahba. Are we all not Job?

Monday, June 17, 2013

Remarks made in social security disability application

Onset of illness occurred in 2008. Numerous visits to dermatologists and PCP were ineffective in treating symptoms. Use of BJC human resources encouraged psychiatric care. Psychiatric treatment was ineffective in treating worsening symptoms. Marriage failed due to illness and subsequent divorce, along with worsening symptoms, caused three separate FMLA leaves from job as music therapist (MT-BC music therapist board certified) with BJH psychiatric services adult in-pt ward/Activity Therapy dept. Was deemed unfit for duty by Human Resources on 9/11/2012. Emergency Funds were granted after application. Long Term Disability was approved in April 2013. Loss of House to ex-wife's demands occured in Feb 2013. Currently homeless/living with parents.

I ran out of space to add the following

September of 2011- self diagnosed symptoms as being analogous to Morgellons. Recent research correlates Morgellons to being a hybrid of the tick borne vector illness Lyme Disease; i.e. a bacterial infection of Borreali Burgdorferi, a systemic disease, that if not treated within the first few years, worsens into symptoms of brain fog, severe joint muscle pain, neuropathy,G.I. disturbances, obsessive/compulsive behavior, severe fatigue, attention deficit disorders, social awkwardness, anxiety & stress disorders, and eventually psychosis and death.   

Malpractice suit?

Nine visits to a dermatologist and Dr. Anadkat was unable to diagnose the trade-mark tell tale sign of Lyme Disease, the bullseye like markings. I have numerous digital photographs showing a bullseye sores. In many ways I would say a malpractice suit against Dr. Anadkat would certainly be in order. I was happily married, my wife was in love with me. We had a wonderful house and plenty of retirement dreams. I had a job that I believed in and gave more than 100% to on a daily basis. I had many hobbies and interests. All that has been stripped from me, inhumanly. Dr. Anadkat's diagnosis was lazy and his treatment was brief and vague. Often he would berate me, saying "you need to get a hobby" or "why don't you practice your instruments more." Any suggestion of treatment or suspected cause I would offer he would quickly dismiss. His last visit entailed him telling me that he could do no more for me and that he would recommend me to a behavioral specialist; he did not follow up upon his recommendation. I am not the suing type but the scope and depth of my tragedy is severe enough to  inquire upon the feasibility of my claim.

Anyways, thanks in advance for advice.\

WLS 777

Letter to Goddard

Yaw waY loves the drama. Pretty is not the only game in town. Ride a razor edge of now... after awhile even that will cut you. There is no ground to stand upon. I reminisce and howl angry tears then zen dew drop. What matter? No matter. Now? Hold on when it gets ugly. The psyche was programmed to fail. So when the gettin's good enjoy it cause when the gettin's gone its oft gone for good. Who types? Sort of me but not quite.


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000464 01d0: 08 00 02 80 0e 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 ............0...
000480 01e0: 85 01 1b 00 c9 00 00 00 05 01 05 00 c9 00 16 00 ................
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000512 0200: 08 00 28 00 2a 00 00 00 08 00 02 80 0d 00 00 00 ..(.*...........
000528 0210: 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 ................
000544 0220: 08 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 98 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
000560 0230: 08 00 28 00 2f 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 ..(./...........
000576 0240: 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 30 00 00 00 ............0...
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000624 0270: 08 00 28 00 2a 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..(.*...........
000640 0280: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
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000704 02c0: 0d 01 00 00 7b 00 03 00 08 00 00 00 34 00 00 00 ....{.......4...
000720 02d0: 68 65 6c 6c 6f 77 6f 72 6c 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 helloworld......

Sunday, June 16, 2013

CDC Responds to Poughkeepsie Journal. (The blanket statements are not supported by scientific evidence)

Poughkeepsie Journal 06/16/2013, Page A08

Lyme disease: Long-term antibiotics not warranted

I applaud the Poughkeepsie Journal's interest in reporting on Lyme disease, a serious and sometimes long-lasting illness, in the article "Chronic Lyme disease: Is it real?," (May 19), However, I would like to clarify several points raised in the article.

Most people with Lyme disease, if diagnosed and treated early, will recover quickly after a short course of antibiotics. Nevertheless, some patients will have persistent symptoms after treatment.

That's one of the reasons we at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention work to educate people about how to prevent Lyme disease, as well as the importance of early diagnosis based on symptoms, physical findings like rash, and the possibility of exposure to ticks.

Laboratory testing is also helpful for patients in the later stages of disease when done correctly and performed with proven methods.

Among other things, the article discussed the CDC's lack of endorsement of alternative Lyme disease treatment guidelines, including those of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society. The CDC's concerns with the ILADS guidelines center largely on two fundamental questions. How do people know if their chronic symptoms are due to Lyme disease? And when they are, do Lyme disease patients with persistent symptoms benefit from prolonged courses of antibiotics beyond the recommended, standard therapy?

Let's first address which patients have Lyme disease. According to the ILADS, a wide range of persistent symptoms, including "any difficultto- diagnose multisystem illness," can be attributed to Lyme disease, and the diagnosis can be made by "clinical judgment" alone. Since the ILADS guidelines provide no definition for chronic Lyme disease, anyone with persistent symptoms from nearly any cause can be labeled as having Lyme disease. No laboratory testing is required, contrary to standard medical practice for other infectious diseases.

A related issue arises when patients with persistent symptoms are diagnosed as having Lyme disease under the ILADS guidelines, but test negative for Lyme disease using standard, Food and Drug Administration- cleared tests as performed by reputable laboratories.

To resolve this issue, some advocates of the ILADS guidelines claim that standard testing algorithms are insensitive, promoting instead laboratories that use unpublished, proprietary laboratory methods that have not been validated.

Although it's true that standard Lyme disease tests are not sensitive during the first few weeks of illness, these methods are much more sensitive when patients have been infected for a month or more.

Now for the second question: Are long-term antibiotics truly beneficial for Lyme disease patients whose symptoms persist after initial treatment? Four double-blind, placebocontrolled treatment trials conducted by leading academic centers failed to show lasting benefit of long-term antibiotic therapy in reducing the symptoms of Lyme disease patients with prolonged symptoms. While advocates of the ILADS guidelines may find limitations with these studies – all scientific studies have their limitations — it remains that the available controlled data from human studies have not consistently supported the use of prolonged antibiotics for Lyme disease.

Furthermore, the clinical criteria for treatment success or duration of treatment are not specified in the ILADS guidelines; thus, treatment with antibiotics can be carried out for dangerously long periods using "clinical judgment." While some physicians and treated patients can claim anecdotal success with such therapy, such "success" stories are often very misleading. Even worse, patients have died from this treatment.

Your readers live in an area where Lyme disease and the ticks that spread it are common. It's important that people take steps to protect themselves every time they are outside. These steps include promptly removing any ticks, wearing repellents with DEET, and avoiding areas with high grass or leaf litter.

Lyme disease can be a serious illness, and it is on the rise. So it's even more important for patients to be diagnosed and treated based on the best scientific research.

Lyle R. Petersen, M.D., M.P.H., is the director of the Division of Vector-Borne Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Ft. Collins, Colo. His current research focuses on the epidemiology of arboviral and bacterial vectorborne zoonoses.

05 Sonal Atoms 2.mp3


Happy fathers day ben!!!!

Hope you dont mind the non sequiters. I havent started writing the novel yet. But its a witches brew boiling and bubbling in the wretches of my soul.
Hi Mike! Mikey mike. "I'm a free agent! I'm an agent of freedom." -william lincoln schafer. (Wish i was a freeman!!)

(Nate is Stacie Moffat's Husband and owns and operates many tattoo shops including All-star tattoo and trader bobs. Stacie was one of my high school sweethearts. She was a freshman and i was a senior....go figure).

Dear Nate
Im in town. Not so well. Lol. Doing my best to fuck up the shit as quick as i can. Catfish billy since my addy went awry. I got lyme. Burrelia burgdorferi, morgellons. I'm wonderin who to sue for malpractice. Though i'm not the sueing type. No job. No wife. No house. And i got to expatriate for a while just to say 'maryland heights aint got human rights.' Safer by far in the city than it is in the sprawl. Would love to remix the mixes. Say 500 gb of material on a drive would be cheaper and quicker than a 100 burn discs. (Although i'll do a batch for ol skool sake. Trade a an arc of five sailor stars round my shoulder. The general of my demise. lol. I purchased boards of canada yesterday. Icy pararanoid comfort. Yes sir ree. - i listened to trent reznors 'social network' soundtrack for five hours yesterday. Such a masterpiece. I still be zef boostaclad with die antwoord. Purchased their 'expensive shit' single. Burial was the true dubstep hero before it went back to techno. I rave on my ol skool 93-09. Generation WHY took over. Thas cool. Your Ave gonna be solid Gen Alpha/Omega. I prophesize daily cause i'm going psychotic and i know what psychosis is so it makes me all the more dangerous to myself and others. Through it all though i'm unfortunatly a pacifist and zen tao dead buddha yadda yadda yadda. I stop by if i'm not negating the world with a pillow over my head tryin to sleep three days in a row.........happy fathers day Nate! I lov u my bruh. Through n' through.
Stephan Bayley
You are on planet earth. Make your way westward.
Jasmine Thyme
me either
X Wesley Holloway Melise
Who kares daddie o slo yur roll and play yur musik fool
Alex StoneBridge
it should need the time no robic cube to your brain !
William Lincoln Schafer
Nah man. In the court of the crimson king. Surely psychotic. Wandered in to some 18th cent. Fuk all.
Benny Thebassplayer
Hilton pricks dawg gott to again a higher mojo than the self proclaimed acrobats. Watch em fall and you'll be the one cat up against there slanderous attack keep out a statick hack or ya might get slinkin by the slugs.
William Lincoln Schafer
Speakeasy under 12th street. (Tucker) fucker better let my psychosis be. 2001 a space odyssey monkey in the high towers cage. Cornelius playin a J.S. Bach invention. A bermuda triangle. Triangulate this bitches with your satellite global positions. The ionosphere lifts up via HAARP to reconfigure satellite position. During which i charge my gamma ray gun covertly in hidden places. Learn to love the LYME disease. Dont need to call it morgellons. Cept morgellons is so much more DIY of a caper. Bullseye rashes anyone. Fuk U nonbelievers. I am sicker than ever. Pardon me while I keep my soliptic black hole mind in check. We're all alone. the first soul is the name of your movie. So whats YOUR drama??? Enough for an afterschool special? Or a plot of experimental plant symbiosis trial. sic sic sic. Heaven heaven heaven Hate hate hate. Nein Nein Nein Zen Zen Zen. Elf. Wolf. God hangs out with his pet werewolf.

Joni mitchell

~~ "The way to 'Heaven' is to bring it with you ..." -Mitchell
~~ "Sometimes, we gotta go through hell to get to 'Heaven'" -Mitchell
~~ "The way out is in" -Mitchell
~~ "A miracle speaks ...'I don't believe in Miracles.' " -Mitchell
~~ "Life is good, even when it isn't." -Mitchell
~~ "Sometimes you gotta lose to win." -Mitchell
~~ "It's easy when it's easy! Find reason, purpose and meaning when it's hard!" -Mitchell
~~ "If you're gonna think, think again!" -Mitchell
~~ "Make it so!" ...
~~ "When life do what it do, as it do-do, simply say 'Of Course!' (to soften life's 'blows')" - Mitchell
~~ A master once said, "When embarking on the spiritual path, 'Oh Dear! There's no turning back! You've really done it now!' "
~~ "Not thoughts be your guide, rather, guide your thoughts." -Mitchell
~~ "That which is within, and that energy entering this body/mind/spirit, causing harm and ill health, must and will be transformed into love healing energy and sent out in every direction" -Mitchell
~~ One morning ten years ago I awoke from a dream chanting over again and again, and writing this down so as not to forget ... "It doesn't matter who did what, there's nowhere else to go but up ..." -Mitchell
~~ "This life, our life, and what we do with it on this planet is "simply" a display, a reflection, of what is going on in our consciousness. The proof is in the puddin'. Look at our planet, what humans are doing to it, and with it, and to one another, and ask yourself ... ~ 'How's this working for us/me?' " -Mitchell
~~ "Step away from monkey mind, not tangle ... Observe ... Inhabit your higher self ..." -Mitchell
~~ "Anything is possible, but manythings you think are true, are not ... " -Mitchell
~~ "Grow where you are planted ..." -Mitchell
~~ "Change your future now ..." -Mitchell
~~ "Write your equation … 4 u r the sum of u … " -Mitchell
~~ "We are largely a product of our environments … how's your inner environment doing? …" -Mitchell
~~ "We reveal ourselves to ourselves in everything we do … life is our mirror … howdoyoudo? …" –Mitchell



Monday, June 10, 2013


Embrace the new paradigm. What you hidin'??? So you enjoy marijuana. So what. So you got a sexual kink? Everyone does. So what if your paranoid schizophrenic hidin it from everyone? You're not the only one. Yeah, you're paranoid?? It means you know a thing or two. If ya been a rotten scoundrel their is time to repent and get good with the world

All i'm sayin is that unless we become WORLD CITIZENS and care for each other, celebrating both our similitudes and unique cultures. We will not be invited to join the INTERSTELLAR community in which 'they' will profer technology and techniques upon us that will end our paradigm of needless suffering and survival greed, - william lincoln schafer, vigus, mo, gaia. June 9th, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Re: yu aint krazy fool

Mend darn darn the barn
Stomp out the ignore dance a
And let father chronos heal our broken well seasondd ways nimrod
Xtra value its watt u get... Joke blokes

Bee nice http://x.co/vC4a
Sent from my iPad

On Jun 5, 2013, at 3:35 PM, jazzresin@gmail.com wrote:

> No worries!! - Dalai lama (sorry i couldnt fix your antique watch and i may have worsened its condition in my efforts) om mani padme hum. All best, All bestial, love, klesha.
> Cut take two.
> No worries!! - Salvidor Dali Llama p.s.(sorry i couldnt fix your antique watch and i may have worsened its condition in my efforts) om mani padme hum. All best, All bestial, lovealways evernever, your klesha.)
> p.s.s (no, really i mean it don't worry...)
> Take three
> 777

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

No worries!! - Dalai lama (sorry i couldnt fix your antique watch and i may have worsened its condition in my efforts) om mani padme hum. All best, All bestial, love, klesha.

Cut take two.
No worries!! - Salvidor Dali Llama p.s.(sorry i couldnt fix your antique watch and i may have worsened its condition in my efforts) om mani padme hum. All best, All bestial, lovealways evernever, your klesha.)
p.s.s (no, really i mean it don't worry...)

Take three


It will get worse. DON'T trust the health care/industrial/academic protocol/DSMIV-V/Big Pharma oligarchy as IT may ruin your life as THEY have mine. Support the CEHF.com (charles holman foundation) as they have been instrumental in keeping it science. CEHF Nurses Sunny Gwen and Cindy Casey are saints in my mind. Do not trust Wikipedia/MSN/Google/Fox/etc. The Sin of the CDC will one day be revealed. Do be aware that Morgellons is a systemic illness. I explain in my activism that MgD or MD or (whisper...borrelia burgdorferi) is a physiological condition that DOES CAUSE SEVERE psychologic issues. (Take the P out of PTSD) You are at daily war shellshocked with TRAUMATIC STRESS/ANXIETY disorder Comorbid with some extended form of TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME. ( I didn't find out i was suffering a condition called 'morgellons' till the fourth year of now six years enduring daily phenomena/hell/suffer well (My fool of a dermatologist scolded me as he said THEY don't use the word comorbid) Derm MD's are despicable in their protocol and "matchbox-checkbox" cop-out laziness and ignorance obedience. He berated and belittled me saying, "get a hobby." After 9+ visits to WASHU MD he fired me as a patient!!! Telling me he could do no more for me...oh god. THEN sept. 28, 2011 i found out about morgellons through 'crowd sourcing' my inexplicable woes through 'god bless!!' Facebook.) I am i year six (psychosis) of a seven year (sniped taken out) slow motion death bullet begging the lord daily to take me, this methodist raised zen/tao/pacifist, and his klesha illness MK-NAOMI. The K is for KNOCKOUT. I will stop there..... as, oh no, i should not be writing this in the USA. I will expatriate soon out of deep concern and worry for the future unborn yet to be born children. I made a wise decision in choosing not to breed in a increasingly SICK world. I am Approaching Leaving USG/america.... is the only ethical and moral action i can take.


Gotta be a hacker these days to compute. As soon as u step into options and preferences you are applying hacker skillz. You can get it if you really want it! iTunes is EPIC in it's revolution and i do love it through all it's stubborness and 'their side problems' i wouldnt run TOO many 'library management programs' best to choose one. Apple Wins. Forget windows mediaspy. Forget aol-killled-Winamp invasiveAmazonMP3. Mediamonkey was super powered and best left to TB++ bibliotechs. U all that enjoy spotify or streamScreams well i dont buy into that jive. A DJ or musiclover should be able to enjoy the brilliant infocommunism of an actual .mp3 or .mp4 I recommend setting the format preference to that on burns/rips. Stick with the 'REAL THING' Apple for the money to the artist!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013




If you were in the right place right time Boards of Canada were huge!!! I remember the exact day i walked into @vintagevinylstl and heard it playin overhead. Went to the dj booth and bought it as if my ears were dying of thirst!! MUSIC HAS THE RIGHT TO CHILDREN. Indeed music does have the right to children. Telepathic Workshop was a singularity- like they had captured the intent of Eno/Byrnes 'My life in the bush of ghosts' and made it into a living creature. Purchase this one to encourage the scottish duo to continue their research and production. Oh yeah BOC is very 'trophotropic' (trance-inducing) whereas Basement Jaxx is 'ergotropic' (ecstatic dance-inducing). Read the revoltionary collection of music/science research 'Biomusicology' if interested.

Monday, June 3, 2013

A letter to a girl on badoo whose xool

Bomb + Sax search google and their i infamously am!!! I talked to the press (post dispatch) the day i got bonded out of prison 10% of 25,000$ makes me feel all boombaclad boos gangsta like but i am traumatized real. Lover not a fighter!!! Then to see 3k written over to an attorney....makes me irate!! Like who do I SUE!!!(I'm not the sueing type dough). Trouble is all i am. One death trip to another. All i know is i'm not gonna hurt myself or others!!!! WORD!!!!?! Working on anger issues to the best of my ability.

Memory issues

No im a saxophone player. They thougt my sax case a bomb. I said no man no...tsk a bomb. I play bombastic. When i blow the whole world blows (humor to defuse?!?) Next thing i know 20 cops got their guns drawn upon me as i finished playing amazing grace or st. James infirmiry or swing low i cant remember. Morgellons (borellia burgdorferi) sure can mess with yer memory. Im in my 6th year of sufferin bad from it.

Saturday, June 1, 2013


------ MMS ------
From: +14043376988/TYPE=PLMN
Received: Jun 1, 2013 12:55 PM


You're playing Doctor

After i helped him with the spelling of Morgellons. I then said Borellia burgdorferi,I saw his shifty eyes then he stopped writing and put the note sheet quickly away to a side drawer.

No one is going to believe you. It is as if you're playing doctor.

Fuck me. I am dying everyday. I will continue to die.

Friday, May 31, 2013


Where do you go to hang? I go to thornhill library or westport starbucks. I use to live in the city. LaSalle Park north of Soulard and just South of Busch Stadium. The Waterfront use to be my hangout. With the HipHop jeep beat n i always admired the motorcycle clubs when they would congregate. Me i was a loner and enjoyed urban archaeology. I once found a Lalique perfum bottle washed up on the cobblestones! Worth a $100+ dollars. Did u graduate parkwayNorth?

Everything MUST be Recorded!!! At LEAST die TRYInG!!

Nah man you two are main protagonists in the novel. We have warrants out for arrest due to meta-hacking. We need a Van and a Camper. Joan Damns has a country geodesic dome house we can go off matric there. He calls it T-1 (obviously a monstrous bandwidth!!!). I am itching with desperation to jetison from the cancer in the heart of America. Legal/SSI/Psych has me pinned like a specimen. But like a pheonix my cassidy my Ginsberg!! Let us fly to Bull Burrose in Texas once again!!!!

From: Michael Freeman <oncebefore@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 13:50:02 -0700
To: jazzresin@gmail.com<jazzresin@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Word

Oops, I don't know why I was replying to Ben... That's embarassin'.  Oh well.  I'm going to go see Victor's school play tonight.  I will send you a YouTube link when I get it uploaded.  They are so good!


On May 30, 2013, at 9:13 PM, "jazzresin@gmail.com" <jazzresin@gmail.com> wrote:

Damn holmes!!!!!

From: Michael Freeman <oncebefore@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 20:26:57 -0700
Cc: Hebblethwaite,Benjamin John<hebble@ufl.edu>; RESONANT FREQUENCIES:MINDLESS PLEASURES:JAZZRESIN BLOG<jazzresin1.52571@blogger.com>
Subject: Re: Word

The Imaginary Ghosts of a Terribly Real Shadow

My memory plays such mean tricks sometimes. I know there is little truth behind it, but I have nightmares that in every interaction I have ever had with others, every look I have given was smug and transparent, every word contrived. Like an unwanted beggar, an embarrassingly bad magician. And every face of past friends, acquaintances, strangers... all the way back to my earliest memories... I remember them all as looks of disgust, looks of pity, disappointment. These nightmares creep into my waking life and every person I see, in the store, on the street, they look back at me with these same looks of disgust, pity, disappointment. As if they can read my mind. As if they know these false dark secrets. As if even now, these terrible ghosts of my past are whispering in their very ear. And even though every rational thought I have says that these things are not true, I feel them nonetheless. So I watch the path very carefully, because I know that with one misstep my twisted body will fall upon the stair; and this imaginary weight will crush me completely.

On May 30, 2013, at 7:54 PM, jazzresin@gmail.com wrote:

Understood and Agreed upon. Celine was read. Used it as the key to WSB's password phrasekey. My reminisce memory is razor sharp. My short term memory is SHOT. I love u ben. This gift of encouragement no matter how meta is a singularity in the darkness of my current life. I am proud that you made it!!!   Watch 'dead man' watch 'through a scanner darkly' and pray for me.  Mike! Can you shadow write a bit for me. Comic like. Showing me as some Schlemehl Slothrop Holy Fool. Mike. You are My Cassidy, Ben You are my Ginsburg. I cannot be WSB but i can Kerouac the fuck out of it all.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Hebblethwaite,Benjamin John" <hebble@ufl.edu>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 02:45:20
To: jazzresin@gmail.com<jazzresin@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Word

MS Word and make sure it is a recent version since we editors use "track changes" pretty heavily and you'll find it useful to follow my notes and comments. The fragments you have sent are already interesting, my only comment is that not just William S. should be able to decipher the text, but a larger audience who may not know you and your power of imagination and transposition.

I'd think about how you can include sex, too. It should have lots of fragments and studies of the incredible people you have known as that will give it a special historical-social relevance. And do not forget to look at your former work at Barnes. This is especially where "Journey to the end of the night" by Céline comes in. He worked in health care and the second half of the novel is his portrait of his work as a doctor in the 1920s-1930s... I mean, what the fuck goes on this hospitals? Can you get to some of the superbugs they stock in those places?


From: jazzresin@gmail.com [jazzresin@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: Word

Will do. I am preparing to purchase a laptop. The text will be in MS Word or notepad?!?    I will commit myself to writing it in New Mexico or Windsor Ontario. For now i fragment splice and document through blogger.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Hebblethwaite,Benjamin John" <hebble@ufl.edu>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 02:34:27
To: jazzresin@gmail.com<jazzresin@gmail.com>; RESONANT FREQUENCIES:MINDLESS PLEASURES:JAZZRESIN BLOG<jazzresin1.52571@blogger.com>; Michael ET Freeman<michaelfreeman@ymail.com>
Subject: RE: Word

Whadup hommies? Thanks for the inspiration, Bill. Keep up the good work and think one thing: NARRATIVE, work on the art of storytelling. Readers want people, places, actions. I know you have stories pouring & roaring through you. Work on forming them, giving them contour, put the right words into the mouths of your characters, make your writing reach a larger audience by giving them anchors and lessons. Make it exciting or intense. Never a dull sentence. Ben

Benjamin Hebblethwaite
Assistant Professor in Haitian Creole, Haitian & Francophone Studies
University of Florida
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
363 Dauer Hall
PO Box 115565
Gainesville, FL 32611-5565
Office phone: (352) 273-3762
Home page for Haitian Creole & Haitian Studies: http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/hebble/
PDFs of Hebblethwaite's publications: http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/hebble/Homepage.htm
The Vodou Archive:

From: jazzresin@gmail.com [jazzresin@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:03 PM
Subject: Word

Thank you all for the discussion. Quantitative and Qualitative research must accept anecdotal and meta analysis; work in tandem towards the goal. I believe we can solve our mutual PROBLEM..if not for US then for future generations.

Hacked in Reply

No its cool. How are you? I am a human hacked. An indonesian daughter of an American/Canadian secret agent in eugenic technology. Failed due to massive noise in carrier frequency overload....cell phone bandwidth. She carries the seed of a winnipeg born american. He was a music therapist, MT-BC, eccentric, bibliotech of sort. He was taken out with Morgellons weapon technology of 2001-2008. Lost his Chinese/Indonesian wife to divorce. Unfit for Duty to Long term Disability, Gave up his house to his angry ex-wife. Plays sax. Was arrested recently in a bomb scare at creve couer lake in Maryland Heights. 25,000$ bonded out by his father. Monsanto man, involved with the creation of Roundup resistant soybeans/corn and the naming of the discovered chemical now called Glyphosate. This is WLS's hacked account through surveillance through META. U are now under node research.

Re: Word

I too walk alone through the woods at night.  And from the darkest of shadows, all that can be seen is light.

On May 30, 2013, at 9:35 PM, Michael <oncebefore@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey Bill, glad you're exercising.  Keep it up!  Good luck with finding the meds for you.  I'm off the Facebox 'cause its toxic for me right now so keep in touch.  Keep sending me dialog and I'll try to make it into a comic book type thing.  If that's not something you want, just let me know.  I'm not trying to step on anyones toes here.  I just had a vision of us as ex-therapist characters in a pre-apocalyptical post psych ward world.  All Love…
On May 30, 2013, at 9:13 PM, jazzresin@gmail.com wrote:

Damn holmes!!!!!

From: Michael Freeman <oncebefore@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 20:26:57 -0700
Cc: Hebblethwaite,Benjamin John<hebble@ufl.edu>; RESONANT FREQUENCIES:MINDLESS PLEASURES:JAZZRESIN BLOG<jazzresin1.52571@blogger.com>
Subject: Re: Word

The Imaginary Ghosts of a Terribly Real Shadow

My memory plays such mean tricks sometimes. I know there is little truth behind it, but I have nightmares that in every interaction I have ever had with others, every look I have given was smug and transparent, every word contrived. Like an unwanted beggar, an embarrassingly bad magician. And every face of past friends, acquaintances, strangers... all the way back to my earliest memories... I remember them all as looks of disgust, looks of pity, disappointment. These nightmares creep into my waking life and every person I see, in the store, on the street, they look back at me with these same looks of disgust, pity, disappointment. As if they can read my mind. As if they know these false dark secrets. As if even now, these terrible ghosts of my past are whispering in their very ear. And even though every rational thought I have says that these things are not true, I feel them nonetheless. So I watch the path very carefully, because I know that with one misstep my twisted body will fall upon the stair; and this imaginary weight will crush me completely.

On May 30, 2013, at 7:54 PM, jazzresin@gmail.com wrote:

Understood and Agreed upon. Celine was read. Used it as the key to WSB's password phrasekey. My reminisce memory is razor sharp. My short term memory is SHOT. I love u ben. This gift of encouragement no matter how meta is a singularity in the darkness of my current life. I am proud that you made it!!!   Watch 'dead man' watch 'through a scanner darkly' and pray for me.  Mike! Can you shadow write a bit for me. Comic like. Showing me as some Schlemehl Slothrop Holy Fool. Mike. You are My Cassidy, Ben You are my Ginsburg. I cannot be WSB but i can Kerouac the fuck out of it all.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Hebblethwaite,Benjamin John" <hebble@ufl.edu>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 02:45:20
To: jazzresin@gmail.com<jazzresin@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Word

MS Word and make sure it is a recent version since we editors use "track changes" pretty heavily and you'll find it useful to follow my notes and comments. The fragments you have sent are already interesting, my only comment is that not just William S. should be able to decipher the text, but a larger audience who may not know you and your power of imagination and transposition.

I'd think about how you can include sex, too. It should have lots of fragments and studies of the incredible people you have known as that will give it a special historical-social relevance. And do not forget to look at your former work at Barnes. This is especially where "Journey to the end of the night" by Céline comes in. He worked in health care and the second half of the novel is his portrait of his work as a doctor in the 1920s-1930s... I mean, what the fuck goes on this hospitals? Can you get to some of the superbugs they stock in those places?


From: jazzresin@gmail.com [jazzresin@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: Word

Will do. I am preparing to purchase a laptop. The text will be in MS Word or notepad?!?    I will commit myself to writing it in New Mexico or Windsor Ontario. For now i fragment splice and document through blogger.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Hebblethwaite,Benjamin John" <hebble@ufl.edu>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 02:34:27
To: jazzresin@gmail.com<jazzresin@gmail.com>; RESONANT FREQUENCIES:MINDLESS PLEASURES:JAZZRESIN BLOG<jazzresin1.52571@blogger.com>; Michael ET Freeman<michaelfreeman@ymail.com>
Subject: RE: Word

Whadup hommies? Thanks for the inspiration, Bill. Keep up the good work and think one thing: NARRATIVE, work on the art of storytelling. Readers want people, places, actions. I know you have stories pouring & roaring through you. Work on forming them, giving them contour, put the right words into the mouths of your characters, make your writing reach a larger audience by giving them anchors and lessons. Make it exciting or intense. Never a dull sentence. Ben

Benjamin Hebblethwaite
Assistant Professor in Haitian Creole, Haitian & Francophone Studies
University of Florida
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
363 Dauer Hall
PO Box 115565
Gainesville, FL 32611-5565
Office phone: (352) 273-3762
Home page for Haitian Creole & Haitian Studies: http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/hebble/
PDFs of Hebblethwaite's publications: http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/hebble/Homepage.htm
The Vodou Archive:

From: jazzresin@gmail.com [jazzresin@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:03 PM
Subject: Word

Thank you all for the discussion. Quantitative and Qualitative research must accept anecdotal and meta analysis; work in tandem towards the goal. I believe we can solve our mutual PROBLEM..if not for US then for future generations.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Re: Word

Hey Bill, glad you're exercising.  Keep it up!  Good luck with finding the meds for you.  I'm off the Facebox 'cause its toxic for me right now so keep in touch.  Keep sending me dialog and I'll try to make it into a comic book type thing.  If that's not something you want, just let me know.  I'm not trying to step on anyones toes here.  I just had a vision of us as ex-therapist characters in a pre-apocalyptical post psych ward world.  All Love…
On May 30, 2013, at 9:13 PM, jazzresin@gmail.com wrote:

Damn holmes!!!!!

From: Michael Freeman <oncebefore@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 20:26:57 -0700
Cc: Hebblethwaite,Benjamin John<hebble@ufl.edu>; RESONANT FREQUENCIES:MINDLESS PLEASURES:JAZZRESIN BLOG<jazzresin1.52571@blogger.com>
Subject: Re: Word

The Imaginary Ghosts of a Terribly Real Shadow

My memory plays such mean tricks sometimes. I know there is little truth behind it, but I have nightmares that in every interaction I have ever had with others, every look I have given was smug and transparent, every word contrived. Like an unwanted beggar, an embarrassingly bad magician. And every face of past friends, acquaintances, strangers... all the way back to my earliest memories... I remember them all as looks of disgust, looks of pity, disappointment. These nightmares creep into my waking life and every person I see, in the store, on the street, they look back at me with these same looks of disgust, pity, disappointment. As if they can read my mind. As if they know these false dark secrets. As if even now, these terrible ghosts of my past are whispering in their very ear. And even though every rational thought I have says that these things are not true, I feel them nonetheless. So I watch the path very carefully, because I know that with one misstep my twisted body will fall upon the stair; and this imaginary weight will crush me completely.

On May 30, 2013, at 7:54 PM, jazzresin@gmail.com wrote:

Understood and Agreed upon. Celine was read. Used it as the key to WSB's password phrasekey. My reminisce memory is razor sharp. My short term memory is SHOT. I love u ben. This gift of encouragement no matter how meta is a singularity in the darkness of my current life. I am proud that you made it!!!   Watch 'dead man' watch 'through a scanner darkly' and pray for me.  Mike! Can you shadow write a bit for me. Comic like. Showing me as some Schlemehl Slothrop Holy Fool. Mike. You are My Cassidy, Ben You are my Ginsburg. I cannot be WSB but i can Kerouac the fuck out of it all.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Hebblethwaite,Benjamin John" <hebble@ufl.edu>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 02:45:20
To: jazzresin@gmail.com<jazzresin@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Word

MS Word and make sure it is a recent version since we editors use "track changes" pretty heavily and you'll find it useful to follow my notes and comments. The fragments you have sent are already interesting, my only comment is that not just William S. should be able to decipher the text, but a larger audience who may not know you and your power of imagination and transposition.

I'd think about how you can include sex, too. It should have lots of fragments and studies of the incredible people you have known as that will give it a special historical-social relevance. And do not forget to look at your former work at Barnes. This is especially where "Journey to the end of the night" by Céline comes in. He worked in health care and the second half of the novel is his portrait of his work as a doctor in the 1920s-1930s... I mean, what the fuck goes on this hospitals? Can you get to some of the superbugs they stock in those places?


From: jazzresin@gmail.com [jazzresin@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: Word

Will do. I am preparing to purchase a laptop. The text will be in MS Word or notepad?!?    I will commit myself to writing it in New Mexico or Windsor Ontario. For now i fragment splice and document through blogger.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Hebblethwaite,Benjamin John" <hebble@ufl.edu>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 02:34:27
To: jazzresin@gmail.com<jazzresin@gmail.com>; RESONANT FREQUENCIES:MINDLESS PLEASURES:JAZZRESIN BLOG<jazzresin1.52571@blogger.com>; Michael ET Freeman<michaelfreeman@ymail.com>
Subject: RE: Word

Whadup hommies? Thanks for the inspiration, Bill. Keep up the good work and think one thing: NARRATIVE, work on the art of storytelling. Readers want people, places, actions. I know you have stories pouring & roaring through you. Work on forming them, giving them contour, put the right words into the mouths of your characters, make your writing reach a larger audience by giving them anchors and lessons. Make it exciting or intense. Never a dull sentence. Ben

Benjamin Hebblethwaite
Assistant Professor in Haitian Creole, Haitian & Francophone Studies
University of Florida
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
363 Dauer Hall
PO Box 115565
Gainesville, FL 32611-5565
Office phone: (352) 273-3762
Home page for Haitian Creole & Haitian Studies: http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/hebble/
PDFs of Hebblethwaite's publications: http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/hebble/Homepage.htm
The Vodou Archive:

From: jazzresin@gmail.com [jazzresin@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:03 PM
Subject: Word

Thank you all for the discussion. Quantitative and Qualitative research must accept anecdotal and meta analysis; work in tandem towards the goal. I believe we can solve our mutual PROBLEM..if not for US then for future generations.

Re: Word

Damn holmes!!!!!

From: Michael Freeman <oncebefore@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2013 20:26:57 -0700
To: <jazzresin@gmail.com>
Cc: Hebblethwaite,Benjamin John<hebble@ufl.edu>; RESONANT FREQUENCIES:MINDLESS PLEASURES:JAZZRESIN BLOG<jazzresin1.52571@blogger.com>
Subject: Re: Word

The Imaginary Ghosts of a Terribly Real Shadow

My memory plays such mean tricks sometimes. I know there is little truth behind it, but I have nightmares that in every interaction I have ever had with others, every look I have given was smug and transparent, every word contrived. Like an unwanted beggar, an embarrassingly bad magician. And every face of past friends, acquaintances, strangers... all the way back to my earliest memories... I remember them all as looks of disgust, looks of pity, disappointment. These nightmares creep into my waking life and every person I see, in the store, on the street, they look back at me with these same looks of disgust, pity, disappointment. As if they can read my mind. As if they know these false dark secrets. As if even now, these terrible ghosts of my past are whispering in their very ear. And even though every rational thought I have says that these things are not true, I feel them nonetheless. So I watch the path very carefully, because I know that with one misstep my twisted body will fall upon the stair; and this imaginary weight will crush me completely.

On May 30, 2013, at 7:54 PM, jazzresin@gmail.com wrote:

Understood and Agreed upon. Celine was read. Used it as the key to WSB's password phrasekey. My reminisce memory is razor sharp. My short term memory is SHOT. I love u ben. This gift of encouragement no matter how meta is a singularity in the darkness of my current life. I am proud that you made it!!!   Watch 'dead man' watch 'through a scanner darkly' and pray for me.  Mike! Can you shadow write a bit for me. Comic like. Showing me as some Schlemehl Slothrop Holy Fool. Mike. You are My Cassidy, Ben You are my Ginsburg. I cannot be WSB but i can Kerouac the fuck out of it all.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Hebblethwaite,Benjamin John" <hebble@ufl.edu>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 02:45:20
To: jazzresin@gmail.com<jazzresin@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Word

MS Word and make sure it is a recent version since we editors use "track changes" pretty heavily and you'll find it useful to follow my notes and comments. The fragments you have sent are already interesting, my only comment is that not just William S. should be able to decipher the text, but a larger audience who may not know you and your power of imagination and transposition.

I'd think about how you can include sex, too. It should have lots of fragments and studies of the incredible people you have known as that will give it a special historical-social relevance. And do not forget to look at your former work at Barnes. This is especially where "Journey to the end of the night" by Céline comes in. He worked in health care and the second half of the novel is his portrait of his work as a doctor in the 1920s-1930s... I mean, what the fuck goes on this hospitals? Can you get to some of the superbugs they stock in those places?


From: jazzresin@gmail.com [jazzresin@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: Word

Will do. I am preparing to purchase a laptop. The text will be in MS Word or notepad?!?    I will commit myself to writing it in New Mexico or Windsor Ontario. For now i fragment splice and document through blogger.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Hebblethwaite,Benjamin John" <hebble@ufl.edu>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 02:34:27
To: jazzresin@gmail.com<jazzresin@gmail.com>; RESONANT FREQUENCIES:MINDLESS PLEASURES:JAZZRESIN BLOG<jazzresin1.52571@blogger.com>; Michael ET Freeman<michaelfreeman@ymail.com>
Subject: RE: Word

Whadup hommies? Thanks for the inspiration, Bill. Keep up the good work and think one thing: NARRATIVE, work on the art of storytelling. Readers want people, places, actions. I know you have stories pouring & roaring through you. Work on forming them, giving them contour, put the right words into the mouths of your characters, make your writing reach a larger audience by giving them anchors and lessons. Make it exciting or intense. Never a dull sentence. Ben

Benjamin Hebblethwaite
Assistant Professor in Haitian Creole, Haitian & Francophone Studies
University of Florida
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
363 Dauer Hall
PO Box 115565
Gainesville, FL 32611-5565
Office phone: (352) 273-3762
Home page for Haitian Creole & Haitian Studies: http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/hebble/
PDFs of Hebblethwaite's publications: http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/hebble/Homepage.htm
The Vodou Archive:

From: jazzresin@gmail.com [jazzresin@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:03 PM
Subject: Word

Thank you all for the discussion. Quantitative and Qualitative research must accept anecdotal and meta analysis; work in tandem towards the goal. I believe we can solve our mutual PROBLEM..if not for US then for future generations.