w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"In the hope that some of you will carry these experiments further and come up with something new." William S. Burroughs @jazzresin @melayela #zzaj"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." — Marilyn Monroe shoot about me? where to start??Incident X (X) caused a directional anomily towards: Incident Y (Y) creating an Abcess (Z). The crossover thus propagated into a field array matrix(Fm) in which the global scalp Ogestalt (Og) was then inclined to shift in two+ possible directions. Since the matrix was not static and in perpetual movement (Fx) quantum follicle growth and decay caused overall traumatic Event (WLS) upsetting every hair follicle and creating numerous other Incedents. Of course... pre factor scar (Otv) combined with neckstrap directional field array (Fsx) applied over 20+ years of saxophone playing (Sx)unwashed straps, porkpie hats, heat exhaustion, air pressure upon subdermal Og, contortion of neck, opening of throat, etc. need to be factored. Not nearly the end is the subquantum psych issues: A near-death vision of a singular werewolf (Pq) as a prophetic intervention. . . I am dying but will continue till I die no more. classically trained kontrabassist under the late henry loew principal bassist of the st. louis symphony. street trained tenor saxophonist; composed 60+ jazz charts. made a fortune busking outside of the old busch stadium (when people actually had cash and change not debit cards lol)3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 852110555964462294Number seven is Sekhu, the Remains.
much jazza back at you. Have you been able to leap the nuclear desert? From quark to Neutron star. Yeah baby. Now you know... We know not a thing! nothing out there. including us!! but, lex baby mela huntar crazy incomprehensible strangelets jive wiggle and fall to the sound of jazzlike scrawls and histronics. A and voracious dark matter feeds off their 'oh so precious' feedback of us jazzlike improving. Our bebop stranget dewdrop whims. They feed off it... simple innocents quircks of the windblowers divits and thought that feedbacks they feed oFf the feedbacks squall and in doing so tha other side's version of life is regurgitated nurtured in mirror anti horror land logic.. We're alone. Jazzresin lex mela huntar both Sr. Jr.and the III. But you Alexander Wesley Holloway Melise and yourself along with William Lincoln Schafer and me we can dig cause its no difference to the studied musician of frequency high and low. Right? It is as it is and always willbe/hasbeen. To be or not to be was the ANSWER not the question. You of all strangelets, you shine a singularity light unique in both voudou physics and jive ass jazz. you my microquasar law breaker full-lackhole darkatter kind credentials. You my ninja nwrd Niger river Kaw asia ninjitsu, you play a song of both sides of the universe. One of the many reasons I love you admire you and call you hero. Gestalt my friend Gestalt Aleph to you always and fornever. Ill jazzresin cypher sephiroth."Simplicit​y is the final achievemen​t. After one has played a vast quantity of notes and more notes, it is simplicity​ that emerges as the crowning reward of art."
-ChopinThe way to kill a man or a nation is to cut off...
The aim of education is the knowledge, not of f...
How I hate those who are dedicated to producing...
Your knowledge of what is going on can only be ...
In deep sadness there is no place for sentiment...
Hustlers of the world, there is one Mark you ca...
Americans have a special horror of giving up co...
And if you're doing a deal with a religious son...
Now what sort of man or woman or monster would ...
Dream long and dream hard enoughYou will come t...
The face of evil is always the face of total need.BocoMo memory: summer 95' -- myself &the gang u know who u r) decided to venture a midnite 'primitive camping' site near Devil's Icebox. We transversed cliffside paths with only moonlite. I had stumbled into a huge spiderweb and was covered in cobweb. After the sickining panic& fear was removed with most of the cobweb I sat down and with eyes closed say something similar to this image 'cept more of a mandala spiral. Whew memories...

In the dark, just as he was on the edge of sleep, his back began to crawl. He scratched abstractedly, then sat up in bed with a whispered curse...
He turned and looked at himself in the bathroom mirror... His chest was splotchy and red from scratching and rubbing. He rotated and peered over his shoulder at his back.

From shoulder to shoulder, and criss-crossing down his spine, faint pale lines just beneath the surface of his skin drew a crazy and unwelcome road map...
Or Spirited Away. Yeah Spirited Away. House Taken awAy. I go homeless soon. To the seven seas once again. Cept i cant swim. I get sea sick. Rather suck Ruby than lemon or lime rind. A river boy i'm destined to be. A huck finn...a Lame Sawyer. Cept the rivers are full of Pharmecuticals n' GLYPHOSATE. Corn Syrup PrioNs. Mad Corn Syrup disease. Oh yeah n' a lot of Feces. Swine, Bovine,Sapian..... A hungry ghost i'll always be.Washed in the blood of the lambs. I work in the name of Archangel GABRIEL. Fk Yahweh. Let jEsUs out of Hell. Eldest Son of the Seventh Son. 777 William Lincoln Schafer I am your SHEPHERD you shall not WANT. SHAEF. Supreme Headquarters of the ALLied Expeditionary. FORCE. MK-NAOMI. I am dead living. As if all work and no play. Made jack an undead zombie immune to cold or Shined Ones.
But if the particles are entangled, then this measurement also determines the state of the other particle — even if they have become separated by a vast distance. The effect of the measurement is transmitted instantaneously to the other particle, through what Albert Einstein sceptically called 'spooky action at a distance'.
n a dark time, the eye begins to see,
I meet my shadow in the deepening shade;
I hear my echo in the echoing wood--
A lord of nature weeping to a tree.
I live between the heron and the wren,
Beasts of the hill and serpents of the den.
Theodore Roethke
Weird as it is, quantum entanglement is real — and could be useful. In a technique called quantum cryptography
Now I know I'm not alone! Damn the health care system run around that I've suffered under in hopelessness and fear. Nonetheless, I've continued to fight the good fight, tried to be rational when faced with daily inexplicable phenomena that defy logic and commen sense! I've suffered relationship difficulties with friends,loved ones, families. Thank God for Facebook and crowd sourcing. A few individuals, bless them eternal, have had the empathy to hear my woes and strange symptoms. I'm not alone in this all. This f*#king m#@$±f#@*er suffering does have a name.
Microquasars, or radio-emitting X-ray binaries, can be considered to be smaller analogs of quasars (see definitions in the glossary). Like quasars, microquasars generally have a pair of radio jets emitting from the poles of an accretion disk around a compact object. But for a quasar, the central object is a supermassive black hole of millions of solar masses, whereas for a microquasar, the compact object is a black hole or a neutron star of only a few solar masses. This smaller size has an important effect: evolution timescales are much shorter for microquasars than they are for quasars. The shortened timescale plus microquasars' comparative nearness to us (inside our galaxy) make them excellent laboratories for learning about quasars.

The first microquasar discovered is also one of the most unusual ones yet observed. SS433 consists of a black hole and a companion star orbiting each other with a period of 13.1 days. In addition, SS433 exhibits relativistic jets which are expelled at ~26% of the speed of light and precess around an axis once every 162 days, tracing out a corkscrew pattern in the process. It is housed in the center of the supernova remnant W50 (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: The top image shows radio nebula W50, and the bottom image shows the precessing jets (with corkscrew pattern indicated) of microquasar SS433 which lies in the center of it. Credit: Migliari et al. (2002)

The Problem
It is generally agreed that SS433 must interact with the nebula W50. One would expect a typical supernova remnant to expand spherically, whereas W50 is greatly elongated along the precession axis of SS433′s jets — suggesting that the jets are distorting the remnant's shell. But given that the jets are oriented at an angle of 21° relative to the precession axis, why do we see distortion of the shell directly along the axis? Wouldn't we instead expect distortion at 21° above and below the axis (at points in Figure 3)? The authors argue that a related question is: have the jets of SS433 always behaved as they currently do?

The authors' approach to answering these questions was to analyze the proper motions of radio filaments within the W50 nebula using VLA data spanning 12 years. They chose the ten brightest filaments in the images (shown in Figure 3) and tracked their motion over the 12 years, determining the filaments' proper motion to within their velocity resolution of .

Figure 3: Filament positions overlaid on a contour map of W50. The points P_A - P_D indicate the locations where SS433's current jet configuration would penetrate the W50 nebula. (Figure 2 in the paper)

To within their velocity r

I have Magullens Disease. I have been suffering DAILY for 4 years.
If he recites next to nothing
but follows the Dhamma
in line with the Dhamma;
abandoning passion,
aversion, delusion;
his mind well-released,
not clinging
either here or hereafter:
he has his share in the contemplative life1. Introduction: Or Spirited Away. Yeah Spirited Away. House Taken awAy. I go homeless soon. To the seven seas once again. Cept i cant swim. I get sea sick. Rather suck Ruby than lemon or lime rind. A river boy i'm destined to be. A huck finn...a Lame Sawyer. Cept the rivers are full of Pharmecuticals n' GLYPHOSATE. Corn Syrup PrioNs. Mad Corn Syrup disease. Oh yeah n' a lot of Feces. Swine, Bovine,Sapian..... A hungry ghost i'll always be.Washed in the blood of the lambs. I work in the name of Archangel GABRIEL. Fk Yahweh. Let jEsUs out of Hell. Eldest Son of the Seventh Son. 777 William Lincoln Schafer I am your SHEPHERD you shall not WANT. SHAEF. Supreme Headquarters of the ALLied Expeditionary. FORCE. MK-NAOMI. I am dead living. As if all work and no play. Made jack an undead zombie immune to cold or Shined Ones.
If he recites next to nothing
but follows the Dhamma
in line with the Dhamma;
abandoning passion,
aversion, delusion;
his mind well-released,
not clinging
either here or hereafter:
he has his share in the contemplative life89 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0"Consciousness is the stone that creates the waves in a sea of nothing"-Richard Gerber

God Particle Signal Simulated as Sound
Music Sound of the Spheres

Simulated sounds to be made by sub-atomic particles such as the Higgs boson scientific data converted into sounds via Sonification which surprisingly produces a binaural beat frequency of 4.6692744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 21290219608640344181 5981362977 4771309960 taught music in public school, a thousand private lessons upon a dozen different instruments, conducted the oasis older adult band,3 music degrees: perfomance from mizzou, education certified k-12 from umsl, music therapy board certified, mt-bc from maryville. worked for 5 years as a clinical professional at Barnes Jewish Hospital psychiatric services adult inpatient ward. pioneered mp3 headset interventions for pts, got sick from Morgellons. divorced. job declared me not fit dor duty. dying. lolshoot about me? where to start?? classically trained kontrabassist under the late henry loew principal bassist of the st. louis symphony. street trained tenor saxophonist; composed 60+ jazz charts. made a fortune busking outside of the old busch stadium (when people actually had cash and change not debit cards lol) taught music in public school, a thousand private lessons upon a dozen different instruments, conducted the oasis older adult band,3 music degrees: perfomance from mizzou, education certified k-12 from umsl, music therapy board certified, mt-bc from maryville. worked for 5 years as a clinical professional at Barnes Jewish Hospital psychiatric services adult inpatient ward. pioneered mp3 headset interventions for pts, got sick from Morgellons. divorced. job declared me not fit dor duty. dying. lol"It was a Sunday morning when I knocked on William S Burroughs door in the suburbs of Lawrence Kansas he said why do you want and I said I was here to pay on the edge pay homage homage to you just as you get in Berg and Carol acted with saline Ginsberg caraway rack caraway Iraq Cadillac Cadillac on the road Kerouac you let me use a, I didn't I sat on a slower and we talked about Creve Coeur lake he was surprised it was there I have to miss you like crazy cat he said no I like Rex Morgan MD very realistic I saw on his drawer a curved blade of Middle East origin 4 North Africans could I take a photo of you and he said no he sprung up out of his wheelchair and rummage through his drawers and pulled out a postcard of Allen Ginsberg's photograph of him go in title to the song Unchained years and years changes Tanger dangers Africa he signed it all best William Lincoln Shaffer and then he wrote William S burroughs I talk to him about Genesis p-orridge I asked him about doctor fingers safer safer lobotomy kids is not safe at all but he said as an associate is long gone I asked him about Gravity's Rainbow G seemed uh I did it in like that state is it all no no no no Gravity's Rainbow pension no no no no he has a lot of cats and they were wonderfully uh playing with each other I excuse myself because I didn't want to be a burden on his Sunday afternoon and as I was leaving he said my Casa su casa come back in time and then he died 1 year later passed away a year after I visited him just as I visited my grandpa's brother see so Sanderson better to true a division and World War 2 I met him a couple days before he died Seasol Sanderson"Zip- Pow the brick of mouse Ignatz' wrath upon the receptive bean of Krazy Kats noggin'..... where is officer Pupp? Absolutely i can get u BZ. I can get u apo-33. I just recorded with tom Moyes son. I call em jet bennie. I remixed ryoji ikeda with brian eno with my prayer spoken word for amerika. I remix burroughs, available through the wretched reverberation site. Moving to soundcloud out of simplicity. I am without wifi but i could dig up links dropbox and hyperlinks. Would love to promote my old friend stephen bayley i played with him in the 80's (!!!!) The Exit folk band he know makes exceptional music out of portland under the band name 'city squirrel' (look him up via utube i love the song 'comfort') joe! I have been guaranteed a publishing contract!!! I have an agent!!!! For what ever the fuck i want to write!!!!!!!(Wtf) Will be published through temple press. Can u send me short paragraphs of hyperclown hacker lingo even if it is total jive as i intend a main theme to be hacking and bibliotequing of information, getting in trouble through knowing too much theme. Laughing it off like joker. U know U know. It would be an honor to create your own pseudonyms for yourself as i would only hit the tip of the iceberg. Think of yourself as 3-11 characters including your brother wife son and mistress. I need to pump out a metanovel

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


In my parents prison cell awaiting trial and judgement. 'Therapy and psychiatrist' awaits me tomorrow. Payin' death money to 'cobra' i'm sure to be humiliated with THEIR lack of knowledge of morgellons (boralleis dermopathy) lyme disease...this is all in my head. I'm already sure they will prescribe anti-psychotics. Sick sick sick 666.....wheels. Get me out of here.

Friday, May 17, 2013


The new North St. Louis Bridge is looking more and more fantastic by the day!! I use to urban archaeology spots now part of the bridges connection to land so i have been intrigued by the hope it brings to the revitalization of near north STL. I pray and pray they LED light the majestic bridge like Tokyo!! It would only be fitting since Luminaire casino already flashes continually! Love STL. Lived in majestic 1300 s. 10th for 9 years but alas it is for sale... I am working on trying to forgive the Maryland Heights/West County i have had to endure as of late. until i can expatriate to Canada i am under their judgement. :'(


Hi lovely one! Good to be formal friends not just badoo dreams. I've finally escaped MarylandHeights STL and am in columbia, mo. I am rather disheveled with shell shock of my recent trials and tribulations. One good thing came about. I have a publishing agreement contracted with Temple University Press out of Florida. I have artistic freedom though with a 4th perspective editor. I can forsee 500-2000 hardbacks will be printed. I agreed upon no money but they said we'll see. I replied money on my third book then if there is one. I'm just excited to have a pinky toe within the exulted corridors of literature


ternyata berlnjut gni sakitnya :(
Ya Allah beri kesembuhan untuk ku :'(

urns berlnjut gni pain: ( O God give healing to me: '(


Facebook newsfeed post by: Tri Wulandari

Tri Wulandari wrote:

0k lanjut ....
Tugas sudah menanti :(
Semagat semangat :)

0k more .... The task is waiting: ( Semagat spirit :)

Bibliography - xpost - The books I've used in this project. - a postscript interpreter in C. - Google Project Hosting



"Look... the Sun Is Rising" on Vimeo



Flaming Lips - Look... The Sun Is Rising | Make a music video | Genero.tv



Thursday, May 16, 2013

Burrell Behavioral Health



Facebook newsfeed post by: Joseph Freeman

Joseph Freeman wrote:

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In reply █║│║│█║▌║║▌║║█║█║│▌║║│║█║│█║║▌║█║│║▌│▌║█║║█║│║│█║│█║║▌║█║│║▌│▌║█

Tweet from @jazzresin

@jazzresin: @jazzresin: @ryojiikeda.@jazzresin █║│║│█║▌║║▌║║█║█║│▌║║│║█║│█║║▌║█║│║▌│▌║█║║█║│║│█║│█║║▌║█║│║▌│▌║█ Ryoji is the... http://t.co/Wdr2PNQq



Yes Jeff!!!! That was indeed one of the epic moments peak experiences of our shared collective mind. I have read that My Bloody Valentine had exceeded the previous world record for loudest rock show held by the WHO in 73. Thank god that the bodies ear protects itself from damage to loud noise through decompressing air pressure and the tiny ear bone ossicles (the ear has bones how cool) twist and contort. Real damage to the tiny hair sensors occur when the ear does not have time to adjust. i.e. shell shock.


M josh. I want to include you in a novel. It would be an honor to have you contribute your alias character name. Several would be good as time changes. I remember us well in front of Conducter Wealthington. His wisdom of music drama and leadership are a part of me. U were one of the serious musicians. Focused and open! So introverted!!! I do remember an extroverted moment of JOY when you shared Radioheads KID A before a band rehearsal. Ausgesichnet!!! A friend (look him up) X alexander wesley holloway melise. Had spread rumors a few years before that that i had been touring with radiohead. Lol... So it was a suprise to me to hear so many horns within radioheads recording.
Graham Cave State Park
1 (573) 564-3476
Danville, MO 63361
I failed at Basic but sped red assembly language. Hacked. Traded floppy disks with a young Notorius B.I.G. Then got in trouble when Brian V--N messed up a long distance procedure (he also fukt up apple manor's 18computer linked BBS by turning on the lights which was the sysop's KILL switch!!!! Lol) ended up costing his parents 1989 90$ phoyne call and that was the end. I stopped hacking cause i went to college. I played simcity and civ but saw how the mush and Mudd was stealing students souls and instead learned myself a wicked saxophone §TŸ//. It wasnt till 1999 that i got back into serious 'computing' through a 60$ forest park community college HTML programming summer school course. Then it was 'zoom zoom zappa' learned to git what ever the hell i wanted reel quik. Willman's comp lab stUdent work lackey my entire time @UMSL. Joe Freeman (look em up via my friends was my comp guru as he was bankin buku through his uberhackercompprogrammerdesignerimplementerdomainnameserverallofitallofit knowledge. Budweiser Nascar contracted never wore suit or tie long hair rocknroller patsajakassassin creator. Me i rode coattails. Lol.
Early innocence of love! A magical bike accident proffering my first --- . (I was racing down to see you!!!) And of course the allure of Goth because the 80's were a terrible time to be a teenager and goth somehow was the dark painful salve to sensitive hurt sensates psyionic people like me and you who are kind and try to do good. :)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I lived @ 1300 s. 10th street for nearly a decade. I loved living there like you wouldn't believe. it is a crown jewel scuffed up a bit. It is for sale to my dismay. I won the house in divorce settlement but ex-wife wouldnt relenquish the mortgage info?!? I went through 3 fmla's then went through numerous fit-for-duty unpaid leave. I am now under the umbrella of BJH's long term disability and soon to have to apply Cobra(??!?) Health care payments. Anyways i couldnt afford a mortgage so she strong armed me into signing a document notorized to relenquish decision making to her in order to sell the house. It was my castle. A Chateau 3 story painted lady nestled in the bosom of the city. It is for sale! Breaks my heart. Awesome photo ops!!! 10th street is a pedestrian street so best to go park then north on Ninth then left on Morrison. Last house on the left of the cul-de-sac!
Tolkien's metaphoric layers are cruel and encrypted deep. I tarentella dance spiderbite bix beiderbacke in my 6th year of tick bourne vector illness. The spirochette dizzy variations of Lyme disease possibly tampered with MK/NAOMI human knockout agent. Tick paralysis fractals catch 22's spiral out of control dance ill bo fro do bill oh no victimized into the holy roll of schlemehl stupid star serindipity; synchronized into one SOLIPTIC NIGHTMARE......if it entertains the all highest then 'hum' may i complete my spiritual task. I fuck up from moment to moment; event to event..day week month year soon a decade. Get me on that boat to the western lands Yaw waY i call out your name.

Bat chain puller remix

Perfectly placed his magic knowledge a rare remix relenquised blessed weasel dweezil the 1001 time was heard with new ears for my parched thirsty ears. Gold to sawdust back to gold again. Aware of the implications of traveling time to send love in a circumference far. For the heads. For those that DID listen deep ritual repeatedly. I heard this for the first time on my 1001 thick time his intent with his magic band. An artist of caliber as GYSIN or CALDER, rich bitch royal ears i share!! Thank you don, and his rearranged youthupstarts. And to Zappa Dweezil for making this magic still exist in a world lacking soul spirit hoodoo voudou beatnik dada freedom vision childlike innocence with ghostly ancestor wisdom. BEEFHEART like tyrone slothrop played the role of holy fool fuckup freedom fighter. HUM!!! He completed his spiritual task!!! May we all find freedom from his courage to walk outside the 4/4 and yet still be true to the beat! Om mani padme hum don van vliet!

A very Big Split Is Now Occurring in the Hived, American Group Mind. ~ UnHealthyEarth



Sunday, May 12, 2013

Self referential catch 33



I wrote a song tonite outsida vintage vinyl. S'bout when 20 guns drawn upon a saxophone player blue. I blow sax. I blew it???? What did i do???? Ill with morgellons....nova police gonna nail me to the cross for crimes against time travel. Fkt. I shake with shot nerves. Next time i'll make a fuss and have them rat-a-tat me. C'est la vie. It would be an interesting death. Shall i do it again??? Look at me i'm blowing up. Ka-blu-ee. Kilroy was here. I'm a ghost of my former self. Dint even know i'm honor roll of stl sax players. It's an honor just to be in the same space as dave stone!!! Life can fuk u up. Morgellons can fuk u up more than life. I'm fukt fuckt. When i get to hell. I'll be workin as charon. Comin or goin?? Never know. Keep goin'

St. Louis Jazz Notes: Saxophonist held on bomb threat charges



Friday, May 10, 2013

LD or Lyme borreliosis as it is sometimes called, is borreliosis in the strictest sense. The dermatology profession now has to consider that in the same manner, the more correct terminology for MD would be 'borrelial dermatitis'. 'Spirochetal dermatitis' could be considered as a suitable term but in the authors opinion is not specific enough as the pathogens appear to specifically belong to members of the genus Borrelia.

Borrelial dermatitis or MD is characterized by the progressive onset of skin irritation due to epidermal formation of filaments known to be keratin or collagen4 in nature and arising from the base of the epidermis and can arise from a disrupted hair follicle as demonstrated in Figure 9. Filaments are typically 5–50 microns in diameter. Extrusion through skin and entrapment under the skin leads to pruritus, formication, other tactile disturbances and subsequent skin damage, both internal and external, which at the extreme can manifest as large chronic ulcerations. The clinical appearance of skin can range from an eczema-like appearance through to that of nodular prurigo. Mucosal surfaces may similarly be affected and nail dystrophy may be present. Evidence of multi systemic LD (borreliosis) can be found. Spirochetal presence can be demonstrated and borrelial infection implicated5. Although it is not the authors' belief that MD is primarily a psychotic disorder, it is evident that psychiatric comorbidity is often present in this patient group. Whether this is due to a pre-existing psychiatric diagnosis or one which develops such as acute stress reaction, adjustment disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder during the course of emerging MD symptoms and subsequent attempts at treatment, it is important to recognize psychiatric comorbidity. Timely identification and efficacious treatment of psychiatric symptoms can improve overall psychological well-being, possibly reduce the chance that patients avail themselves of dangerous and idiosyncratic treatments for MD symptoms, increase rapport and follow up with physicians in multiple specialities, and preserve the dignity and respect which is due to the patient. Hylwa and co-authors reported a significant load of psychiatric burden in a study of Mayo clinic patients with "delusional infestation" but psychiatric delusional conditions were not reported44. We argue that Morgellons disease, a disorder by and large dismissed by the profession as delusions of parasitosis, in particular by dermatologists and primary care physicians, and supposedly highly vectored by internet transmission should now be called borrelial dermatitis within the profession and acknowledged as a presentation of a multisystem infective disease (LD) and treated appropriately as such35. Research needs to be directed at identifying the fundamental flaw in filament production at the cellular level, which may involve RNA/DNA dysfunction, in the hope of addressing further treatment.



sent a message to a Dr there where you are...of course they haven't message back... Jerks!
It looked to be a dermatologist that also treated Lyme disease...I should not have mentioned the M word maybe in my message...I will send you the link.
Maybe you can have better luck with them.
read this...and maybe call them.
I would not mention M...

Dont mention M. Ok i will get on it. I'm scared. I'm sick. My lesions on the back and back neck have improved dramatically but have 'set up shop' in my neck and lymph nodes of the throat. The lesions on my legs have been there for many many years and dont bother me. I do believe that the element is deep under my flesh closer to the spinal cord and vertabrae. Obviosly no chance of a dermal like removal of that presecense. The black speck coiled element in the the F1000r article seemed very familiar. I have removed large clumps of 'dreadlock' looking material. Tina....the variety and impossible amount of debris is beyond comprehension. You may understand. One does doubt their own sanity after 6 years of daily warfare with 'etwas anderes' the something other that cant be classified. It becomes quite sci-fi horror story like. I have hundreds of slides. But after a while i would just put them in ltlle plastic bags. I never did matchbox my doctors. But the horror of pulling out 2 inch fibers from a raw bald head is beyond reason......i just got out of jail. I may be psychotic. I am scared and beat down. Read my nightmare. bit.ly/11ZikZc

90′s Nostalgia – it’s da bomb! | The Irvington Dispatch



Tweet from joelcurrier (@joelcurrier)

joelcurrier (@joelcurrier) tweeted at 5:26 p.m. Thu, May 9:

Sax player's bomb threat jazzes up lunchtime at Creve Coeur Park, police say: http://t.co/6dyyHp8RYh via @STLtoday (http://twitter.com/joelcurrier/status/332622530315681792)

Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I'm getting alot of censored 'invalid null' on your shares Azad. You must be on to something touchy... William s. Burroughs(god bless him i paid homage to his gravesite the other day) said " if your a bit paranoid it probably means you know a thing or two.". So to the severe paranoid. Careful not to go mad. Take it all in. Everything is theoretical and very well may be quantum holographic. So by observing you may make it so?!?!? Pynchons proverbs for paranoids. Look it up. The one that bothers me the most? 'The smaller the creature-the greater the master!'


where's charleston mo. i'll be there in less than 4 hours if u say the word. i'm in hangtime with my work and have way too much time on my hands. i'm planting the cacti that i excavated from the rio grande basin on my last wanderlust. what do you do? how is it your single? your very attractive. i pray yer not lonely. if i'm too forward at least pen pals. i'll respond to any questions concerning the heart of a man and maybe u could help me understand women. i love women. i tend to make an embarassement out of myself. but i yam what i yam. check my private photos for some cute laughs. sure my libido's far out but its good to be liberated. and more at ease with one's sexuality/sensuality. honest the pleasure of the woman is often my goal. male orgasm is end game. lol. hollar back cute tha

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Yaw waY. Help us all. Om mani padme hum. It is as it is. 2bad for me n u. Yaw spelled backwards is waY. I die of morgellons. Was interviewed by the BBC and others at the 6th international conference of Morgellons scientific research conference last month in austin tx. Lyme disease spirochettes seem to be the lead direction but i believe it is more than that. MK/Naomi off the chain just as MK/ultra unleashed LSD. Tick bourne paralysis weapon. I adhere to the simple statement. 'The bodies inability to adapt to modern environmental stressors'


We located evidence that the Americans had indeed tested this carcinogenic chemical—zinc cadmium sulphide—over Winnipeg in 1953. We wrote to the Government of Canada, explaining that we had solid evidence of the spraying and asking that we be informed as to how high up in the government the request for permission to spray had gone. We did not receive a reply.

Shortly after, the Pentagon held a press conference on May 14, 1997, where they admitted what they had done. Robert Russo, writing for the Toronto Star11 from Washington, DC, reported the Pentagon's admission that in 1953 it had obtained permission from the Canadian Government to fly over the city of Winnipeg and spray out this chemical—which sifted down on kids going to school, housewives hanging out their laundry and people going to work. US Army planes and trucks released the chemical 36 times between July and August 1953. The Pentagon got its statistics, which indicated that if the chemical released had been full strength, approximately a third of the population of Winnipeg would have developed cancers over the next five years.'


(1) Any purpose related to medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity.

(2) Any purpose related to protection against toxic chemicals or biological weapons & agents.

(3) Any law enforcement purpose, including any related to riot control.

Airline Mechanic identifies potential source of commercial plane's Chemtrail delivery system: 'One day last month I was called out from our base to work on a plane for another airline. When I got the call the dispatcher did not know what the problem was. When I got to the plane I found out that the problem was in waste disposal system. There was nothing for me to do but to crawl in and fix the problem. When I got into the bay I realized that something was not right. There were more tanks, pumps, and pipes then should have been there. At first I assumed that the waste disposal system had been changed. It had been about 10 years since I had worked on this particular model of aircraft.

The next day I was on the company computer to look up a wiring schematic. While I was there I decided to look up the extra equipment I had found. To my amazement the manuals did not show any of the extra equipment I had seen with my own eyes the day before. I even tied in to the manufacturer files and still found nothing. Now I was really determined to find out what that equipment did. The next week we had three of our planes in our main hanger for periodic inspection. There are mechanics crawling all over a plane during these inspections. I had just finished my shift and I decided to have a look at the waste system on one of our planes. With all the mechanics around I figured that no one would notice an extra one on the plane. Sure enough, the plane I choose had the extra equipment! I began to trace the system of pipes, pumps, and tanks. I found what appeared to be the control unit for the system. It was a standard looking avionics control box but it had no markings of any kind.

I could trace the control wires from the box to the pumps and valves but there were no control circuits coming into the unit. The only wires coming into the unit was a power connection to the aircraft's main power bus. The system had 1 large tank and 2 smaller tanks. It was hard to tell in the cramped compartment, but it looked like the large tank could hold about 50 gallons. The tanks were connected to a fill and drain valve that passed through the fuselage just behind the drain valve for the waste system. When I had a chance to look for this connection under the plane I found it cunningly hidden behind a panel under the panel used to access the waste drain. I began to trace the piping from the pumps. These pipes lead to a network of small pipes that ended in the trailing edges of the wings and horizontal stabilizers.

If you look closely at the wings of a large airplane you will see a set of wires, about the size of your finger, extending from the trailing edge of the wing surfaces. These are the static discharge wicks. They are used to dissipate the static electric charge that builds up on a plane in flight. I discovered that the pipes from this mystery system lead to every 1 out of 3 of these static discharge wicks. These wicks had been "hollowed out" to allow whatever flows through these pipes to be discharged through the fake wicks. While I don't know what THEY are spraying, I can tell you how they are doing it. I figure they are using the "honey trucks". These are the trucks that empty the waste from the lavatory waste tanks. The airports usually contract out this job and nobody goes near these trucks. Who wants to stand next a truck full of sh–. While these guys are emptying the waste tanks, it makes sense that they could easily be filling the tanks of the spray system. They know the planes flight path so they probably program the control unit to start spraying some amount of time after the plane reaches a certain altitude. The spray nozzles in the fake static wicks are so small that no one in the plane would see a thing.'

Airline manager confirms authenticity of Mechanic's e-mail including revelations of secret Government Chemtrail program (Project Cloverleaf) in operation: 'The email from the anonymous mechanic rings true. Airline companies in America have been participating in something called Project Cloverleaf for a few years now. The earliest date anyone remembers being briefed on it is 1998. I was briefed on it in 1999. The few airline employees who were briefed on Project Cloverleaf were all made to undergo background checks, and before we were briefed on it we were made to sign non-disclosure agreements, which basically state that if we tell anyone what we know we could be imprisoned. About twenty employees in our office were briefed along with me by two officials from some government agency. They didn't tell us which one. They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft.'

Note: Neither of these statements (airline mechanic & manager) have been independently verified. Further, actual confirmation of 'Project Cloverleaf' has yet to materialize in the form of de-classified Gov't/Military documents. They have been included here-in as highly intriguing, albeit unconfirmed, records. Undoubtedly any whistleblower involved in this scale of a cover-up would likely go to great lengths to ensure protection of their identity. Therefore we can only speculate as to its authenticity.

Project Cloverleaf: 'Both US military refueling tankers and thousands of planes in private corporate aviation are used. Military & civilian aspects of Project Cloverleaf are covert operations. The purpose is to seed into the atmosphere multiple weather/climate modification chemicals for purposes of proactive environmental warfare, originally motivated by a climate change concern; & to introduce highly humanly toxic metallic salts and aerosol fibers that facilitate atmospheric operations of HAARP technology (which is involved in climate manipulation). Piggybacking on this, the covert distribution framework of the toxic metals & chemicals has been used in other covert military/civilian operations like massive biological experiments on whole cities and countrysides of people/ecologies—tests which are unauthorized & without consent or even public knowledge. The purpose is nothing less than the actual physical transformation of the earth's atmosphere in order to provide a platform for the latest chemical & electromagnetic technologies of warfare, communication, weather control, low-yield biological warfare, and control of populations through "non-lethal" chemical/electromagnetic means.'

Excerpts from declassified 'Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 (2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future) -

'It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather…and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.' 'Extreme and controversial examples of weather modification-creation of made-to-order weather, large scale climate modification, creation and/or control (or "steering") of severe storms. etc.- were researched as part of this study…the weather modification proposed in this report range from the technically proven to the potentially feasible.'

Concepts of Operation -

Precipitation modification: Numerous dispersal techniques have already been studied, but the most convenient, safe, and cost-effective method discussed is the use of afterburner-type jet engines to generate carbon particles while flying through the targeted air. This method is based on injection of liquid hydrocarbon fuel into the afterburner's combustion gases. This direct generation method was found to be more desirable than another plausible method (i.e., the transport of large quantities of previously produced and properly sized carbon dust to the desired altitude). "significant beneficial influences can be derived through judicious exploitation of the solar absorption potential of carbon black dust." If clouds were seeded (using chemical nuclei similar to those used today or perhaps a more effective agent discovered through continued research) before their downwind arrival to a desired location, the result could be a suppression of precipitation. In other words, precipitation could be "forced" to fall before its arrival in the desired territory, thereby making the desired territory "dry.".

Fog modification: 'Field experiments with lasers have demonstrated the capability to dissipate warm fog at an airfield with zero visibility. Generating 1 watt/cm2, which is approximately the US large power density exposure limit, the system raised visibility to one quarter of a mile in 20 seconds. Laser systems described in the Space Operations portion of this AF 2025 study could certainly provide this capability as one of their many possible uses. With regard to seeding techniques, improvements in the materials and delivery methods are not only plausible but likely. Smart materials based on nanotechnology are currently being developed with gigaops computer capability at their core. They could adjust their size to optimal dimensions for a given fog seeding situation and even make adjustments throughout the process. They might also enhance their dispersal qualities by adjusting their buoyancy, by communicating with each other, and by steering themselves within the fog. They will be able to provide immediate and continuous effectiveness feedback by integrating with a larger sensor network and can also change their temperature and polarity to improve their seeding effects. As mentioned above, UAVs could be used to deliver and distribute these smart materials.

Recent army research lab experiments have demonstrated the feasibility of generating fog. They used commercial equipment to generate thick fog in an area 100 meters long. Further study has shown fogs to be effective at blocking much of the UV/IR/visible spectrum, effectively masking emitters of such radiation from IR weapons.This technology would enable a small military unit to avoid detection in the IR spectrum. Fog could be generated to quickly, conceal the movement of tanks or infantry, or it could conceal military operations, facilities, or equipment. Such systems may also be useful in inhibiting observations of sensitive rear-area operations by electro-optical reconnaissance platforms.'

Storm modification: 'Weather-modification technologies might involve techniques that would increase latent heat release in the atmosphere, provide additional water vapor for cloud cell development, and provide additional surface and lower atmospheric heating to increase atmospheric instability. Critical to the success of any attempt to trigger a storm cell is the pre-existing atmospheric conditions locally and regionally. The atmosphere must already be conditionally unstable and the large-scale dynamics must be supportive of vertical cloud development. The focus of the weather-modification effort would be to provide additional "conditions" that would make the atmosphere unstable enough to generate cloud and eventually storm cell development. The path of storm cells once developed or enhanced is dependent not only on the mesoscale dynamics of the storm but the regional and synoptic (global) scale atmospheric wind flow patterns in the area which are currently not subject to human control. In summary, the ability to modify battlespace weather through storm cell triggering or enhancement would allow us to exploit the technological "weather" advances of our 2025 aircraft; this area has tremendous potential and should be addressed by future research and concept development programs.

Space-weather/Ionosphere modification: 'A number of methods have been explored or proposed to modify the ionosphere, including injection of chemical vapors and heating or charging via electromagnetic radiation or particle beams (such as ions, neutral particles, x-rays, MeV particles, and energetic electrons). It is important to note that many techniques to modify the upper atmosphere have been successfully demonstrated experimentally. Ground-based modification techniques employed by the FSU include vertical HF heating, oblique HF heating, microwave heating, and magnetospheric modification. Significant military applications of such operations include low frequency (LF) communication production, HF ducted communications, and creation of an artificial ionosphere.

Moreover, developing countries also recognize the benefit of ionospheric modification: "in the early 1980′s, Brazil conducted an experiment to modify the ionosphere by chemical injection."

Several high-payoff capabilities that could result from the modification of the ionosphere or near space are described briefly below. It should be emphasized that this list is not comprehensive; modification of the ionosphere is an area rich with potential applications and there are also likely spin-off applications that have yet to be envisioned.

Ionospheric mirrors for pinpoint communication or over-the-horizon (OTH) radar transmission. The properties and limitations of the ionosphere as a reflecting medium for high-frequency radiation are described in appendix A. The major disadvantage in depending on the ionosphere to reflect radio waves is its variability, which is due to normal space weather and events such as solar flares and geomagnetic storms. The ionosphere has been described as a crinkled sheet of wax paper whose relative position rises and sinks depending on weather conditions. The surface topography of the crinkled paper also constantly changes, leading to variability in its reflective, refractive, and transmissive properties.

Creation of an artificial uniform ionosphere was first proposed by Soviet researcher A. V. Gurevich in the mid-1970s. An artificial ionospheric mirror (AIM) would serve as a precise mirror for electromagnetic radiation of a selected frequency or a range of frequencies. It would thereby be useful for both pinpoint control



For anyone in any doubt Morgellons Syndrome is very real. It is linked to Chemtrail fallout; derived from self replicating, self repairing nano-particle technology found in the spray.

The program is officially named: Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering. An extraordinary level of secrecy surrounds the whole operation, reflecting a well-organized, coordinated international-scale "continuity of agenda" being carried out country to country; an undemocratic, scientific experiment being waged on our communities, one seemingly above/outside the  jurisdiction of local government  intervention, monitoring or ethical checks & balances – especially in terms of the imminent threat posed to public/environmental safety, for our generation and more so, those generations to come.

Agenda 21 will provide the mechanism needed to gain complete control over nature, societies, the natural life cycle as we once knew it. Agenda 21, once it is fully implemented, will spell the end of human access (the common people that is) to wilderness areas, the formation of Centralized "Planned-opolis" ghettos (managed by a powerful committee of Technocratic Elites), where-in the government can/will systematically determine the limits of growth via sterilization programs, the abolishing of any/all principles of self-determination of the body, a unilateral ban on organic produce, the cutting off of all natural resources ie. fresh water, clean air, literally blocking out the Sun's Ultra Violet Rays via round-the-clock Chemtrail aerosol spray saturation of our skies with Aluminum, Barium & Strontium particulates, micro-bacterial viruses & Level 5 Bio-lab produced Nano-particle technology (self-replicating, self-repairing) – designed to overtake & weaken the Immune System.

The Chemtrail program involves a convergence of Haarp & Chemtrail technologies), where-in thousands of tons of fine metal paticulates are routinely sprayed into the lower-upper Stratosphere (average 35,000 feet), producing an artificial barrier or shield (city-wide) which literally deflects a large proportion of the sun's UV rays from reaching the earth, producing, depending on the geography below, a cooker-effect or a sudden cooling in temperature. Haarp (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is always utilized in conjunction with Chemtrailing, to direct microwave energies (upwards of 36,000,000 watts) toward the filter, which literally heats up or supercharges the metallic "cloud surface" itself. This susequently triggers a host of abnormal weather changes throughout the entire region below, typically severe lightning storms, short-term "monsoon-like" rainstorms, prolonged overcast skies, drought and/or flooding, depending on the targeted region, if the program is continued for weeks or months on end.

The Technocratic Elites who have hyjacked our Governments are triggering a deluge of floods & prolonged adverse weather conditions; while cutting all urban populations off from access to the sun's beneficial D3 rays. White haze is now the "safe alternative" to true blue skies. This is the new phase which will auger in the coming control grid distopia. Once all the pieces are in place and the rules of Agenda 21 are strictly enforced globally (in sync with the rolling out of a digitized, cashless economy) general health levels will plummet as the herd is "herded" into literally centralized polyopolis workcamps. Simultaneously the UN will begin rapidly locking down the vast majority of wetland areas from public use. Irradiated GMO food will replace organic food forever under this system. Expect hybrid Cancer & Autism rates etc to skyrocket exponentially. Morgellon's Syndrome (tied to nano-particle technology embedded in the Chemtrail spray) will become the new celebrity disease of the moment.

The consortium of Technocratic Elites who comprise the dominant Military, Scientific (& Medical) Industrial Complex now literally own our skies, and are routinely, systematically, deliberately messing with nature's natural cycles (integration of Chemtrail & HAARP technologies) in order to pin the blame on man-made "Climate Change"; part of a devious, calculated "Ponzi Scheme" hatched through the United Nations (led by Globalist tycoon Maurice Strong), to use any/all anthropogenic impact on the environment (ie. Carbon Dioxide – vital to sustaining all plant/tree life on earth) as a pretext for taxing the common people back into the Middle ages, whilst imposing gradually worsening austerity measure on our communities, till the masses eventually learn to live with nothing…and grovel on our knees for Global Governance total control over our lives & Institutions.

The masterfully cunning lie behind Agenda 21 involves using the contrived threat of Anthropogenic Global Warming as a pretext for systematically Chemtrailing our skies, artificially blocking out the sun's UV rays, thereby depriving our communities of vital, life-sustaining Vitamin D3, which is causing a rapid chain reaction of environmental catastrophy, due to all the heavy metal particulate fallout contaminating our soil, rendering it unfit for growing natural produce for generations to come due to severe alkalinity levels & equally contaminating our groundwater on which we depend for survival, on top of all the prolonged drought & flooding which is being deliberately triggered across the board via the convergence of Haarp & Chemtrail technologies, diverting natural weather patterns by design, in order to turn traditionally fertile, local farm-land into arid desert; wherepon Monsanto moves in, buys up the land for pennies on the dollar, and begins planting its own Abiotic (crop damage) resistant GMO seeds. Check mate.

All these manufactured extreme weather changes, including the environmental damage, collapsing food & waters supplies, will ultimately be blamed on Anthropogenic Global Warming – the end result of which WE, the people, will pay increasingly higher taxes and be subject to ongoing draconian austerity measures unlike anything society has witnessed since the Middle Ages. Eventually humanity will face much more punishing measures once the Global Governance Police State apparatus is fully in place, as the limits of growth will be strictly determined, by a consortium of unelected, untouchable Technocratic Elites.

And this entire Machievelian-devised operation, which was hatched decades ago in the United Nations, is going perfectly according to plan.  

Agenda 21 Chapter 9: 'Protection Of The Atmosphere – Preventing (Anthropogenic/manmade) stratospheric ozone depletion: To develop strategies aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface as a consequence of depletion and modification of the stratospheric ozone layer.'

"Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced; a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every human action be integrated into individual and collective decision-making at every level." UN Agenda 21

"The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an Elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities." Zbigniew Brzezinski from his book 'Between Two Ages: America's Role In The Technotronic Era'

Whether you're willing to acknowledge it or not, your environment is being artificially engineered, your immediate & longterm health directly threatened by the onging imposition of Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-engineering aka chemtrailing on your community, the species itself permanently altered, and if you choose to stick your head in the sand, history certainly won't begrudge you for it. And those criminals getting away with this attrociously illegal ongoing crime against humanity will thank you for rolling over and complying without attempting to defend your inherent rights. But in the end you will have done nothing to make a difference for future generations…let alone potentially overlooking the damaging influence your compliance with these crimes will ultimately have on your children. And by extension you will never have earned the right to stand free from tyranny and proclaim your independence.

What's so frustrating to acknowledge about the whole Chemtrail issue is the fact that none of this orchestrated destruction has to unfold as it is planned for us. We are allowing a small handful of lunatics in charge, behind the scenes, through a shadow government network that pulls the strings from the UN, Nato, Military & Air Force echelons on down through all regional departments to carry out their sick plans unhindered & without contest. It's as though we've just given up and sat back in reticent compliance, because we think it's all too complex a machinery to stop the wheels…when the truth is, we could halt this monstrous program overnight if enough of us banded together from around the world to stop it. This attitude must change or else we simply have no future whatsoever.

Furthermore, most current meteorologists have no integrity whatsoever any longer, a band of liars, choosing to ignore the imminent threat posed by the ongoing Chemtrail agenda. The mainstream media blackout on coverage & widespread systemic denial of the glaring Chemtrail assault of our skies around the world is one of the most shameful displays of ignorance & corruption in the history of journalism.

"There is no greater and no more immediate threat to anything that lives & breathes than the Global Geo-engineering programs short of Nuclear catastrophy." Dane Wigington, Solar expert/Climate Researcher

‎"The weather disasters seem to be directely correlated to an increase in Monsanto sales." Barb Peterson, Small farmer/Rancher/ Researcher

I recently met a father at our September 2009 anti-Vaccine rally in the late stages of Morgellons. For all intents & purposes his life is ruined. He has had to effectively isolate himself from his family like a leper due to its highly contagious nature. Since then I have come in contact with another two victims of the Syndrome, both of whom reported the same lingering symptoms.

Morgellon's sufferers are commonly afflicted with protuberant black, blue, red or white hairy fibers which develop under the surface of the skin and grow out in pustules randomly all over the body. The texture is similar to the underside of a mattress when peeled back, extremely painful & virtually irreversible. Lesions and/or callouses form over the skin areas affected. They're also discovering fibrous-type invertebrates, wormlike & cellulose fibers, silicon, DNA, insect pods in these victims. Morgellons fibers are sensors (artificially intelligent devices) which measure PH levels & body temperature, Blood Glucose, Blood gases & other medical conditions – laboratory produced self replicating, self repairing nano-tech machines (termed Nanoprobes). Treatment of Morgellon's symptoms is slow, with varying results. It is crucial to maintain your proper alkalinity levels (2/3rds over aciditic) with daily maintenance – regular doses of Organic Apple Cider vinegar.

The problem is this is a very insidious disease, scientifically designed to overtake your cell structure & overall immune system. We have to find out who's behind the program and bring them all to justice; while ensuring that chemtrailing itself is forever banned. We deserve to be left alone to live our lives naturally, not to linger in a chronically sick condition. That's where all this is headed if we don't fight back now.

Morgellons Syndrome was developed in a level 5 Bio-Weapons Research Laboratory; it's target…YOU.

Morgellons researchers Dr Hildegaard Stanninger and Dr Karjoom have announced the finding of self replicating nano machines "running wild" in the bodies of Morgellons victims.

Treatment/Elimination of Morgellons Fibers: 'The method involves the use of red wine or a red wine-hydrogen peroxide mixture as an extended rinse for the mouth. Gum-dental samples collected after extended wine-hydrogen peroxide mixture rinses of the mouth (e.g., 5 minutes each) and placed upon a glass slide for observation. Mouth brushed and cleaned to best degree possible prior to the test. Core material is composed essentially of the four pathogenic forms (encasing filament, sub-micron filament network, Chlamydia-like structures and the "hybrid form").'

Nanotechnology represents the cornerstone of 21st Century advanced scientific research, but once again indicates a hubris & fundamental disregard for nature; and a gross miscalculation of nature's retaliatory instinct. Natural immunity will have no place in this so called "brave new world". The Trans-humanist Elites financing this dark revolution believe they will one day merge with the machine, in the wake of humanity's orchestrated demise…a fate they have crafted for generations from behind closed doors, with nothing but malice in their withered hearts. Love & life will ultimately endure, and our hopes for a bright future will never be blown asunder by these misguided control freaks…and in the end Nature will once again prevail.

'One concern about nanotechnology's unintended consequences raises the question of the uncontrolled development of self-replicating nanoscale machines. A number of very serious technical challenges would have to be overcome before it would be possible to create nanoscale machines that could reproduce themselves in the natural environment. Some of these challenges appear to be insurmountable with respect to chemistry and physical principles, and it may be technically impossible to create self-reproducing mechanical nanoscale robots of the sort that some visionaries have imagined.' National Science Foundation: Societal Implications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Computational discovery of instructionless self-replicating structures in cellular automata –

Abstract: Cellular automata models have historically been a major approach to studying the information-processing properties of self-replication. Here we explore the feasibility of adopting genetic programming so that, when it is given a fairly arbitrary initial cellular automata configuration, it will automatically generate a set of rules that make the given configuration replicate. We found that this approach works surprisingly effectively for structures as large as 50 components or more. The replication mechanisms discovered by genetic programming work quite differently than those of many past manually designed replicators: There is no identifiable instruction sequence or construction arm, the replicating structures generally translate and rotate as they reproduce, and they divide via a fissionlike process that involves highly parallel operations. This makes replication very fast, and one cannot identify which descendant is the parent and which is the child. The ability to automatically generate self-replicating structures in this fashion allowed us to examine the resulting replicators as their properties were systematically varied. Further, it proved possible to produce replicators that simultaneously deposited secondary structures while replicating, as in some past manually designed models. We conclude that genetic progr

Yo la tango? From her to eternity?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

William S. Burroughs (1914 - 1997) - Find A Grave Memorial



Hi this is jazzresin. Dj jazzresin. William lincoln schafer is my full facebook name but everyone knows me as bill, or sax, or musicman, or jazz, some know me as dr. F. Schafer, the lobotomy kid. I found out my native western land name in a vision quest a Graham Cave, located between Columbia and st. Louis. A vision was faster than light. "Silent Birdsong" and then not 20 seconds later a Humming bird Stares right in my eye 14 inches from eye. Wow. Jazzresin is my avatar name hi, onelove is always good. im dj'in in my last shred. 'swing low' mobile recording studio. it was cold earlier.....$8 martini concoction of redbull w/ iced vodka (lots of ice) and two olives make for a great long lasting drink..

Friday, May 3, 2013

Lol 707 747 boeing

Fkone fkall. Blackhole swallow u whole. Sitcom meme robot from decades ago. Your children watch king of the fatty hill withu but theyd rather watch robot chicken like Way yaW and 666 gambling upon us meta up in *a supposed* 777. Catch 22 out??? is it 23 or 33. You tell me. I'm mk/naomi bitch. I say the fk what i want. Settle down? (Yeah I Tried that...)...ever hear of XNA? Better accelerate n teach your 'offspring' to speed-read cause there s'not enough purpose to go around. Yaw waY better let jesus out of hell.


Complete the vicious circle of DNA. Procreation is programmed to be 'fun' wake up breeders and smell the stink of overpopulation. DNA eats itself. No worries we're made this way. Living in the F@#kpods of the larval hive planet. All efforts are for naught. Music and Art make life worth living but for how long. Listen to Ryoji Ikeda!!! Zap teenage boys with 8yr sterilization rays. To have a kid a couple needs to pass multiple world citizen tests. If the earth is unsustainable in a part of the world then food should not be a charitable donation. The government should not reward single mothers a larger check for having more than 2 children. On and on. War and Starvation are the only check/balance against overpopulation. On that note f#@k Monsanto' glyphosate roundup monopoly which pumps so much corn syrup and artificial soy into us. Sorry. I'm done. No really....for now. Fkall

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The Google Team

Compromised Mobile/online security

An indonesian muslum named Wulandi Anggraeni has accessed my Twitter and Google accounts! Why is Facebook more secure than both of you. This is a true concern. As an online advocate i will advise ALL to uninvest in your stock and products. This IS the 21st century. I have not had a password breach. This has been recognized recently and i believe this is a 'YOUR SIDE' problem. Now what!?!
For example i googled her name. Wulandi Anggraeni her Picasa album suddenly seems as it is alive on my machine. What do you mean 'sign out'?!?!

This is what i copied:

110503563467332976326 | Sign Out
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shorty pearson interview p(jazzresin sex mix).mp3


Thursday, May 2, 2013


hello beautiful! i'm a real person. my name is bill. i'm a musician, writer, dreamer, artist! ex-hacker. on long term disability from my job as music therapist with BJH psychiatric inpatient services,---tick bourne illness is a quick way to explain it----- i'm free with way too much time on my hands. i'm lookin for friends and/or lovers. i live day to day. they send me death checks and i squander them wandering about. was in austin tx for the 6th annual morgellons research presentation. got interviewed by the bbc!! that was cool. went south to laredo and had an experience xactus hunting, south padre island. then booked it to biloxi and xried a lot. ohr-o'keefe museum of art, my plan was to run out of death money. didnt happen, prob go to windsor ontario, canada, think about becoming an expatriate,,,,, i know yer like, goodness sakes this fellow sure sez alot..... well, your cute glenda, and i could use a friend, text me. we could have coffee, or just

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Facebook newsfeed post by: Lucille Gull Millan

Lucille Gull Millan wrote:

If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.



Tweet from Wulandari Anggraeni (@williamLincolnS)

Wulandari Anggraeni (@williamLincolnS) tweeted at 5:40 AM on Sat, Apr 27, 2013:
@jazzresin @melayela my ALQUIdA sleeper cell ex-wife stole my seed. My daughter Wulandari hacked my #@ Dont know. Shuld be proud/anggraeni?!

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where u born? i was born in winnipeg manitoba canada. parents american from north dakota. so i have dual citizenship. america is killing me. i might expatriate to canada. i'm dying a slow death. can't get treatment for morgellons. something physiological that turns psychological. it is cruel that i have been so tortured. mk-naomi as a knockout weapon. tick paralysis disease. short term memory malfunctions. body twitches all the time. nerve damage. so i lose my job my wife my house. my parents care for my two tch-zu dogs. i give up and cave in.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Note to S.B.

Soon in perhaps in a post apocalyptic way. 5-10,000 human beings wander through an emptied out world full of hollow architecture. What a j-curve does with populations. We already know. Something so tiny and unseen. A smaller virus modulating unique and fatal riding upon a larger common virus. It doesnt matter whether you're strong, intelligent, or clever. It is about the luck of your genes being able to adapt. I am sick with visions.... I am sick with MK-naomi. I am sick with a spyrochette like parasite. I am sick with a tick bourne agent. I am sick with a lyme disease in it's later phase of psychosis and dementia. I ramble. I pray for the wellbeing of mankind but alas i see very little hope. I am glad i had no children.

N of NO

North of New Orleans this song played i died as i drove off the road while sobbing in tragic reaccuring nightmare of of disbelif that our love and bond had been poisened by the venomous agent of a deer tick paralysis bite. Lose my mind day after day after day after....no i am not well. No it hasnt gotten better. No i have no plan. I see you and breakdown. I go to places we had been like a ghost in summer clothes. I remember fighting so hard to get better. I still fight but the war is completely utterly lost. I move past the feeling in complete charade as if an actor playing the role of villian. Night after night a horror on and off stage for my transparent despotism. So we threw pottery together and god spoke to me my first time in complete ohr like genius of turn table tempo with a malleable rim breaking laws of topology. I wasn't listening to the teacher. I was making a mess. I was criticized!?! Bullied! Bully for you as you as i bowed out shamefully. Here i am now in biloxi. My ignatz will buy one more brick for Krazy Kats noggin. Coconino county wot a coincidence. I miss u. I am so sick without u. I am aimless as i wander. I cannot win you back as sick as i am with 'morgellons' damn. Just call it spirochette disease or tick bourne illness. Lyme disease. Mk-Naomi. Unknown parasitical objects. But ana.....ana....how could i malke up something so ludicris as this. My neck face and scalp are twisted with out of control zombie kerotin. I have debris obscene to reason and rationality exuding and removed from my dermis. Ana... I found out i wasnt alone. Ana..it was not all in my head. I dId not create this demon disease. My downfall without trearment. I died last night while sobbing in memory of our times good and bad. ,,,,,,,, now what? Another feeling i cant believe i move past.


The flora of the drainage streams of Laredo!!! Bottles and pottery shards mixed in with flint artifacts of the early native americans. I could of headed west towards the panhandle but the valley i explored. My legs are slashed and cut up through the protective aggressive flora. I traveled to no man's land; a lake evaporated and run dry through man's grip upon controlling water. There amongst bone dead tree i found a coyote's skull. A quarter of an hour later a pack of 3-4 coyote's sang a sorrowful and haunting song. Had i removed the memory of a lost loved one?

Saturday, April 20, 2013


found out others have gone mentally ill....suicide is the main cause of death. scientists believe it has something to do with spirochettes!?! australian dr. insists it is a tick bourne illness. support was amazing.. I met a psychotherapist who was suffering! ! I was interviewed by two journalist camera teams,  one I believe was the bbc!! I signed documents of release. thus my purpose as an activist had been fulfilled.  im scared to check my bank account. im in mission texas.  probably hop across the border somewhere down here. then to new orleans and final destination biloxi where I will meet and talk with yaw way.   way yaw. jah. jvh. pray to jesus. forgive lucifer for his efforts to entertain the highest. forgive self for dna is programmed this way. evolve and adapt..die trying.  I look and look on the ground for medicine. ... love u mj. Godspeed

WLS777 BBtorched9800

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Love u mom. Tell dad hi. I'm exploring the dark desert jungles of texas. Dont really know where i'm going. Trying to stay active. The convention was a healing experience for me. The scientists will figure it out eventually. Recommendations are to find a lyme disease specialist even if my test came up negative. There are two more lyme disease tests i need. I met lots of nurses, a psychotherapist whom has it, a psychiatrist who has it presented upon the psychiatric conditions which morgellons sufferers face. I contributed to conversations. Got formally interviewed by the BBC british people. And an american journalist crew. Signed releases and all. Tried to present the disease as rational as i could. Even as i write this i am suffering fierce the feeling upon my neck and back makes it seem like i have a backpack of lead on me.....sigh. I got a good sun tan. Enough to make me get sun protectant spray. I had fun playing sax on 6th street in austin. They have alot of beautiful women down here. A ratio of 7 women to 4 men. Haha. Laredo was fascinating to me. To be amongst 97 percent latino population. The people are kind and they sure now how to eat well down here. 4$ bought me an amazing dinner. Well i'm off to who knows where. Love, bill.

HOWL by Ginsberg



Full text of "Peyote. An abridged compilation from the files of the Bureau of Indian affairs"



Wednesday, April 17, 2013


HI Papi!!!!! How r u!!! Great to hear from you! I am on a death trip. I hope i live through it. Lol. After that another one. I'm as free as a bird. Freebird. Silent birdsong i am. A dead man with a hummingbird spirit guide. I hunt peyote under the guise of urban archaeology. These senorita's down here are so beautiful. I get death checks. And wander. Many bright stars, like you!!, i have met on my journey through the western lands. I toss all drugs in a little baggie and crush em up. Must be 15 different types in my little snort sack!! Hunter s. Thompsan... I am making moments meaningful while i can. I got sunburned today!!! I love you Nate! All best to you!

Laredo not Toledo

good god sunshine u r attractive hi my name is bill schafer, a jazz musician from st. louis on a wanderabout. would you like to have me as a guest as i am in laredo tx. i am destined for biloxi mississippi. i am looking on the ground for holy medicine. perhaps you could be a guide. i mean no harm as i am a buddhist christian zen taoist boddhissatva pascifist. a lover not a fighter though in these days as a dead buddha i fear nothing and speak my mind without filter. can u turn on a dead man? if so text,call, tempt me 999. all best to you and your loved ones.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Blessed joe dames

Your prayer resounds deeply in my soul. Tears well up from your guidance and wisdom. I keep on keepin on. I unleashed my horns fury and ecstasy upon 6th street. It's allright. God damns me as it always has been and always will be. I entertain him with my fuckups and heretical audacity. It is indeed a closed circuit on a feedback loop of extreme danger and 666 so 777 that the 23 to the 32 does resolve through a lazy slack to 33. I welcome my death and am so sick that i have been praising Yaw spelled backwards Way for teaching extreme lessons through my beloved disease. Learning to love the atomic bomb. True my mind ticks bomblike but please read my mind brain surveillance technology. I play play but within my trash talk there is DEAD seriousness beyond REAL REAL. Joe you recommend me to remain the painful insignificant microquasar that i am. You my friend are a confirmed in buddha nature of a true QUASAR. Rich and invisible with mindfulness and kindness. I promise my death trip will not be an end. But as the schlemehl role of a Dead Buddha i hack through codecs and icenine crypts deciphering through dumb luck and holographic encryption codes coded upon the rewrites themselves. I am awful and terrible. I know. I mean no harm. But jah loves drama and i am eager to join Jesus in Hell in order to help souls escape the unjust rule of the almighty. Things change. Will the circle be unbroken?

Contact 6th annual MgD conference

My name is bill, from stl. Worked as music therapist. I'm not as sharp as i use to be but i have done a significant amount of research; hacking information on the internet. I have many many theories. Theories that are not confirmed rather thoughts attempting to explain the inexplicable phenomena. I am familiar with both medical/scientific research along with anecdotyl evidence and the more paranoid conspiratol sci-fi data. We have no choice but to be open to all theory. I believe both me and you suffer from decreased impulse control along with impaired linguistic/speech abilities. i am an activist. I've suffered 6 years. I am divorced, not fit for duty, on long term disability, lost my house. I am a dead buddha. My klesha's are cruel teachers of pain and suffering devils whom become angels of liberation and disembodiment. it is the end of the line. I am like William Blake in the movie 'dead man' i am now to wander the western lands to find my assassin or an interesting death. Om mani padme hum. All best to you and your loved ones.

Friday, April 12, 2013


A phd in suffering. Lol. The conference will key me in to the status of the 'unknown illness' BigPharma Psych Oligarchy decides that there is not enough human beings suffering from this condition, not enough $ to make research worth while, so it pays it no attention and continues to allow inhumane and unethical protocol to those that suffer. I mean come on....you go to a dermatologist to get help not to recieve a diagonosis of exclusion into a living hell that destroys ones status as a world citizen. I am not alone in this situation. Self diagnosis for me occured 4.5 years in. I never ever would want an illness to ruin my marriage, take my job from me, steal my house and sense of 'home' from me. My anger comes and goes. Most of all i am resigned. I may be a beach bum. I may expatriate to canada. I dont think i can live at mom and dads for too long. I am not suicidal then again i walk around without fear of death and often have disregard for my wellbeing. If yer sick everyday what matter? C'est la vie. My old self is almost a distant dream. These days i feel more like a test subject attempting fifth column. Sci-fi for sure. I am not psychotic but when reality becomes stranger than fiction one's creativity is a double edged knife. Love u bec. Wish me safety and luck in aquiring the neccesary information. xxx ooo


Im in waco. Will be in austin tonite. The conference will begin tommorrow. My contribution is the theory that morgellons phenomena is worsened by prolonged 'toxic shock syndrome' due to the bodies lymphocytes inability to break down renegade kerotin chains, kerotin malproduction that behave like prions. Thus the perpetual sickness and extended traumatic stress reaction. Today i wander around a state park and see if the ground offers up medicine to me.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


You will find the (way it) hurts to love
Never cared and the world turned hearts to love
You will see, oh now, oh the way I do

You will wait
See me go
I don't care when your head turned all alone
You will wait when I turn my eyes around
Overhead when I hold you next to me
Overhead, to know, oh the way I see

Close my eyes
Feel me how
I don't know maybe you could not hurt me now
Here alone when I feel down too
Over there when I await true love for you
You can hide, oh no, oh the way I do
You will see, oh now, oh the way I do
Close my eyes
Feel me now
I don't know maybe you could not love me now
You will know, and her feet down to the ground
Over there, and I want true love to love
You can't hide, oh no, from the way I feel

Turn my head
Into sound
I don't know when I lay down on the ground
You will find the (way it) hurts to love
Never cared and the world turned hearts to love
You will see, oh now, oh the way I do

You will wait

Saturday, April 6, 2013


I worry bout myself too. I dont know. I have support here. I am fasting. Joe Dames has said that i can stay at his farm for as long as i like. Another Sax player stays there in his Trailor (kind of like grandpa's old one.) Perhaps this would be an interesting way of living. Very inexpensive and mobile.... I am about to play the sax and busk. Street Music is kind of like music therapy. I forget about myself and work in a higher purpose.
Something in the air. God i have been at it for 5 hours. Extracting the tiny wire filaments along with unfortunate perfectly fine hair. I have a feeling of being possessed..movements not directed by my mind but the parasitical MgD etherical creature complex that has invaded my shoulders neck face scalp...digs so deep into the center of my back and then into the vertabrae spinal cord into the reptilain brain and into my limbic center finally prodding my frontal lobes attacking my soul..... As always help help help help..no one can help. Peoples kindness is appreciated but they read wikipedia and quickly agree that i'm crazy. Psychiatric..............fuc.....i'm so tired of fighting. Lord take me. ....... Please Lord Now.....now....ouch.

Friday, April 5, 2013

oh god are you in the second or third year?!?? The horror is so very real. And to be degraded by others telling u that the phenomena is 'all in your head' is enough to drive anyone crazy. I feel so bad. I believe i am entering the later or downward arc of the illness. Suicide, Psychosis, grandiosity, persecution complex, buddhism zen taoism helps make peace with the anger towards the almighty or matrix hologram. I speak to people often as a holy fool. A futurologist, a biblical prophet revealing the revelations. My life hangs precariously in the balance of some great unknown in the next few weeks. I have austin texas and then decisions need to be implimented or perhaps not. I have great friends i am reading 'the pale king' by david foster wallace. I pray that you maintain your sanity as you endure the inexplicable intolerable phenomena. Love one love. - william lincoln schafer, aka dj jazzresin.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


im hacked through n through. in fact i found the king hacker gray mauser's original wizardry four decryption cyphers somehow floating around the debris of my car. on the back of the piece of dotmatrix printed paper was a dungeons & dragons playa char sheet. evidently it held the details of a level six dead thief. when i get my matter frontal lobe right imma gonna make an mp3 playa full of exotic music for my sweetheart. the system infringes both gifting and ensnaring like pruett-igoe.


Edward Jones - John Mobius owens
Jiminey crkt - X Alex
W. Schafer - Fat Bill
- Jonesy
- Bella
- Wheels
- Mc Nails



Will do sister.  I admit im onna death trip kinda like the movie. 'Dead man'  my scalp is hieroglyphs always hurts. Tryin to keep a sense of humor gets difficult.   Having my parents help me make out a will is disheartening.  I am enjoying a hunter s thompson hop to my step but I know its jus self destructive thanatos. Eros clings on screaming' love love love. ' but 777 and 666 blur into 23 when catch 22 is all there really is. I have no goal or life plan after austin. I spend money with disdain and carelessness. Lol. We should talk soon I would like to hear your voice. All best.  Bill om mani padme hum


On Mar 31, 2013 9:45 PM, <6619797524@vzwpix.com> wrote:
  So my dear brother....we feel like shit and look like hell.....but i say we are the elite.  What we can do together is beautiful.  Collectively we can figure this out and hold each other up.  Have you tried Omeprazole.  Brand name is prilosec.  It is an acid reducer.  I think it might be helping me.  Perhaps lowers the acidity in the digestive tract.  My bad symptons let up a bit when i take it. Dont do anything foolish.  Gotta get u through this rough patch so we can brainstorm.  I cant sleep much these days.......txt me any time if you need to vent or cry or shoot the breeze.  Really.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Big Pharma n' Psych Oligarchy got me by the morgellons thread. Interwoven meshed. embroided into the sick fabric i travel to the 6th annual morgellons scientific research presentantion conference on April 12-14 in austin tx. All i can do is fight for a shred of dignity- i've lost and let go of so much i'm practically already dead.

St. Louis-20130210-02884.jpg


St. Louis-20130210-02883.jpg

Another Morgellons Anomily. Something half created. Nanomolecule like entity with a wide assortment of fibres connected. The blade used to extract this was serious surgical tool. The lesion this came from of course healed over in less than an hour. Inexplicable....


Magnetic and in movement. Hair possessed. Notice the quantum dots mid strand.


Intolerable to allow the Morgellon filaments to work their way into ear cartilage. I fight. I will not be consumed. They are more powerful than those that dont understand. this is first and foremost a physiological condition. The psychological damage. Is inevitable