w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Saturday, April 27, 2013


where u born? i was born in winnipeg manitoba canada. parents american from north dakota. so i have dual citizenship. america is killing me. i might expatriate to canada. i'm dying a slow death. can't get treatment for morgellons. something physiological that turns psychological. it is cruel that i have been so tortured. mk-naomi as a knockout weapon. tick paralysis disease. short term memory malfunctions. body twitches all the time. nerve damage. so i lose my job my wife my house. my parents care for my two tch-zu dogs. i give up and cave in.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Note to S.B.

Soon in perhaps in a post apocalyptic way. 5-10,000 human beings wander through an emptied out world full of hollow architecture. What a j-curve does with populations. We already know. Something so tiny and unseen. A smaller virus modulating unique and fatal riding upon a larger common virus. It doesnt matter whether you're strong, intelligent, or clever. It is about the luck of your genes being able to adapt. I am sick with visions.... I am sick with MK-naomi. I am sick with a spyrochette like parasite. I am sick with a tick bourne agent. I am sick with a lyme disease in it's later phase of psychosis and dementia. I ramble. I pray for the wellbeing of mankind but alas i see very little hope. I am glad i had no children.

N of NO

North of New Orleans this song played i died as i drove off the road while sobbing in tragic reaccuring nightmare of of disbelif that our love and bond had been poisened by the venomous agent of a deer tick paralysis bite. Lose my mind day after day after day after....no i am not well. No it hasnt gotten better. No i have no plan. I see you and breakdown. I go to places we had been like a ghost in summer clothes. I remember fighting so hard to get better. I still fight but the war is completely utterly lost. I move past the feeling in complete charade as if an actor playing the role of villian. Night after night a horror on and off stage for my transparent despotism. So we threw pottery together and god spoke to me my first time in complete ohr like genius of turn table tempo with a malleable rim breaking laws of topology. I wasn't listening to the teacher. I was making a mess. I was criticized!?! Bullied! Bully for you as you as i bowed out shamefully. Here i am now in biloxi. My ignatz will buy one more brick for Krazy Kats noggin. Coconino county wot a coincidence. I miss u. I am so sick without u. I am aimless as i wander. I cannot win you back as sick as i am with 'morgellons' damn. Just call it spirochette disease or tick bourne illness. Lyme disease. Mk-Naomi. Unknown parasitical objects. But ana.....ana....how could i malke up something so ludicris as this. My neck face and scalp are twisted with out of control zombie kerotin. I have debris obscene to reason and rationality exuding and removed from my dermis. Ana... I found out i wasnt alone. Ana..it was not all in my head. I dId not create this demon disease. My downfall without trearment. I died last night while sobbing in memory of our times good and bad. ,,,,,,,, now what? Another feeling i cant believe i move past.


The flora of the drainage streams of Laredo!!! Bottles and pottery shards mixed in with flint artifacts of the early native americans. I could of headed west towards the panhandle but the valley i explored. My legs are slashed and cut up through the protective aggressive flora. I traveled to no man's land; a lake evaporated and run dry through man's grip upon controlling water. There amongst bone dead tree i found a coyote's skull. A quarter of an hour later a pack of 3-4 coyote's sang a sorrowful and haunting song. Had i removed the memory of a lost loved one?

Saturday, April 20, 2013


found out others have gone mentally ill....suicide is the main cause of death. scientists believe it has something to do with spirochettes!?! australian dr. insists it is a tick bourne illness. support was amazing.. I met a psychotherapist who was suffering! ! I was interviewed by two journalist camera teams,  one I believe was the bbc!! I signed documents of release. thus my purpose as an activist had been fulfilled.  im scared to check my bank account. im in mission texas.  probably hop across the border somewhere down here. then to new orleans and final destination biloxi where I will meet and talk with yaw way.   way yaw. jah. jvh. pray to jesus. forgive lucifer for his efforts to entertain the highest. forgive self for dna is programmed this way. evolve and adapt..die trying.  I look and look on the ground for medicine. ... love u mj. Godspeed

WLS777 BBtorched9800

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Love u mom. Tell dad hi. I'm exploring the dark desert jungles of texas. Dont really know where i'm going. Trying to stay active. The convention was a healing experience for me. The scientists will figure it out eventually. Recommendations are to find a lyme disease specialist even if my test came up negative. There are two more lyme disease tests i need. I met lots of nurses, a psychotherapist whom has it, a psychiatrist who has it presented upon the psychiatric conditions which morgellons sufferers face. I contributed to conversations. Got formally interviewed by the BBC british people. And an american journalist crew. Signed releases and all. Tried to present the disease as rational as i could. Even as i write this i am suffering fierce the feeling upon my neck and back makes it seem like i have a backpack of lead on me.....sigh. I got a good sun tan. Enough to make me get sun protectant spray. I had fun playing sax on 6th street in austin. They have alot of beautiful women down here. A ratio of 7 women to 4 men. Haha. Laredo was fascinating to me. To be amongst 97 percent latino population. The people are kind and they sure now how to eat well down here. 4$ bought me an amazing dinner. Well i'm off to who knows where. Love, bill.

HOWL by Ginsberg



Full text of "Peyote. An abridged compilation from the files of the Bureau of Indian affairs"



Wednesday, April 17, 2013


HI Papi!!!!! How r u!!! Great to hear from you! I am on a death trip. I hope i live through it. Lol. After that another one. I'm as free as a bird. Freebird. Silent birdsong i am. A dead man with a hummingbird spirit guide. I hunt peyote under the guise of urban archaeology. These senorita's down here are so beautiful. I get death checks. And wander. Many bright stars, like you!!, i have met on my journey through the western lands. I toss all drugs in a little baggie and crush em up. Must be 15 different types in my little snort sack!! Hunter s. Thompsan... I am making moments meaningful while i can. I got sunburned today!!! I love you Nate! All best to you!

Laredo not Toledo

good god sunshine u r attractive hi my name is bill schafer, a jazz musician from st. louis on a wanderabout. would you like to have me as a guest as i am in laredo tx. i am destined for biloxi mississippi. i am looking on the ground for holy medicine. perhaps you could be a guide. i mean no harm as i am a buddhist christian zen taoist boddhissatva pascifist. a lover not a fighter though in these days as a dead buddha i fear nothing and speak my mind without filter. can u turn on a dead man? if so text,call, tempt me 999. all best to you and your loved ones.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Blessed joe dames

Your prayer resounds deeply in my soul. Tears well up from your guidance and wisdom. I keep on keepin on. I unleashed my horns fury and ecstasy upon 6th street. It's allright. God damns me as it always has been and always will be. I entertain him with my fuckups and heretical audacity. It is indeed a closed circuit on a feedback loop of extreme danger and 666 so 777 that the 23 to the 32 does resolve through a lazy slack to 33. I welcome my death and am so sick that i have been praising Yaw spelled backwards Way for teaching extreme lessons through my beloved disease. Learning to love the atomic bomb. True my mind ticks bomblike but please read my mind brain surveillance technology. I play play but within my trash talk there is DEAD seriousness beyond REAL REAL. Joe you recommend me to remain the painful insignificant microquasar that i am. You my friend are a confirmed in buddha nature of a true QUASAR. Rich and invisible with mindfulness and kindness. I promise my death trip will not be an end. But as the schlemehl role of a Dead Buddha i hack through codecs and icenine crypts deciphering through dumb luck and holographic encryption codes coded upon the rewrites themselves. I am awful and terrible. I know. I mean no harm. But jah loves drama and i am eager to join Jesus in Hell in order to help souls escape the unjust rule of the almighty. Things change. Will the circle be unbroken?

Contact 6th annual MgD conference

My name is bill, from stl. Worked as music therapist. I'm not as sharp as i use to be but i have done a significant amount of research; hacking information on the internet. I have many many theories. Theories that are not confirmed rather thoughts attempting to explain the inexplicable phenomena. I am familiar with both medical/scientific research along with anecdotyl evidence and the more paranoid conspiratol sci-fi data. We have no choice but to be open to all theory. I believe both me and you suffer from decreased impulse control along with impaired linguistic/speech abilities. i am an activist. I've suffered 6 years. I am divorced, not fit for duty, on long term disability, lost my house. I am a dead buddha. My klesha's are cruel teachers of pain and suffering devils whom become angels of liberation and disembodiment. it is the end of the line. I am like William Blake in the movie 'dead man' i am now to wander the western lands to find my assassin or an interesting death. Om mani padme hum. All best to you and your loved ones.

Friday, April 12, 2013


A phd in suffering. Lol. The conference will key me in to the status of the 'unknown illness' BigPharma Psych Oligarchy decides that there is not enough human beings suffering from this condition, not enough $ to make research worth while, so it pays it no attention and continues to allow inhumane and unethical protocol to those that suffer. I mean come on....you go to a dermatologist to get help not to recieve a diagonosis of exclusion into a living hell that destroys ones status as a world citizen. I am not alone in this situation. Self diagnosis for me occured 4.5 years in. I never ever would want an illness to ruin my marriage, take my job from me, steal my house and sense of 'home' from me. My anger comes and goes. Most of all i am resigned. I may be a beach bum. I may expatriate to canada. I dont think i can live at mom and dads for too long. I am not suicidal then again i walk around without fear of death and often have disregard for my wellbeing. If yer sick everyday what matter? C'est la vie. My old self is almost a distant dream. These days i feel more like a test subject attempting fifth column. Sci-fi for sure. I am not psychotic but when reality becomes stranger than fiction one's creativity is a double edged knife. Love u bec. Wish me safety and luck in aquiring the neccesary information. xxx ooo


Im in waco. Will be in austin tonite. The conference will begin tommorrow. My contribution is the theory that morgellons phenomena is worsened by prolonged 'toxic shock syndrome' due to the bodies lymphocytes inability to break down renegade kerotin chains, kerotin malproduction that behave like prions. Thus the perpetual sickness and extended traumatic stress reaction. Today i wander around a state park and see if the ground offers up medicine to me.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


You will find the (way it) hurts to love
Never cared and the world turned hearts to love
You will see, oh now, oh the way I do

You will wait
See me go
I don't care when your head turned all alone
You will wait when I turn my eyes around
Overhead when I hold you next to me
Overhead, to know, oh the way I see

Close my eyes
Feel me how
I don't know maybe you could not hurt me now
Here alone when I feel down too
Over there when I await true love for you
You can hide, oh no, oh the way I do
You will see, oh now, oh the way I do
Close my eyes
Feel me now
I don't know maybe you could not love me now
You will know, and her feet down to the ground
Over there, and I want true love to love
You can't hide, oh no, from the way I feel

Turn my head
Into sound
I don't know when I lay down on the ground
You will find the (way it) hurts to love
Never cared and the world turned hearts to love
You will see, oh now, oh the way I do

You will wait

Saturday, April 6, 2013


I worry bout myself too. I dont know. I have support here. I am fasting. Joe Dames has said that i can stay at his farm for as long as i like. Another Sax player stays there in his Trailor (kind of like grandpa's old one.) Perhaps this would be an interesting way of living. Very inexpensive and mobile.... I am about to play the sax and busk. Street Music is kind of like music therapy. I forget about myself and work in a higher purpose.
Something in the air. God i have been at it for 5 hours. Extracting the tiny wire filaments along with unfortunate perfectly fine hair. I have a feeling of being possessed..movements not directed by my mind but the parasitical MgD etherical creature complex that has invaded my shoulders neck face scalp...digs so deep into the center of my back and then into the vertabrae spinal cord into the reptilain brain and into my limbic center finally prodding my frontal lobes attacking my soul..... As always help help help help..no one can help. Peoples kindness is appreciated but they read wikipedia and quickly agree that i'm crazy. Psychiatric..............fuc.....i'm so tired of fighting. Lord take me. ....... Please Lord Now.....now....ouch.

Friday, April 5, 2013

oh god are you in the second or third year?!?? The horror is so very real. And to be degraded by others telling u that the phenomena is 'all in your head' is enough to drive anyone crazy. I feel so bad. I believe i am entering the later or downward arc of the illness. Suicide, Psychosis, grandiosity, persecution complex, buddhism zen taoism helps make peace with the anger towards the almighty or matrix hologram. I speak to people often as a holy fool. A futurologist, a biblical prophet revealing the revelations. My life hangs precariously in the balance of some great unknown in the next few weeks. I have austin texas and then decisions need to be implimented or perhaps not. I have great friends i am reading 'the pale king' by david foster wallace. I pray that you maintain your sanity as you endure the inexplicable intolerable phenomena. Love one love. - william lincoln schafer, aka dj jazzresin.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


im hacked through n through. in fact i found the king hacker gray mauser's original wizardry four decryption cyphers somehow floating around the debris of my car. on the back of the piece of dotmatrix printed paper was a dungeons & dragons playa char sheet. evidently it held the details of a level six dead thief. when i get my matter frontal lobe right imma gonna make an mp3 playa full of exotic music for my sweetheart. the system infringes both gifting and ensnaring like pruett-igoe.


Edward Jones - John Mobius owens
Jiminey crkt - X Alex
W. Schafer - Fat Bill
- Jonesy
- Bella
- Wheels
- Mc Nails



Will do sister.  I admit im onna death trip kinda like the movie. 'Dead man'  my scalp is hieroglyphs always hurts. Tryin to keep a sense of humor gets difficult.   Having my parents help me make out a will is disheartening.  I am enjoying a hunter s thompson hop to my step but I know its jus self destructive thanatos. Eros clings on screaming' love love love. ' but 777 and 666 blur into 23 when catch 22 is all there really is. I have no goal or life plan after austin. I spend money with disdain and carelessness. Lol. We should talk soon I would like to hear your voice. All best.  Bill om mani padme hum


On Mar 31, 2013 9:45 PM, <6619797524@vzwpix.com> wrote:
  So my dear brother....we feel like shit and look like hell.....but i say we are the elite.  What we can do together is beautiful.  Collectively we can figure this out and hold each other up.  Have you tried Omeprazole.  Brand name is prilosec.  It is an acid reducer.  I think it might be helping me.  Perhaps lowers the acidity in the digestive tract.  My bad symptons let up a bit when i take it. Dont do anything foolish.  Gotta get u through this rough patch so we can brainstorm.  I cant sleep much these days.......txt me any time if you need to vent or cry or shoot the breeze.  Really.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Big Pharma n' Psych Oligarchy got me by the morgellons thread. Interwoven meshed. embroided into the sick fabric i travel to the 6th annual morgellons scientific research presentantion conference on April 12-14 in austin tx. All i can do is fight for a shred of dignity- i've lost and let go of so much i'm practically already dead.

St. Louis-20130210-02884.jpg


St. Louis-20130210-02883.jpg

Another Morgellons Anomily. Something half created. Nanomolecule like entity with a wide assortment of fibres connected. The blade used to extract this was serious surgical tool. The lesion this came from of course healed over in less than an hour. Inexplicable....


Magnetic and in movement. Hair possessed. Notice the quantum dots mid strand.


Intolerable to allow the Morgellon filaments to work their way into ear cartilage. I fight. I will not be consumed. They are more powerful than those that dont understand. this is first and foremost a physiological condition. The psychological damage. Is inevitable

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Maryland Heights-20130305-03378.jpg

The evasive non-newtonian plaque like morgellon element. This is the type that will waste the hours away in self surgery. Certainly the sensation of a foriegn body at work under the skin. One cannot ignore it. THEY will never understand. WE know the severity of what is going on!!!


A more typical morgellons filament. Out of a bald head a two inch monster.


A transluscent red dragon like feather painfully removed from deep lesion in back neck. It practically glowed for moments after removed.


Gwen, i've had a horrific night. I fight and fight. I fought tonite. Rather than going completely utterly 15th floor psychiatric (where i use to work) i focused on getting myself to Austin on April 12-15, i believe my paypal to NMO went through and my hotel reservation @the Wyndom Garden Hotel has been secured. i am not well. My decision making is suspect. I am scared uncaring if that makes sense. Last week i took a trip to hot springs. In the ozarks there was an abandoned amusement park. The little railroad went across a gorge. I walked upon the rotted railwood halfway. Looking down 300 feet below...... I walked back..... I was trespassing and reckless. It would have been a good death. I pray for this nightmare to end. I am not well. I am trying to get well with the Lord. Can u feel me Gwen?? Wyndom Gardens hotel is no Devils tower. But i'll wear a gasmask to get through the clouds of BZ. I dont have a presentation except for me being there. i'll entertain as i always do. But this is very serious business. I cannot keep on keepin' on....... Job to Jesus to Van gogh. Y'know. I'm about to Jack Kevorckian the entire operation. My mind ticks bomblike. I am a pacifist kamakaze


So i'm sittin there feelin away at this pearl in my mouth. Next thing i know some chick is lookin straight in my eyes like im some kind a prevert. She walks in and orders me off the establishment. Calls the m#@f#@kin cops on me. I say i'm gettin outta here me. Damn first thing i said was sorry.

Monday, March 18, 2013


There is some evidence albeit, scattered in varying degrees of reliability across the often too strange to be true web. The inventor of the MG pop control was a israelian scientist working at Stanford. He messed up. MG doesnt kill just causes intolerable suffering, anyways the 'hypertext' of it all was that the U.S. government, realizing the awful treachery of it all, gunned him down in assassination as his car was stopped at a stop light. There was a picture of him posted looking like a deer in the headlights. .....myth or not...we all do our best to try to figure it out cause it defies logic. My contribution is that MG functions in a Non-newtonian manner. Look up non-newtonian & speaker, on youtube and i bet a lot of those suffering from it will immediately identify with the freakish movement and lifelike presence of cornstarch on speaker cone. Then of course the most terrifying is the modulation of the deer tick paralysis agent used as a knockout weapon -mk naomi-(the k is for knockout just as mkultra was about LSD used as a warfare agent (which of course they perfected into BZ which our nation stockpiles and can easily spray down upon the enemy or its citizens in order to take then down. Close encounters of the third kind- spraying the tresspassers and livestock that were in the vicinity of Devil's Tower)) after reading about that I was sickened to the core. Evidence is a subjective term. Scientific evidence? Prob not. But evidence does exist through the frightening mirror of our own theories amplified and interspersed with the truth on the interweb. Hackers keep hacking this. Help us out and set us free!!! Scientists keep hacking away at what it is and May we all be cured or at the very least be treated with dignity in coping with a mysterious illness that is all too real......

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Teman alien saya mengingatkan saya karena mereka melihat saya terlalu membumi sehingga melupakan kebiasan dan adat istiadat kehidupan di planet asal saya yang penuh dengan keharmonisan dan kenyamanan yang semua transparan tanpa ada yang bisa ditutup-tutupi. :D

Saya jawab : abis membumi itu enak sih, ada rasa pedas, asem, manis, ada yang bikin semeriwing dll, pokoknya nano-nano deh, kalo di planet kita kan semuanya hambar tidak ada rasanya.

Kemudian teman alien saya menjawab, iya betul !, dunia realitas Bumi adalah dunia rasa, kehidupan duniawi tidaklah berarti apa-apa jika rasa-rasa yang ada tidak dirasakan tetapi harap diingat !, dunia rasa adalah dunia sementara dimana dunia sesungguhnya bukanlah di Bumi tapi di planet kita.

Coba anda perhatikan dan amati bahwa kehidupan duniawi sangat menguras tenaga dan pikiran, manusia (ruh red.) terlalu sibuk mengisi waktu-waktunya untuk hal yang sia-sia, mereka lupa seolah-olah kehidupan yang sesungguhnya hanyalah kehidupan duniawi, mereka lupa bahwa kehidupan yang sesungguhnya tidak memerlukan manusia-manusia (ruh) seperti itu.

Veto ! Kami selalu mengawasi anda !, kehidupan anda belakangan ini membuat kami menjadi khawatir dan kami tidak ingin anda gagal.

Hhmm.. jadi apa yang harus saya perbuat ?

Teman Alien saya menjawab, ..Ingat ! kehadiran anda di planet Bumi adalah "Pengamat" yang hanya berakting sebagai pelaku, Amatilah kehidupan di sekitar anda, pelajari tingkah laku mereka, liat dampak yang ditimbulkannya, catatlah semua kejadian-kejadian tersebut.. analisalah ! lalu laporkanlah kepada kami... analisa anda sangat membantu kami dan sangat kami butuhkan untuk menentukan perkembangan manusia Bumi selanjutnya

saya jawab : Siap !, okay Boss... Zzzzz zzzzz....

--End of Dialogs

Saya jadi kepikiran begini, bahwasanya, setiap ruh yang memilih untuk bergabung menjadi manusia sebetulnya hanyalah untuk mengamati prilaku dan tingkah laku ruh-ruh lainnya, semua manusia adalah pengamat sekaligus pelaku yang hanya "act as like human" yang kemudian pengalaman dan perjalanan selama hidupnya di Bumi akan diceritakan kembali kepada teman-teman dan keluarganya di planet tempat asal mereka.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hot Springs-20130316-04089.jpg

Wish ùU were hear nama sutra. I feel like a dead lil wayne curt cobain. I had seven opportunties to die offered to me. I quivar quavar decide to go ahead and accept the pain of being a quasar. Love to morgellons. Love to indecisevenss. A dead buddha i must become. I do care through accepting of non concern. Love to you misshie my shale. Through me a hip hop beat so sweet make you reach down and touch your sweet.

Thursday, March 14, 2013




Unknown Journal



Nothing to see here




Sitting in front of Leo's coffee xone blu note. Sax and green plaid fedora. Dont' know where i'm going to. Now i'm alone. East ash track two on ellie the 'alone song' was up on rebel hill checking out chert found a monmouth pottery shard. Blood shed is held only in the decaying tree stumps. I listened to matthew herberts song 'manchester' you know its hard to look back and see the way it should of been. It wont be here again. I roll in a mobile recording studio named 'swing low' i have a 68' selmer mark vi tagged 'serena' hoy. waiting to unleash her sex screams and mean low moans. graffitied the maxima adding an x to the se. I have no idea. Playing Lex's bass was a thrill he posted a thunk sunk photo tweet of charles mingus. Met a bulgarian traveler sweet girl photographer cute even with hair comin out of her beauty mark near her thin lips. She wore a panda hat. Lex sez the vibrancy of the place stems from the aquaduct near the power plant. Effervecent. Lex brilliant with his academic tet. Tourettes syndrom.om.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I do plan to attend the meeting in Austin. I will register here in a day or two. My activism is DIY do-it-yourself, i had done a quite a bit of research, listened to all the RENSE radio shows. I found the research at the Charles Holman foundation to be very progressive. I donated back when i had a job. I post often not in the best state of mind. Your communication has been heard and i will post more responsibly. Often this illness does take its psychological toll. Frustration and hopelessness are companions. I promise for now not to take my life. I am tired of fighting but fight on i will. One love Cindy!




Sorry, i coined this out of deep frustration. UPO is unidentified parasitic object. Its play on words is that yes it is like a UFO. Aliens from inner space. it is true hundreds of world theories. I have worked in a clinical medical field as a music therapist for 7 years. I had faith in wash u. Doctors when i first seeked help from dermatologists 4 years ago. It was the beginning of a downward spirak. Indeed. Wild theories put aside. Morgellons has made me delusional due to daily pain, inexplicable phenomena, and a declining stability in life.i am homeless, i dont know if long term disability will be established. Forclosure on my house due to my ex not relenquishing the mortgage. I have paid for so much health care it is pitiful. I thank the charles holman foundation for their research and support, i have had it. I need to go to canada to get proper treatment??? I had a battery of 14 blood tests, negative on lyme. A high platelet and lymphocyte count. Low on vit. D. No metal poisoning like i had hypothesized earlier, Cindy, do not get me wrong. I am a morgellons activist, i am unafraid to speak my story, i suffered 4 years without knowing the term Morgellons. Trictolomania?? No...the egg most certainly came before the chicken. My symptoms match those of morgellons sufferers. Thus 'self diagnosed' i have recieved the full punishment of the stigma. I keep on keepin on Cindy! I thank u! And respect your words! - bill

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Certified Guaranty Company, LLC - CGC Grading - Grading Process




"I'm sorry to say this, Mr. Mayerson," Miss Fugate said; she went over to the pots, picked one up and held it in her hands, weighing it, rubbing its glazed surface. "But I get a distinctly different impression than you do. I feel these ceramic pieces will make it." Hnatt looked from one to the other of them.
"Let me have that." Mayerson pointed to a dark gray vase; at once Hnatt handed it to him. Mayerson held it for a time. "No," he said finally. He was frowning, now. "I still get no impression of this item making it big. In my opinion you're mistaken, Miss Fugate." He set the vase back down. "However," he said to Richard Hnatt, "in view of the disagreement between myself and Miss Fugate-
-" He scratched his nose thoughtfully. "Leave this display with me for a few days; I'll give it further attention." Obviously, however, he would not.
Reaching, Miss Fugate picked up a small, oddly shaped piece and cradled it against her bosom almost tenderly. "This one in particular. I receive very powerful emanations from it. This one will be the most successful of all."
In a quiet voice Barney Mayerson said, "You're out of your mind, Roni." He seemed really angry, now; his face was violent and dark. "I'll vid you," he said to Richard Hnatt. "When I've made my final decision. I see no reason why I should change my mind, so don't be optimistic. In fact don't bother to leave them." He shot a hard, harsh glance toward his assistant, Miss Fugate.

Thursday, February 28, 2013



Dj jazzresin

house parties for all-star tattoo. i blend acidhouse with funk, remixes, spicedelica, avant garde japanese classical electronic (ryoji ikeda!!!!) and of course uberstep northern underground dub with a healthy dose of stl crunk pop. eclectic with an encyclopedic knowledge of musicology, music ethnography, biomusicology, psycho-acoustics, and 20,000 records. at my jobsite i managed a library of 120,000 mp3's and 20,000 mp4 music vids. all in all though anyone can be a dj. it's best when someone else gives you your dj name. #1 record to start a dance floor. (always works for me) dee-lite - groove is in the heart!!!


el!!! i've been through hell (sorry bout the rhyme) been kicked out of my own house by my ex who isnt doing a good job with the divorce thing. she would not relenquish the mortgage and has been paying for it though i won the house in the settlement. my lyme/morgellon condition makes me unfit for duty at the hospital so i am in a fractal of catch 22's. at a point i step back and laugh but for the most part my life has been pulled out from underneath me. i have crashlanded at my elderly parents whom have been very supportive but i cant stay there too long. lookin to travel with the life insurance money i just closed on. hey if u want i'd drive down and take u out on a date dinner coffee. i have no agenda..lol. i bet u have many fella's courtin' you through ol badoo. but i mean no harm. i think yer cool and know yer an honest woman. and of course very beautiful with eyes i'd like to look in for real. well thanks for hearin' mze vent, lol. all best to you. onelove!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


rror 404 - Not Found
The page you are looking for is not available on this web site. Meanwhile...

Take your business to Walgreen's...

Steal anything in sight.

We are not responsible.

I don't know how to return it to the white reader.

You can write or yell or croon about it... paint about it... act about it... shit it out in mobiles... So long as you don't go and do it...

Senators leap up and bray for the Death Penalty with inflexible authority of virus yen.... Death for dope fiends, death for sex queens (I mean fiends) death for the psychopath who offends the cowed and graceless flesh with broken animal innocence of lithe movement....

The black wind sock of death undulates over the land, feeling, smelling for the crime of separate life, movers of the fear-frozen flesh shivering under a vast probability curve....

Population blocks disappear in a checker game of genocide.... Any number can play....

The Liberal Press and The Press Not So Liberal and The Press Reactionary Scream approval: "Above all the myth of other-level experience must be eradicated...." And speak darkly of certain harsh realities... cows with the aftosa... prophylaxis....

Power groups of the world frantically cut lines of connection....

The Planet drifts to random insect doom....

Thermodynamics has won at a crawl... Orgone balked at the post.... Christ bled... Time ran out....

You can cut into Naked Lunch at any intersection point.... I have written many prefaces. They atrophy and amputate spontaneous like the little toe amputates in a West African disease confined to the Negro race and the passing blonde shows her brass ankle as a manicured toe bounces across the club terrace, retrieved and laid at her feet by her Afghan Hound....

Naked Lunch is a blueprint, a How-To Book.. Black insect lusts open into vast, other planet landscapes.... Abstract concepts, bare as algebra, narrow down to a black turd or a pair of aging cajones...

How-To extend levels of experience by opening the door at the end of a long hall.... Doors that only open in Silence.... Naked Lunch demands Silence from The Reader. Otherwise he is taking his own pulse....

-- William S. Burroughs, "Atrophied Preface," Naked Lunch, 1959

Naked Lunch @ 50



Monday, February 18, 2013


had suffered four years before finding out about the term Morgellons. Of course i self diagnosed as the symptom set was a remarkable match. I am an unabashed activist. I have lost my marriage, my job, and my house. I am planning on becoming an expatriate due to the unethical and inhumane treatment of morgellons population. There is most likely a conspiracy. And the damage done jeopardizes institutions that hold way too much power to allow the sad truth to come out. Thus it is as it is. When the numbers reach into the tens of millions they will blame it on naive ignorance...'Oh we had no idea' or 'we are so sorry that recent research has revealed that fluoride in your toothpaste causes cancer'. Really?!?? Yes. I am a dead man walking with morgellons. I know there is no hope. I do and say what i want. I get in trouble often for ranting and raving. I have a symbiotic creature living in me that has ruined my life. No big deal. I look forward for it happening to you. We typhoid mary's whom you berate and calll mental. We'll just say to you, 'suffer well children, suffer well.'

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I am being kicked out of my own house due to divorce drama. I got sick from my BJH music therapy job with psych services on the 15th floor. My wife divorced me because of morgellons. I am not 'fit for duty' according to a second opinion of my employers. I am sick with morgellons so it makes life confusing and difficult. None the less i love playin music.i have worked professionally in the past and would like to. Karen i have upcoming travel alsi. Yer boy thumpasauraus and his enigmatic grandmaster of guitar are AMAZING!!!!!! It would be a privilage and an honor to perform with them. So i encourage u to use me as a sideman with them. I play all stykes of music. I write songs. I am both classically trained and STREET trained as i have been a street musician since 1988. I am an adventurous musician bur have a great respect for tradition and classics so i humble myself when i perform with virtuoso musicians. When i do perform i would like at least 25$ (of course 75$-100 is more desirablke and that is what i made as sax player with the BRiAN SULLIVaN QUarTET 2006 RFT KDHX best traditional jazzband award)) per session unless its informal or for specific charity. Much love. I am terribly busy for the next week as i put my valuables in storage and prepare to be homeless.

Monday, February 11, 2013

So sick with morgellons its ridiculous. I shaved my head. I couldnt take it any more. My results for most everything came in. Negative on Lyme. I do have high platelet count. And a high lymphocyte (white blood cell count) indicating my body is fighting something. I have high nitrogen also. Packing is sad and frightening. Hating it. I find beautiful things, i sure did catch passion for collecting antiques, pottery, jewelry. I plan on bringing the bass out tonite. I have some jewelry for you to go through and a box of stuff. It is killing me that i worked hard and bought this stuff and now i'm forced into relenquishing it. I pulled out as much as i coud from My northwestern mutual fund. It will afford some travel post feb. 14th. I am in a foul mood. I try to stay positive but this is low down rotten. I cant think well. I lose my glasses. I forget what i'm doing. I get frustrated easily, i dont want to take care of myself. I showered today and it was terribly painful. I beg for death about 100 times a day. Lord kill me, please kill me. My little storage unit is more than half full. I will have to give up so much it sickens me. I grab stuff i think will sell. I'll have to open an antique booth down the road. Or flea market it on the road. I wish i could save my record collection. Mike might be able to help me with storage. Music amps drum set recording machine books. Oh god. the things i value. Searched high and low. I ramble. Love bill.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

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When the medicine works and depression doesnt have me asleep for days, i'm able to do simple things like get out of the house. Do something. Y'know. Today i should be packing but i'm laid out, couch (nick named the death bed) bound with meds doin only half their job. Their is also a level of unhealthy sleep cycle. A bipolar like 2days ok 3-5 days not ok. Trictolomania is an impulse control AxisI disease in which the plucking of hair becomes habitual. I dont think its that as i have body hair without any impulse to remove. It really is more like the Soul Screaming at your Mind to remove a toxic foriegn agent parasite from your Body. Nerves firing on thier own. Bizarre sensations often associated with discovery of inexplicable debris, bundles of fibers, plaques, moving filiments(very similar to the motile fibre on cotton swabs which of course shouldnt be called cotton since its been so genetically modified.) On an on. Often theres a grey goo deadflesh which rubs off causing pain. Showers are dangerous and extraordinarily painful. My skin is not my own,,,,,a feeling of no longer being a human.


Da indeed. Thanks for walking into the lepers colony. Sendin me strength. Holdin myself together...barely. It is true that valuable insigjht is gained through Breakthrough. Beauty in the breakdown. I will be meta Jack Kerouac soon which i look forward too. I skate dangerous finances without fear. Am sad about abandoning my stewardtship of important artifacts, incomplete art,and of course security and stability.. The sun right now is doughnut like with a gaping hole exposing its core. Almost as it too is willing to disembody. The SHadow archetype of self, i had forgotten (perhaps in unconcious deniall or perhaps the sucess of being busy helping otjhers) totally about the importance and gravity of the role the shadow has had in makling me who i am. I certainly utillized the shadow to succeed in my life when most are not even savvy of its play. I was indeed born for this. Thanks Betty!

Chakra Colors Chart



Saturday, February 9, 2013

Namka Articles: The Dark Must Be Played Through



Carl Jung




god bless u betty! I'll research it. Just had a battery of tests (Finally!!!) Including Lyme. Today has been excruciating anguish and i have been couch bound. Called my mom for support. Ended up in tears sayin i was looking forward to going to hell. To be in hell with our savior christ....i apologized. I will be homeless in a week as i am to be out on the 14th, the estate liquidated, house sold. I have no income as LTD has not yet to appear. After i relenquish my dogs to my sister i am considering expatriating to Canada as i feel there are forces here that are doing wrong. ....well thanks again it means alot!!! http://www.voltairenet.org/article166027.html. (Horrifying, unfortunatly more plausable than a 1000 other theories of Morgellons)

Friday, February 8, 2013


Thnx Duke. I was riding high last night but today feel meek as a mouse. Terrible anxiety. Losing my stuff. Record collection, books, comfort, dogs, and of course the house with all the love and effort i poured into it. I won the house in divorce court, was unable to refinance due to extended leave from work. So now the house that my baseball money paid legal and downpayment is no longer mine since she owns the mortgage single handidly. It was her credit and work that got the place in the first part. I am so fucked u wouldnt believe. All the time too sick to MGd (may be later stages of lyme disease a tick bite!!!! Remeber that phone call way back where i started talking about something wierd about my skin/hair i didnt know about either morgellons or lyme disease...and yet i get treated as if i AM making this shit up. I'm at the end of this book, perhaps a preface to another novel to write. Swear to god im goin to Biloxi. Been selling guitars, silver and gold, and records to squeak on by since i'm unpaid extended leave. Was in the damn ER checking for metal poisoning. My parents think MgD is psychological delusions of parasites. And yeah there is a level of trictollomania involved. If you had a foreign body intrusive feeling all the time..like 10000 splinters all interacting and seemingly symbiotic. Yknow how one splinter can ruin a weekend if you dont get it out... That's not even half of the hellish symptoms 100k americans and 1mil world citizens suffer. If ya google/bing image it you see a lot of follks MUCH worse off than me but they perhaps dont have the persistence and scientific background i have. I have fought this tooth and nail every day since 98. ...i wake up in a surreal j.g.ballard/pkd/burroughs scenario. In that i take some pleasure. The absurdity and horror of it all is stranger than any fiction.today i am feeling to. Sick and weak to move select items to the storage bin. Lord help me. My medicines are strong, without gabapentin/neurontin I surely would not be here. I am resigned towards whatever may come, tired of fighting. All best duke!!! We time travel back one day and philosophize about JOB and buddha's klesha's while Tressa sits on the couch giggling at our intense discussion gets into conundrums. Thanks for allowing me to vent. Your support means the world to me,

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Hi Michael. I love you. I am in dire straits. Watching my work and passion dissapear. I must be in a cocoon about to metamorphisize into some different version of me. I am buddha like. I sometimes wake up human and cry. I have been doing my best. This punishment against a morgellons sufferer is unethical and unjust. I am ill. This is awful to strip the decency, dignity and basic human rights from a person in society whom was there helping people. Perhaps thats it. I no longer am human. I have been genetically modified. If you come to STL u have a place to stay. I cannot communicate to aNa out of deep fear. We both know how calculated and cunning she can be. I cannot fight for my rights. I roll over and play dead. Its a hornets nest. I could just continue to live there and pull a legal protest. It is my home. She did not give me the right to claim mortgage. I do not want any of this!!!! Oh well. I feel thrust back into wilderness years. We should party such. Fk all. Y'knw what i mean. Love and respect to you Mike!!! If u change yer mind i will understand.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Praise to you master musician troubadour. Words fail when speaking of "IN EAR PARK'. As a musicologist/historian/music therapist I claim that your work to be a 21st century masterpiece!!

You must continue. The intent needs resolution. Archangel Gabriel will speak through you. The opposite of thanatos is eros. 'Above Ear Park' 'beyond ear park'. Wear your emotions as you did then. Resolve mortality. Let loose the further questions and the wild orchestrations.

Do it for yourself and your childrens children. Much love. If ever in Saint Louis, look me up, william lincoln schafer (facebook) jazzresin (twitter and et.all) i would die to be your kontrabassist. Tenor sax is my money maker. I play all instruments. My western land name is Silent Birdsong.

Ghost In Summer Clothes Tab by Department Of Eagles @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com



Path comixology viz. Pulse news speedtest.net weathrt hd2 groupon scoutmob yelp electrum. Mtv mews wunderlist mega run redfords subway sigrtd google shopper social cam vimeo zynga poker google authentocvator nodebeat etheral dialpad dark meadow dead triggerr winamp double twist mobli instagram credit karma mobile

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Or Spirited Away. Yeah Spirited Away. House Taken awAy. I go homeless soon. To the seven seas once again. Cept i cant swim. I get sea sick. Rather suck Ruby than lemon or lime rind. A river boy i'm destined to be. A huck finn...a Lame Sawyer. Cept the rivers are full of Pharmecuticals n' GLYPHOSATE. Corn Syrup PrioNs. Mad Corn Syrup disease. Oh yeah n' a lot of Feces. Swine, Bovine,Sapian..... A hungry ghost i'll always be.Washed in the blood of the lambs. I work in the name of Archangel GABRIEL. Fk Yahweh. Let jEsUs out of Hell. Eldest Son of the Seventh Son. 777 William Lincoln Schafer I am your SHEPHERD you shall not WANT. SHAEF. Supreme Headquarters of the ALLied Expeditionary. FORCE. MK-NAOMI. I am dead living. As if all work and no play. Made jack an undead zombie immune to cold or Shined Ones.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Thank you for at least giving the mortgage a look. It's nice to have hope, even if it's only for a short amount of time. As you can see, I have never been late or missed a payment since the house was purchased. Almost every single month until separation process is started, I always sent extra money towards the principal, ranges from $100 - $5000 per month in addition to actual balance. That's what I do with my tax refunds. It's too bad that all my hard work goes down the drain. But oh well, nothing else I can do because I cannot afford to keep on paying.

Bill: please proceed with option 1 as soon as possible. Once you and the pups are out, I will attempt to sell remaining items in the house via estate sales agent. Hopefully, the income can help me pay the mortgage of that house until it's sold. I still have some books and few other items I need to get from the house. I couldn't find them last time. My work schedule has been very hectic, so I don't know when I can stop by, but I'll let you know.

Bette: grandpa's sewing machine is still in the house somewhere and it will be stored in the original black carrying case it came with. I have never removed it from the house unless somebody else took it without my knowledge. I however, do not know where it is because the house was in no condition for me to do search rescue the last time. And frankly, I wasn't even feel welcomed at my own home because that woman is watching my every single move as I pick up MY things.

It will take me a decade to recover from my financial lost, while emotional scars may never goes away. Regardless, I have to keep on moving, what other choice to I have? If anybody can help Bill to move his things or move out of the house, please do so. This is not easy for me either, I'm suffering emotionally, physically, and financially. I can't help Bill when I can't even help myself.

Sorry to hear you are not well Rebecca, hope you get better soon.

Sent from my iPad

On Jan 22, 2013, at 8:21 PM, Rebecca Jungjohann <rebeccajungjohann@comcast.net> wrote:

Hi Ana,

Sorry it has taken me a few days to take a look at the mortgage info you sent me on the 10th St house.  I've had the flu and have been sick for nearly two weeks now (still not better yet, now I have a sinus infection... just got antibiotics today).

After reviewing the loan info, I regret to tell you that Jim and I will be unable to pay off the loan and buy the house for Bill.  For some reason, I had thought the remaining principal was significantly less than 100k.  Thank you so very much for helping me with access this info!!

I think you should proceed with "option 1" you had outlined for Bill in your previous email to all of us.  Bill will need to immediately start working with Mom to find alternate housing.  Due to his unemployment, he will need to apply for welfare and/or disability.  Once this is accomplished he should be able to apply for low-income housing.

I do think it will be in the best interest for both of you and Bill to emotionally move past the 10th St house and sell it and the majority of it's contents.  A new start is needed for both of you.

Please keep me in the loop regarding the house.  If needed, I can fly in the help Bill move out.  This is going to be a difficult transition for him and your compassion will be greatly appreciated.  I know it's been very difficult the last few years for you (and Bill)... hopefully a new beginning for you is "around the corner."


Rebecca Jungjohann
303-814-8778 home
650-269-4841 mobile
617 Cliffgate Ln.
Castle Rock, CO  80108

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


TRANSMUTATION which utilizes
crossing all TRANSCUTURAL

Monday, January 7, 2013

Fk me

-npatient Psychiatric Services provide patient care specific to the needs adult patients suffering from a variety of acute and chronic psychiatric disease states. The department functions to stabilize, improve and restore individual and interpersonal functioning by providing safe and secure environments, psychiatric medications, ECT and other therapies through our interdisciplinary team of physicians, clinicians and therapist. Through continuous monitoring we are able to provide a safe and controlled environment during daily activities and immediate psychiatric crisis.

Role Purpose

Organizes and implements a music therapy program to address physical, emotional, cognitive and social needs of patients.


Uses music therapy as a process that combines the verbally transcendent and emotionally authentic aspects of music with the needs of the patient.
Serves as a resource person and guide providing musical experiences that will aid in patient care.
Designs and conducts music sessions for individuals and groups, based on client needs.
Coordinates therapy with other team members and shares response to music therapy intervention.

THERAPIST, MUSIC - Barnes-Jewish Hospital


Jah. Assult. Twice. By her son. Then cousin. Grift an honest man? Bitch? I'm sick. I can't remember where I put this phone. Fuk with a dead man? Cold hearted. Thanks for the love but I can't take the deception.

Gm...so wats up yo???...I'm tired of ur ass saying shit and not remembering!!!!!!!!!...nigga how the fuk yo punk ass gon call me a fuckin drifter talkin bout u ain't no ATM!!!!!..muhfuka I ain't never played yo ass...I never fuckin used u...u haven't done anything for me that I couldn't do for my damn self...u got me mistaken for a bitch that need yo ass cuz I don't...all the fuk u do is materialize that damn house...u act like u got the best house in the fuckin world...u bring people in then dog them out well idiot ur help is in vain!!!!..even the street musicians ...how u gon put them out in the cold u selfish heartless bastard!!!!!!!...you can not blame everything on morgellons bill!!!!!...some of that shit is ur own damn fucked up personality and ur cowardly ass hide behind ur illnesses using it as an excuse...I cared about ur stupid ass...u said no one else believed u...but I did believe u bill I tried to help u...then u turned on me...just like a dog but im the bitch???...I tried to heal u while u we're ailing I tried to be of some comfort to yo stupid ass...shit nigga I cooked ur food made ur tea...I even went out and bought things that I thought would help u...I continuously brought things to ur evil ass while u wer in that room being a piss worm and yelling out obscenities at me u ungreatful half dead one foot in the grave ass bitch!!!!...I dealt with that shit because I love u not because of that pissy ass house!!!!...as far as my phone goes u told me not to worry and pay u wen I can!!!!!!!!...I gave u wat I could bitch...I was not done paying u...I had money coming the next day as well...so fuk u flute boy!!!...u kno u remember saying that shit...just like that shit u pulled with the dishes...then two weeks later u claim u remember .. fuk u!!!...maybe b flat wasn't lying bill maybe u did say that shit because u do the same shit to me...u are such a child grow the fuck up!!!!!!!!!!!!.. ur ass is suffering because ur still stuck in ur childhood...wat grown man pulls his pants down and acts like a blithering idiot bill...who does that???!!!!!!!!....out of all the unnecessary bullshit I have gon thru with u the thing that hurts the most is u truely think I'm a scoundrel ass bitch...nobody has ever treated me that way...im very trusting and everybody knos that about me...I may not have been able to be a sugar mama like ur precious ana but I loved u to the core and there was nothing I wouldn't do for u...wat we had was not financial it was real...truth be told u ain't really got shit either...I never use a nigga for his money or nothing else like that...u have me mistaken for the people who swindled yo ass for real cuz it ain't me...u seem to have this very low opinion of me...u treat me like a low life welfare ass nigga bitch who was raised in shit with no morals no values no home training and no fuckin respect!!!!!!...well u met my grandmother u saw we're the fuck I came from white boy I grew up just like u...I had a decent home, clean clothes and food on the table..eventhough my parents we're not together they we're very fuckin decent and my father was in my life all of my life they took care of me and my kids...don't get it twisted I was akways taught to go out and get it and not to depend on other muthafukas...my parents we're go getters sorry I didn't have the worlds best scientist or the worlds best seamstress but dammit to me I had the best and u don't have the right to judge.. I kno everything my parents taught me I just fucked up along the way and took the wrong path...but dont judge me cuz u fuk up severely!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ur a fuckin adult male that can't control his anger yells out all kinds of shit in public using a whining child like voice with a five year old mental capacity tantrum that consists of throwing things name calling and grabbing privates poor hygiene at times does all kinds of unsanitary shit a grown ass man that continues to play with buttons and rocks ....yet u wonder y u we're deemed unfit for duty????!!!!!!!...please... spare me....u are a dangerous deviant that should be put away for the way u treat other humans .......I can't believe u act like this then u call 5.0 on me????...be a man bill...get some fucking help...please!!!!!!...I can not do it for u u arrogant bastard!!!!!!...I can not help u by myself I tried...I need help to help u!!!!!!!...get well.......................love....

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Saturday, January 5, 2013


I had never planned on losing my job. It was a meaningful job. I gave it my all as a music therapist both on and off the clock. I kept my morals and ethics in check always. I did not moonlight other jobs. The fact is I got sick and more sick. What is most sick is once I found out what I was suffering from a backlash unprepared fell upon me. Family intervention, seperation, 4 fmla's divorce, 2nd opinion 'unfit for duty' If I would not have known about the 100k+ americans 1mil+world citizens suffering.mgd

Friday, January 4, 2013


Morgellon filament. Something that does not belong in one's body. Multitudes of 'cognitive' splinters acting somehow symbiotic and malicious. Physiological at first....unfortunately Psychological due to protocol of health cares inability to understand scope and depth of illness. THOUSANDS of theories. No cure. The illness is systemic with unholy lesions signifying threshold of illness. My scientific explanation is watered down compared to the true horror of the illness: my quote of MgD is " the body's inability to adapt to modern environmental stressors." The deeper paranoia known is that it was created by an israelian scientist @ stanford as a form of population control. The scientist was assassinated in his car in the middle of an intersection by american government agents. A conspiracy of denial by health care and governmental agents insue.Z

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


William Lincoln Schafer updated the description.
The new year 2013 invites you to join the secret club 'the Heavenly Music Corporation©' in the name of Gabriel you are encouraged to share lies, tall tales, alien abduction reports, metafiction, Visions, dreams, erotica, unusual phenomena, partical theory, hacking techniques, semantics, eytomology, ethnographic fantasies, Blasphemy; create new Avatar names and characters. Recall Dungeon & Dragon- advanced or basic - roleplaying adventues, drug induced thoughts and hallucinations,­ accidental ASC, conspiracy theories, and most importantly Revalations, Reveal my friends. Revel in being Creative and Imaginative. Both God and his best friend the Devil Enjoy Drama!! Entertain! Practice Naked Lunch Artistic Freedom of Speech! In the Name of our Failure David Foster Wallace. Enjoy yourself it's later than you think!!!!