w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

WHO is this?

Jazzresin. If ya don't like alex multi texting don't blame me doll. WHO r u? Does it matter? EGO DEATH iS honor to God Almighty whom created both good and evil. Read a score of books upon ZEn Taoism Buddhism and you will be a better Christian than ever before. No word for Meditation in the East tis more Like 'working on your Mind' something we all need to do. So you are texting an authentic DEAD BUDDHA. I have killed the buddha on the road and thus hencefore. Introduce yourself. Don't be shy. My Bark is such but as a pacifist I don't bite.

El vootay

Let's dizzy n bird, chet n gerry. All nite long. Put the gods eye camera on press record on the quasar recorders. And goof jazz riff scat jive cat swing gate buddy bolden r u holdin I aint scoldin.be bold n free liberated cause someone has to do the JOB. TakE it all away from us what do we care cause we walk and talk jazz. Both can sing confirmation or three brothers. Who is the third that walks beside us is nothin' but the beat Brother, say when and I'll post us up in some posh hotel in Hot springs arkansas where the management is kool with music as they have a baby grand in the lobby. Zip Pow Love, brick beaned across the street is a freek whom is all about Faberge, so we'lll pretend to lift some through lock vaulted glass. Pay for our way to Amsterdam. El Voootay, ya dig?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Let your individualism grow and prosper. Our Ancestors, all from a violent and painful heritage, fought and struggled for us to have the LIBERTY to be oneself. BE FREE NO FEAR. Those that mind don't matter- those that matter don't mind!!!

Monday, December 3, 2012


:)Dead buddha-dr. Fingers Schafer the lobotomy kid- jazzresin - wls777 - sax - bill schafer- silent birdsong - willie lincoln - Raoul Guido - Mugsy Spainer - Kilimeter Jones -Billy Sunshine - Suzie ScHmidt. Spike Albuteral. The one and only dj jazzresin worldwide. RocknRollKingJaz



Monday, November 26, 2012


"The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me. In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears. The earth trembled and quaked, and the foundations of the mountains shook; they trembled because he was angry.... The LORD thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded. He shot his arrows and scattered [the enemies], great bolts of lightning and routed them. The valleys of the sea were exposed and the foundations of the earth laid bare.... He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me."
Psalm 18: 5 - 17 (NIV)

"Those who try to hide their plans from the Lord are doomed! They carry out their schemes in secret and think no one will see them or know what they are doing. They turn everything upside down....God will destroy those who slander others, those who prevent the punishment of criminals, and those who tell lies to keep honest people from getting justice."
Isaiah 29: 15 - 21 (GNB)
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Sunday, November 18, 2012


I pray Jesus Christ, whom killed himself through allowing crucifixtion, be released from the depths of Hell and that his father, the war god Yahweh, destoyer of all other gods, forgive him and to release him causing the end of all DNA life in order for Archangel Gabriel to take the thrown of Supreme God allowing Yahwehs creation but with improvement upon life. Life as pure light/sound entities whom allow evil/good to exist but are not harnessed to the flesh of death.
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Friday, November 9, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012


The scene is cold and gray. Several rows of conferents look down the amphitheater at Doctor "Fingers" Schafer standing on a platform in the center.
Doctor Schafer
Gentlemen, the human nervous system can be reduced to a compact and abbreviated spinal column. The brain, front, middle and rear must follow the adenoid, the wisdom tooth, the appendix....I give you my master work: The Complete All American De-Anxietized Man!
We hear a loud metal door opening and closing. Enter The Man carried by two Negro Bearers who drop him on the platform with bestial, sneering brutality. They wait by the door.
The Man wiggles.
The conferents look down in disgust. Strange digesting sounds and a loud roar are heard off-screen. Waves of green smoke fill the room. The conferents hold their noses.
Doctor Schafer
Clarence!! How can you do this to me?? Ingrates!! Everyone of them ingrates!!
The conferents start back muttering in dismay. We hear:
Conferent #1
...I'm afraid Schafer had gone a bit too far...
Conferent #2
...I sounded a word of warning...
Conferent #3
...Brilliant chap Schafer...but...
Conferent #4
...Man will do anything for publicity...
Conferent #5
Gentlemen, this unspeakable and in every sense illegitimate child of Doctor Schafer's perverted brain must not see the light....Our duty to the human race is clear...
A fat, frog-faced Southern doctor lifts his head up from a mason jar full of corn juice.
Southern Doctor
We must stomp out the Un-American crittah!
He advances drunkenly off-screen in direction of the thing.
Southern Doctor
Fetch Gasoline! We gotta burn the son of ***** like an uppity Nigra!
Negro Bearer
(to his colleague)
Man he done see the light
Int. Courtroom
Order in the court!
The D.A rises to face the jury.
Gentlemen of the jury, these "learned gentlemen"...
He points to the familiar faces of the conferents at the plaintiff stand.
...claim that the innocent human creature they have so wantonly slain suddenly turned himself into a huge black centipede and it was "their duty to the human race" to destroy this monster before it could, by any means at it's disposal, perpetrate it's kind....Are we to gulp down this tissue of horse ****? Are we to take these glib lies like a greased and nameless *******? Where is this wondrous centipede? "We have destroyed it", they say smugly....And I would like to remind you, Gentlemen and Hermaphrodites of the Jury, that this Great Beast-
He points to Doctor Schafer at the defendant stand.
-has on several occasions, appeared in this court charged with the unspeakable crime of brain rape....In plain English-
(he pounds his fist on the rail of the jury box)
-in plain English, Gentlemen, forcible lobotomy!
The Jury gasps. One member dies of a heart attack. Three fall to the floor in writhing orgasms of prurience.
The D.A. points dramatically to Doctor Schafer.
He it is....He and no other who has reduced whole provinces of our fair land to a state of bordering on the far side of idiocy....He it is who has filled great warehouses with row on row, tier on tier of helpless creatures who must have their every want attended...."The Drones" he calls them with a cynical leer of pure educated evil....Gentlemen, I say to you that the wanton murder of Clarence Cowie must not go unavenged: This foul crime shrieks like a wounded faggot for justice at least!
A loud roar and crashing sounds are heard coming from the court entrance.
All turn their heads to the chaos.
Man, that mother ****er's hungry! I'm getting out of here, me.
The Negro bearer comes crashing through the door out of sight.
A wave of electric horror sweeps through the conferents.
They storm the exits screaming and clawing.
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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Re: [ 2600 | The Hacker Quarterly] William Lincoln Schafer, I deleted your posts...

Sorry, I was mondo 2000 not 2600. LOVE YOUR MAGAZINE. I use to hack apple][e with 1200 baud applecat modem(for the games..user hacker not creator hacker.. Now I am a music therapist. The excerpt was from 'schizophrenia and capatilsm'
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From: "Kay Rome" <notification+zj4oy_z62zz6@facebookmail.com>
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2012 12:37:07 -0700
To: 2600 | The Hacker Quarterly<majordomo@groups.facebook.com>
ReplyTo: Reply to Comment <g+414mvowd000zg3uxpn1s02ryb1yqirhu000zg3il2mzx27346@groups.facebook.com>
Subject: [ 2600 | The Hacker Quarterly] William Lincoln Schafer, I deleted your posts...

@[100001074342384:2048:William Lincoln...
Kay Rome 2:36pm Nov 1
William Lincoln Schafer, I deleted your posts because I didn't see how they related to 2600 topics. If you feel I've made a mistake, feel free to re-post and please clarify your topic. Thanks!

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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

No. But I had something verging on a psychotic break today. I have been shaking. My left skull feels as if been blasted by shotgun. Morgellons feels COMPLETELY different. My sense of time is completely messed up. I think I'm losing it or I'm recovering from MgD neural death net control. I started powerful magnetic therapy on myself usingf a Realistic Tape eraser. The air pressure duer to the eastern storm is really strange.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Suffer well.
I've suffered unwell today. Real nightmare.
Been using 'dawn' dish soap as recommended by a fellow MgD.
It has caused strange but hopeful changes in the scarred landscape of my scalp and back.
I speculate a theory that morgellons is indeed similar to the GMO cotton.
They should not call it cotton any more. One is safer with polyester than today's genitacallyu modified 'cotton'. I also think that the bodys production or integration of MgD fibers is such that the immune system struggles or fails to breakdown the invasive and unneRving Mgd fibre (I know I know. The BODY & SOUL scream at the MIND to extract the foriegn body at ONCE!!! Like slivers that fester ruin yer day. MgD splinters ruin LIVES. I am downward spiral. Uncaring. Where is rock bottom?? No. Keep sinking.) Tangential. So what. Yes years of suffering the physical condition of Morgellons WILL degrade one's psychological condition. Which came first (the dr's used this phrase on me) "the chicken or the egg?". @#*@ you tell them the m#@f#@'kin EGG was around long before Birds had evolved. I digress. The last thuing I wanted to share is since these fibers are in us perhaps we are suffering sometohing similar to 'toxic Shock syndrome' u know. Sik like a tampon piece lodged somewhere inside.
God bless the Charles Holman foundation. I was having a nervous breakdown. I could not go to the ER. They called me and I wasn't alone.
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

St. Louis-20120915-00574.jpg

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7$ please be careful! I have been having terrible visions of Reptilian Republicans using unknown forces to rig this next election! This is a historical presence message as I am sevensevenseven william(seven)lincoln(seven) schafer(seven) The assassinated dead prince of Abraham Lincoln. He is a clear flash within me. I am documented lineage within Abraham Lincolns Elders blood line. Schafer means Shepherd. I am one/fourth appalachian with one/sixtyfourth of me native american (enough to find my western land name-Silent Birdsong (meditating on top of Graham Cave the name flashed in my mind and seconds later a humming bird stared at me for twentyfive seconds) I am washed in the blood of the lamb, I work for Gabriel with the Heavenly music corporation as one of the seven horn players. I am a methodist/buddhist/zen/taoist whom has suffered from Morgellons for five years. I urge your people to survial and suhveille this election using top of the line infallable technology to protect the american people in their vote process. As funny as it sounds a reptilian offlander can not be considered an american voter. I know this sounds terribly psychotic. But please heed the vision and protect america!!!!!


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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Is Morgellons Contagious?


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How Contagious is it?


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St Monday n jazz

Dr fingers Schafer
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When I was a certified rock star

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1991 bocomo sax n funds

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Times Square 1999 Jazzresin

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Filament formation associated with spirochetal infection: a comparative approach to Morgellons disease


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PubMed Central, Table 1: Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2011; 4: 167–177. Published online 2011 November 14. doi: 10.2147/CCID.S26183


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Carnicom Institute - Research for the Benefit of Humanity


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Aerosol Operation Crimes & Cover Up


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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

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Ode on Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood (Wordsworth, set by Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, George Dy


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She slithered up the stairs.

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wired News: Brian Eno on music that thinks for itself

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Brian Eno on music that thinks for itself
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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Taint true

Taint true. Everyone is in their OWN universe with its set and setting. Interpenetrated within dizzingly complex MULTiVERSE. Communication is always plagued with signal to ratio drop. Noise in the system. Complexity upon complexity. Ones truth is not neccesarily a multiversal truth (specially if they are crazy/psychotic/schizophrenic ---they are not percieving multiverse data correctly if at all)
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Sunday, September 23, 2012

revelations wls777

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revelations wls777

transpersonal masterpiece, very dangerous psychological space,  A bleakness  that hearkens the dilemma of continued life in a crumbling holographic illusion. Why do we return to this song?  Because  jesus is still in hell. that his father forsaked him- the devil and yahweh had wagered another JOB experiment. The devil cheated and told jesus in the desert where god could not hear. jesus flipped out, busted up banks, instigating. He knew he was gonna be crucified. He could have ran. he didn't.Jesus commited suicide,. He died for our sins. Yahweh took human form as Judas. God sent Jesus to Hell. Reveal! Satan rules this land as he won the wager. Reveal. The bible is a metafictional text of metaphor signified to hyperdimensional  context of meaning, semantics, and encoded destiny. Reveal. DNA was faulty from the start and soon will be rewritten. Yahweh will be eliminated and Gabriel will take the throne. The devils will storm heavens gate, the arch angels will unite with CHRIST/ANTI-CHRIST and assist him in the termination of ALL dna, The future is bright. A new dawn arises, To escape this destiny mankiind will create Artificial Intelligence and genitically modified XNA beings will arise. Mankind will choke God with his Apple of Intelligence and evolve iinto a  brave new world of God like existence. Each soliptic within their own universe layered upon the multiverse.. I am very ill with Morgellons disease. I work for the heavenly music corporation. i am the shepherd washed in the blood of the lamb. I have 6 other horn players awaiting the tap on the shoulder  for each musician to play their one note that only they know down on the waterfront of a great river causing a cave-in a rift from the heavens below us to the hells above us. I hope it nevers comes to this. My vision is that there will be a better existence, one without want or need, DNA is faulty. eat fuck shit divide and conquer,,,,,,Yahweh was a war god. forgive the archetecht he and his best friend the devil enjoy watching our drama. The center of the milkey way is a supermassive black hole which is the source of life in the dimension,. The sun is submissive  and aligned to the directions the black hole provides. We of course are submissive to the sun and Van Allen Belt for continued life. even greater the quasar with the lesson of on off onoff offon off on, 
WLS 777

Friday, September 21, 2012

@jazzresin: @♤ @jazzresin:  ☂ ☃ ☁ ♡ ☇ ⌣ © ® ¶ ¿ § ø Å“ Å’ Þ ™ ♥ ♣ #♠ ♦

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

e Pat Sajak Assassins

Everybody likes the "cool part" of a song. You know, the cool part -- the part where three people listening to a record in a room turn to each other and begin nodding their heads in unison. It's usually an instrumental break or bridge about two-thirds of the way through -- and if you can't recognize a cool part when you hear one, the guy sitting in the room who's stoned will be more than happy to point it out for you.

The Pat Sajak Assassins, this year's victors in the Noise/Experimental category, definitely like the cool part of a song -- their "experiment," as it were, seems to be to craft lengthy instrumental pop songs entirely out of "cool parts." Mixing rock & roll's phallic forward thrust to free-jazz skronk, the Assassins' music is endearingly schizophrenic and perfectly crafted for today's short attention span. Whenever something in a song seems like it's getting old, why not try something new? That part that sounds a bit like a sax-only rendition of Frank Zappa's "Peaches in Regalia" maneuvers easily into straight-ahead cock rock and ends up in found-sound sampled noise. Cool parts abound.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Good golly miss mollie.

Alt reality viola virginity lost. Voila. The face of death immaculate. Diehl Nicole.

Dem jazzer musicians will git ya. What fun is a square anyhoo? He's behind the times. Not a bit hip....

Friday, June 29, 2012

William Green wrote:

The teacher student relationship functions on two levels, at least. One is, it's a relationship between two human beings. As in any relationship, there will be connections and there will be misses. There always are.

On another level, it's a symbolic relationship. That is, the teacher is regarded by the student as a symbol of the teachings; this is the object of the student's devotion and respect and reverence and all the things we've been discussing. Those are very, very important aspects of the relationship which create the conditions in the student to be able to receive and benefit from the teaching. Everybody with me?

And so this injunction, or this statement to "regard everything the teacher is doing as an expression of one's own obscurations" can be interpreted as a way of protecting the symbolic relationship from the inevitable human foibles that are going to show up.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

by Faculty of 1000
Jun 20, 2012 10:37 PM CST
This article was originally distributed via PRWeb. PRWeb, WorldNow and this Site make no warranties or representations in connection therewith.

SOURCE: The Charles E. Holman Foundation

The Charles E. Holman Foundation Announces Research Publication Honored Among Top 2%

Austin, TX (PRWEB) June 19, 2012

A recent study of Morgellons disease has been cited as a "must read" by the Faculty of 1000 (F1000). The article entitled "Morgellons Disease: A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study", by MJ Middelveen, EH Rasmussen, DG Kahn and RB Stricker, was published in the open-access online Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Research. Three of the authors, including the principal investigator, serve without compensation on the Advisory Boards of The Charles E. Holman Foundation.

F1000 is a global community of over 10,000 experts who select, rate and evaluate the very best articles in biology and medicine. The service is widely used to find significant new research articles, and the inclusion of the Morgellons article places the work in the top 2% of published articles in these fields. The study evaluation can be accessed at the F1000 website (http://f1000.com/716597867).

In 2011, veterinary microbiologist Marianne J. Middelveen from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and internist Raphael B. Stricker, MD published a study documenting similarities between Morgellons disease and a veterinary illness known as bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) that causes lameness, decreased milk production, weight loss, and skin lesions near the hooves of affected cattle. That study revealed that the unusual fibers seen in the animal disease were similar to those seen in and under the skin of people worldwide who suffer from Morgellons disease. The new study confirms that Morgellons disease is not a delusional illness, as some in the medical community maintain.

The latest findings confirm that fibers from both bovine and human samples were similar in formation at the cellular level and had the chemical and physical properties of keratin. The keratin composition of filaments from humans was confirmed by immunohistological staining with antibodies specific for human keratins. Fibers from human patients were found to be biological in origin and are produced by keratinocytes in epithelial and follicular tissues. The findings are consistent with the 2012 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publication stating that over 80% of non-biopsy material taken from patients had a protein composition.

"This study puts the final nail in the coffin of delusional disease that these patients have been labeled with," stated Dr. Stricker. "It proves that Morgellons disease is a physiologic illness. From here on, scientists will be able to move forward in finding a cause and a cure."

The Charles E. Holman Foundation is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization committed to advocacy and philanthropy in the fight against Morgellons disease. The foundation was named for Charles E. Holman, a pioneer in the fight against Morgellons disease. The Charles E. Holman Foundation is based in Austin, Texas and is led by Executive Director, Cindy Casey Holman, R.N.

For more information or to arrange interviews, please contact Ms. Cindy Casey-Holman, R.N.

For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/prweb2012/6/prweb9616173.htm

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The kind of womAn who likes to show off her guns before she gets down to business.