w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

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Ode on Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood (Wordsworth, set by Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, Gerald Finzi, George Dy


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She slithered up the stairs.

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wired News: Brian Eno on music that thinks for itself

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Brian Eno on music that thinks for itself
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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Taint true

Taint true. Everyone is in their OWN universe with its set and setting. Interpenetrated within dizzingly complex MULTiVERSE. Communication is always plagued with signal to ratio drop. Noise in the system. Complexity upon complexity. Ones truth is not neccesarily a multiversal truth (specially if they are crazy/psychotic/schizophrenic ---they are not percieving multiverse data correctly if at all)
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Sunday, September 23, 2012

revelations wls777

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revelations wls777

transpersonal masterpiece, very dangerous psychological space,  A bleakness  that hearkens the dilemma of continued life in a crumbling holographic illusion. Why do we return to this song?  Because  jesus is still in hell. that his father forsaked him- the devil and yahweh had wagered another JOB experiment. The devil cheated and told jesus in the desert where god could not hear. jesus flipped out, busted up banks, instigating. He knew he was gonna be crucified. He could have ran. he didn't.Jesus commited suicide,. He died for our sins. Yahweh took human form as Judas. God sent Jesus to Hell. Reveal! Satan rules this land as he won the wager. Reveal. The bible is a metafictional text of metaphor signified to hyperdimensional  context of meaning, semantics, and encoded destiny. Reveal. DNA was faulty from the start and soon will be rewritten. Yahweh will be eliminated and Gabriel will take the throne. The devils will storm heavens gate, the arch angels will unite with CHRIST/ANTI-CHRIST and assist him in the termination of ALL dna, The future is bright. A new dawn arises, To escape this destiny mankiind will create Artificial Intelligence and genitically modified XNA beings will arise. Mankind will choke God with his Apple of Intelligence and evolve iinto a  brave new world of God like existence. Each soliptic within their own universe layered upon the multiverse.. I am very ill with Morgellons disease. I work for the heavenly music corporation. i am the shepherd washed in the blood of the lamb. I have 6 other horn players awaiting the tap on the shoulder  for each musician to play their one note that only they know down on the waterfront of a great river causing a cave-in a rift from the heavens below us to the hells above us. I hope it nevers comes to this. My vision is that there will be a better existence, one without want or need, DNA is faulty. eat fuck shit divide and conquer,,,,,,Yahweh was a war god. forgive the archetecht he and his best friend the devil enjoy watching our drama. The center of the milkey way is a supermassive black hole which is the source of life in the dimension,. The sun is submissive  and aligned to the directions the black hole provides. We of course are submissive to the sun and Van Allen Belt for continued life. even greater the quasar with the lesson of on off onoff offon off on, 
WLS 777

Friday, September 21, 2012

@jazzresin: @♤ @jazzresin:  ☂ ☃ ☁ ♡ ☇ ⌣ © ® ¶ ¿ § ø œ Œ Þ ™ ♥ ♣ #♠ ♦

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

e Pat Sajak Assassins

Everybody likes the "cool part" of a song. You know, the cool part -- the part where three people listening to a record in a room turn to each other and begin nodding their heads in unison. It's usually an instrumental break or bridge about two-thirds of the way through -- and if you can't recognize a cool part when you hear one, the guy sitting in the room who's stoned will be more than happy to point it out for you.

The Pat Sajak Assassins, this year's victors in the Noise/Experimental category, definitely like the cool part of a song -- their "experiment," as it were, seems to be to craft lengthy instrumental pop songs entirely out of "cool parts." Mixing rock & roll's phallic forward thrust to free-jazz skronk, the Assassins' music is endearingly schizophrenic and perfectly crafted for today's short attention span. Whenever something in a song seems like it's getting old, why not try something new? That part that sounds a bit like a sax-only rendition of Frank Zappa's "Peaches in Regalia" maneuvers easily into straight-ahead cock rock and ends up in found-sound sampled noise. Cool parts abound.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Good golly miss mollie.

Alt reality viola virginity lost. Voila. The face of death immaculate. Diehl Nicole.

Dem jazzer musicians will git ya. What fun is a square anyhoo? He's behind the times. Not a bit hip....

Friday, June 29, 2012

William Green wrote:

The teacher student relationship functions on two levels, at least. One is, it's a relationship between two human beings. As in any relationship, there will be connections and there will be misses. There always are.

On another level, it's a symbolic relationship. That is, the teacher is regarded by the student as a symbol of the teachings; this is the object of the student's devotion and respect and reverence and all the things we've been discussing. Those are very, very important aspects of the relationship which create the conditions in the student to be able to receive and benefit from the teaching. Everybody with me?

And so this injunction, or this statement to "regard everything the teacher is doing as an expression of one's own obscurations" can be interpreted as a way of protecting the symbolic relationship from the inevitable human foibles that are going to show up.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

by Faculty of 1000
Jun 20, 2012 10:37 PM CST
This article was originally distributed via PRWeb. PRWeb, WorldNow and this Site make no warranties or representations in connection therewith.

SOURCE: The Charles E. Holman Foundation

The Charles E. Holman Foundation Announces Research Publication Honored Among Top 2%

Austin, TX (PRWEB) June 19, 2012

A recent study of Morgellons disease has been cited as a "must read" by the Faculty of 1000 (F1000). The article entitled "Morgellons Disease: A Chemical and Light Microscopic Study", by MJ Middelveen, EH Rasmussen, DG Kahn and RB Stricker, was published in the open-access online Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Research. Three of the authors, including the principal investigator, serve without compensation on the Advisory Boards of The Charles E. Holman Foundation.

F1000 is a global community of over 10,000 experts who select, rate and evaluate the very best articles in biology and medicine. The service is widely used to find significant new research articles, and the inclusion of the Morgellons article places the work in the top 2% of published articles in these fields. The study evaluation can be accessed at the F1000 website (http://f1000.com/716597867).

In 2011, veterinary microbiologist Marianne J. Middelveen from Calgary, Alberta, Canada and internist Raphael B. Stricker, MD published a study documenting similarities between Morgellons disease and a veterinary illness known as bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) that causes lameness, decreased milk production, weight loss, and skin lesions near the hooves of affected cattle. That study revealed that the unusual fibers seen in the animal disease were similar to those seen in and under the skin of people worldwide who suffer from Morgellons disease. The new study confirms that Morgellons disease is not a delusional illness, as some in the medical community maintain.

The latest findings confirm that fibers from both bovine and human samples were similar in formation at the cellular level and had the chemical and physical properties of keratin. The keratin composition of filaments from humans was confirmed by immunohistological staining with antibodies specific for human keratins. Fibers from human patients were found to be biological in origin and are produced by keratinocytes in epithelial and follicular tissues. The findings are consistent with the 2012 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) publication stating that over 80% of non-biopsy material taken from patients had a protein composition.

"This study puts the final nail in the coffin of delusional disease that these patients have been labeled with," stated Dr. Stricker. "It proves that Morgellons disease is a physiologic illness. From here on, scientists will be able to move forward in finding a cause and a cure."

The Charles E. Holman Foundation is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization committed to advocacy and philanthropy in the fight against Morgellons disease. The foundation was named for Charles E. Holman, a pioneer in the fight against Morgellons disease. The Charles E. Holman Foundation is based in Austin, Texas and is led by Executive Director, Cindy Casey Holman, R.N.

For more information or to arrange interviews, please contact Ms. Cindy Casey-Holman, R.N.

For the original version on PRWeb visit: http://www.prweb.com/releases/prweb2012/6/prweb9616173.htm

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

hompson's Suicide Note
Rolling Stone has published the gonzo journalist's final written words. He left the note for his wife before committing suicide in February.
No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun – for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax – This won't hurt.
It was titled Football Season Is Over and appears in the new Rolling Stone with the Rolling Stones cover.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

@jazzresin: http://t.co/0jfpVUFS #epic █║│║│█║▌║║▌║║█║█║│▌║║│║█║│█║║▌║█║│║▌│▌║█║║█║│║│█║▌║║▌║║█║█║│▌║║│║█║▌║║│█║▌║│█║║▌║█║│║▌│▌║█║║ William S. Burroughs

Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Love is the ultimate outlaw. It just won't adhere to any rules. The most any of us can do is to sign on as its accomplice. Instead of vowing to honor and obey, maybe we should swear to aid and abet. That would mean that security is out of the question. The words "make" and "stay" become inappropriate. My love for you has no strings attached. I love you for free." Tom Robbins.

"A number of frail girls . . . prisoners in the top room of a circular tower, embroidering a kind of tapestry which spilled out the slit windows and into a void, seeking hopelessly to fill the void: for all the other buildings and creatures, all the waves, ships and forests of the earth were contained in this tapestry, and the tapestry was the world."
--The Crying of Lot 49, Chapter 1
Thomas Pynchon

Tom Waits (2004): "This is what's wrong with the world. "Everything is explained now. We live in an age when you say casually to somebody 'What's the story on that?' and they can run to the computer and tell you within five seconds. That's fine, but sometimes I'd just as soon continue wondering. We have a deficit of wonder right now." (Source: "Tom Waits: Dancing In" The Dark Harp Magazine (USA), by Tom Moon. December, 2004)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Morgellons Information UK wrote:

Finally the delusional Morgellons CDC Fake Study was published...


Based on Kaiser Permanente zero value research. What a coincidence that Bayer and GlaxoSmithKline paid out 258 million in fines for defrauding the US Medical system in order to provide discounted prices to Kaiser Permanente.

Monday, April 2, 2012

William Lincoln Schafer wrote:

The First to Apologize is the bravest.The First to Forgive is the strongest. The First to Forget is the Happiest. Word! Thanks to John Owens for the Wisdom!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Multifrequency Behavior of Microquasars in the GeV--TeV era: A review

Bosch-Ramon, V.
eprint arXiv:1106.2059
Microquasars are X-ray binaries that present non-thermal radio jets. Efficient particle acceleration can take place in different regions of the jets of microquasars. The accelerated particles can emit gamma-rays via leptonic or hadronic processes, with a complex spectral and temporal behavior. The jet termination region can be also an efficient non-thermal emitter, as well as, in high-mass microquasars, the region of the binary system outside the jet. In this work, I briefly describe the physics behind the non-thermal emission observed in microquasars at different scales, focusing in the GeV and TeV bands.
Keywords: Astrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

S is for Start (avoid procrastination embrace the magic and movement action momentum energy)

M is for Motivate. Find passion meaning productive and happy work. If team leader one of your most imp. duties is to find out what motivates each and every team member.

A is for Accelerate (speed thinking. Get easy stuff out of the way in order to free up time, shorten meetings, improve quality of life.)

R is for Removal of Responsobilities. A smarter way to work is to realize you cannot continually take on more projrcts. Let go of the lesser importance (ask users what they REALLY need) Simplify, the faster you can go and the more you can do in less time. To speed up means that you have to simplify(what can u remove,delegate, outsource.

T is for time. Stop complaining about wasted time do something about it. Time manegement. Prioritize.

E for explore

R for results
