w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Saturday, November 12, 2011

There are very few human beings who receive the truth, complete and staggering, by instant illumination. Most of them acquire it fragment by fragment, on a small scale, by successive developments, cellularly, like a laborious mosaic."
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."
"Life is truly known only to those who suffer, lose, endure adversity and stumble from defeat to defeat."
Anxiety is love's greatest killer. It makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds on to you. You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic.
Anais Nin

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

rch, May 10, 2010
Truthout - 2010-05-07
Media outlets across the Northwest United States began reporting on April 24 that a strange, previously unknown strain of virulent airborne fungi that has already killed at least six people in Oregon, Washington and Idaho is spreading throughout the region. The fungus, according to expert microbiologists, who have expressed alarm about the emergence of the strain, is a new genotype of Cryptococcus gatti fungi. Cryptococcus gatti is normally found in tropical and subtropical locations in India, South America, Africa and Australia. Microbiologists in the United States are reporting that the strain found here, for reasons not yet fully understood, is far deadlier than any found overseas.
Physicians in the Pacific Northwest are reporting that an undetermined number of people in the region are ill from the effects of the strange strain. Physicians also say that the virulent strain can infect domestic animals as well as humans, and symptoms do not appear until anywhere from two to four months after exposure. Symptoms in humans include a lingering cough, sharp chest pains, fever, night-sweats, weight-loss, headaches and shortness of breath. The strain can be treated successfully, if detected early enough, with oral doses of antifungal medication, but it cannot be prevented, and there is no preventative vaccine. Undiagnosed, the fungus works its way into the spinal fluid and central nervous system and causes fatal meningitis.
The estimated mortality rate is about 25 percent of 21 cases analyzed. Several newspapers and media outlets in the US and overseas quote a researcher at Duke University's Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, Edmond Byrnes, as stating: "This novel fungus is worrisome because it appears to be a threat to otherwise healthy people. Typically, we see this fungal disease associated with transplant recipients and HIV-infected patients, but that is not what we are seeing."
Microbiologists and epidemiologists studying the strain say the mystery fungus came from an earlier fatal fungus that was first found on British Columbia's Vancouver Island in the fall of 2001, and perhaps as early as 1999. There the fungus infected and killed dogs, cats, horses, sheep, porpoises and at least 26 people. The disease spreads through spores carried by breezes and wind and when people and animals encounter infected ground where the fungus is present. A number of microbiologists say that the disease has "the potential to essentially travel anywhere the wind or people can carry it." Reads an alarming study authored in part by Duke University's Edmond Byrnes: "The continued expansion of C. gatti in the United States is ongoing, and the diversity of hosts increasing."
Several researchers in California also note that the Cryptococcus gatti fungus has been researched for decades, extending back to the 1950's, at the US Army's biological warfare center, Fort Detrick, in Frederick, Maryland. One microbiologist at the University of California at Los Angeles recounted that the fungus was first brought to the attention of Fort Detrick researchers by British scientists experimenting with the bark of eucalyptus trees from Australia. Army biological warfare reports obtained through the Freedom of Information Act reveal that beginning around 1952 the Army mounted a huge research program involving numerous plant and fungi products, and that well over 300 long-term contracts and sub-contracts were let with over 35 US colleges and universities to carry out this multifaceted research. Examples of this early research in California included experiments and projects at Camp Cooke; Port Huemene; Harpers Lake; Oceanside, and extensive experimentation with wheat stem rust and "various spores" including "several from tropical locations" and cereal rust spores and dyed Lycopodium spores. Several Army reports reveal that private-sector corporations that participated or assisted in these projects were the American Institute of Crop Ecology; the American Type Culture Collection Inc.; University of California; Bioferm Inc. and the Kulijian Corporation.
The same microbiologist, who declined to speak on the record and who recounted extensive fungus work at Fort Detrick, also stated that researchers at Israel's Institute for Biological Research, located in Ness-Ziona about 20 km from Tel Aviv, have worked with the Cryptococcus gatti fungus. They also report that mysterious Israeli-American scientist Joseph Moshe, 56 years old, may have conducted covert studies with the fungus while he was recently living in California. This report concerning Moshe is especially interesting because Moshe was briefly in the international spotlight in 2009 when he was the subject of a spectacular chase and arrest by the LA police department and SWAT team, assisted by the FBI, Secret Service, CIA, US Army and several other unidentified federal officials. That highly unusual arrest has never been fully explained to the media, and the whereabouts of Moshe has remained unknown since its occurrence. Compounding the mystery surrounding the Moshe case is that there is another scientist named Moshe Bar-Joseph who works in Israel and who looks remarkably like Joseph Moshe, except that he is about 20 years older.
Why Moshe was pursued and apprehended by the police is a largely unanswered question. According to the Los Angeles media, which recorded the entire incident by helicopter and ground cameras, Moshe claimed to be "a former Mossad microbiologist" who had telephoned a police dispatch number before his pursuit and had made "threatening statements about the White House and the president." Reportedly, Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan confirmed this when he spoke with several Los Angeles reporters.
On August 14, 2009, several Los Angeles police cruisers and an unmarked armored vehicle pursued Joseph Moshe as he drove his red VW automobile several miles through downtown Los Angeles before his car's engine was reportedly knocked out by an electromagnetic pulse. Moshe refused to exit his car when ordered several times by the police, and after the driver's window of his VW was smashed out by a robotic arm and several rounds of tear gas and pepper gas were fired into the vehicle, he still remained behind the wheel, refusing to move. At the time, police officers on the scene were stunned that Moshe was able to withstand three tear gas shells and hosing with pepper spray without moving. Later that day, a Los Angeles law enforcement official said: "I can't explain that; there's no way to explain that."
After his apprehension, Moshe was taken to the Patton State Mental Hospital and then to the Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Los Angeles. Sometime about 60 days later, Moshe was quietly released and his current whereabouts are unknown. Since his arrest became public, reports about Moshe's activities in the US have spread like wildfire, especially across the Internet. Many of these reports are unconfirmed, but a few come from credible sources and have linked Moshe to the grossly underreported outbreak of flu in the Ukraine.
Other reliable sources, including two former Fort Detrick biochemists, have also linked Moshe to a mysterious disease that is becoming alarmingly common in Vermont and other states, including California. The disease is known to have killed or incapacitated at least 10 to 20 rural dwellers and farmers. This disease is said to be Morgellons disease or "a rare, mutated form of Morgellons disease." Former Fort Detrick scientists, speaking off the record, say that the disease is one that was "experimented with intensely" in the late 1960's at several "test sites in New England." Morgellons causes patients to suffer horrible skin problems as well as fatigue, confusion and serious memory problems, as well as joint pain and the strange sensation that pins and needles are piercing the body or that something is crawling beneath one's flesh. Some researchers and physicians believe that Morgellons is actually a psychiatric condition called "delusional parasitosis." Other physicians, who are familiar with treating the disease, say it may be caused by "an airborne, unidentified spore" and that it was developed in the laboratory from an affliction that was first identified in the 1700's. Regardless of its origin, some researchers say that Morgellons is becoming "a very real medical problem in some parts of the country."

War is Hell

War of Frqncy has begun

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Morgellon's Syndrome is a disease of the entire body,  Every cell is being
from natural to synthetic, and there are stages in between.  We are not all
in the same
stage.   Some still have modified organic inductions of foreign organic
genes, others
have mixtures of organic and semi-synthetic, while others have pure
synthetic.   As
science unfolds and slowly hidden project s are exposed, new expressions of
new genes,
incorporation of synthetic genes, amino acids, enzymes, proteins, non
coding rna
and dna are being transposed into the transitioning body,  Natural beings
are becoming
a rare breed.  Synthetic life begets a plasticity of being.  WE are simply
floating plastic.

From researchers at MRG, we have concluded that the brain itself, the cns,
the cytoskeletal
cell, particularly actin,  the cell itself has been hijacked, and foreign
adaptive proteins,
genes, polymers, vectors, phages, influenza flu non coding dna,
semi-synthetic cells,
synthetic cells, liposomes and vesicle formations, synthetic amino acids,
minimal cells have invaded  the extracellular matrix of the human being.
foreign adaptive organisms are operating in junk dna where many of those
auto-recessive gene codings and dna itself, has held a lid on manifesting
diseases.  By lifting the the auto-recessive silences of these dna, and
rna, that have
held certains diseases in check,  activation shows the disease's face,
thereby producing
symptoms of the carrier diseases.

By using junk dna in selected areas, the extracellular spaces, foreign
and proteins from other organisms which have been substituted as homologous
genes, genes similar to those being targeted, the human genome is slowing
forced/directed to accept these alterations. Natural selection is becoming
  From organic, to semi-organic, to semi-synthetic and finally to
synthetic, the
human being is being transformed into a synthetic  mirror of it's former
self.  The machine, the compute,  moves closer to actually being implanted
into the human,   No desktop needed.

Parts are being ordered from gene banks, libraries, and investment houses.
Are we to sit idly by and let this happen?  Can we find ways to reroute the
end product?  I think we can.  With the use of BioSET, Rife Machine, ph
we can hang on to our selfish natural genes, if knowledge of these pre
conditions are common talk in doctors offices, alternatives can be made to
not propogate the hereditary flaws.  One can choose to give a child a home
who does not have one, is in an orphanage, or is a ward of the court, or is
handicapped, or is homeless.

Thought is a powerful thing, many people simply do not think anymore. One
lets the computer do if for them or the Ipod,  cell phone:  the texting unit
finishes sentences for you.  By letting others do your thinking for you,
you are not
exercising what rightfully is yours.

When the medical profession turns on the ill and those suffering from
like Lyme's, Morgellons, and other unexplained illness and no attempt is
 to study the phenomenon, then that agency should be abolished, for it's
 no longer is to serve the public, but to serve others of higher elitist
claim.  This is
not what life on earth was ever meant to be, and especially in America,
we once were a free nation.  It was that freedom and joy of being
and able to care for one's own, t hat made America what it was.

We too can get that back by learning what democracy really means. By
the constitution, by knowing full well you and I have the capacity to
independence from the tethered hold by government and private industries
 who answer to no one.  In fact they have taken freedom to mean greed,
while the government sits idly by, not protecting its citizins.   Both are
at fault.

When ill people cannot rely on the CDC, the WHO, the AMA and any other
because they only answer to stakeholders, not the public from whom they are
to protect and serve.  Stakeholders control what is to be done, not the
illness at hand,
 or the emergency at hand, but what tickles their fancies at the moment,
what will fit
in their field of vision and order.

Morgellons is not going away, and many are suffering silently waiting for
the keys
to the kingdom of AMA, or the medical professions, while the secrets to
health and
wellness have been stolen and the causes of many diseases known, but never
parlayed to the public.

Restating my hypothesis of what Morgellon Syndrome is, I have come to the
that a major tranformation is being forced upon the human public.
Morgellons is really
not a disease but a process, some are lost along the way, and freedom from
pain, itching,
lesions, organ failure, muscle atrophy, nerve damage, and induction of
foreign material
whether organic, inorganic, semi-synthetic or synthetic are all processes
the Human Transformation Project .   We at MRG will continue to research
phenomenon and expose those patents, the projects hidden in labs, the
processes used to alter humanity, the very blueprints, if they can be found,
of the origin of Morgellons and its manifestations.

We will find solutions ourselves.  We can expand our knowledge of many t
hings, it is still free.
Once we learn about herbs, essential oils, bioset, rife, iridology, and
other new
natural methods of healing ourselves, we will be made strong.    The Pie in
Sky is made of dung, and we choose not to partake.  We have a choice; We
can put
faith in a broken system, or we can find ways to take care of ourselves.
Waiting for the Morning Train is futile.  We must begin walking.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

To think that I would die this time
Isolated in the room where the bed rises
Photographic ordinary people are everywhere
Extraordinary histories, ordinary histories, ordinary histories

I'll find sleep, I'll find peace
Or in death you'll sleep with me

To figure that it was my fault
Or so I've come to realize life is not about
Love with someone (ordinary people are everywhere)
Extraordinary people are, ordinary people are, ordinary people are

Everywhere you look, everywhere you turn
Illness is watching, waiting its turn

Did I go at it wrong?
Did I go intentionally to destroy me?
I'm suffering in noise I'm suffering in (touching ordinary body)
The burning from within the burning from with (ordinary hysteria)
I could not be at rest, I could not be at peace (extraordinary hysteria)

So do yourself a good, or do yourself a death from ordinary causes
Or do yourself a favor, or do yourself a death from ordinary causes

Illness likes to prey upon the lonely, prey upon the lonely
Wave goodbye, oh, I would rather be, but I would rather be fine

I want to be well, I want to be well
I want to be well, I want to be well

And I forgive you even
As you choke me that way
With the pill or demon
And the shrouded shalom
Under conversation
In tremendous weight of
A crowd of ages outside
Dressed for murder

I'm not fucking around
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not fucking around

And shall I kiss you even as you take me that way?
With the pill or demon as my body changes
Apparitions gone awry
They surround me, all sides
But from within I see an unholy change

I'm not fucking around
I'm not, I'm not, I'm not fucking around

Friday, October 21, 2011

matches for all of your entries.
Select the result that matches.
Metafictional Studies: Archetypal Research; Scrying Historical Residuals; Modern Self Myth Composition; Avant-Garde Surveillance Art,
There are no search results for this.
Use entered text: 'Metafictional Studies: Archetypal Research; Scrying Historical Residuals; Modern Self Myth Composition; Avant-Garde Surveillance Art,'.
Free Jazz: Tenor Saxophone; Analog Synthesis; Remixing Sound Collage; Zen Improvisation; Digital Glitch Computing
There are no search results for this.
Use entered text: 'Free Jazz: Tenor Saxophone; Analog Synthesis; Remixing Sound Collage; Zen Improvisation; Digital Glitch Computing'.
Abstract Painting/Assembliage/Found Art
There are no search results for this.
Use entered text: 'Abstract Painting/Assembliage/Found Art'.
Amateur Astronomy/Particle Physics
There are no search results for this.
Use entered text: 'Amateur Astronomy/Particle Physics'.
Sound Synthesis: Biomusicology, Psycho-Acoustics
There are no search results for this.
Use entered text: 'Sound Synthesis: Biomusicology, Psycho-Acoustics'.

Monday, September 12, 2011

First of all I must say I'm a long time appreciative customer who loves your Coffee, enviroment, service, and of course the iTunes cards. It is amazing that I have never had a complaint in all of the thousand or so visits to your shop throughout the country!!!! Tonite I stopped by the mall specifically to enjoy a Venti coffee and the ladies at the stand were inhospitable. Although it was only 8:45 they said they were closed. I asked well do you have any coffee left over or maybe an Americano? They told me, "We close when the Mall closes." Terrible logic due to the fact the mall was not closed. I asked for a manager's name and number and they were unable to provide me with one, stating, "our manager got fired, we don't know who's in charge." Very unlikely, if no one's in charge then what keeps them from swindling the corporation. The young lady got in a huff after that and threatened to call mall security as if it was wrong of me to ask questions of service. Starbucks, I felt bewildered and dismayed.....My first cup of your coffee was enjoyed on a train ride from Jefferson City, MO to Seattle,WA back in 1997. Your 99.98% perfect service towards me is stellar, but it doesn't feel as good as the impeccable 100% I use to know.

Friday, September 9, 2011

That was a month before SALICYCLIC ACID
Curvature of the scalp. An Absyss occured. Pulling into its wound follicles like an anomily; a black hole did originate in my head as prophosized. The pain a dull sense of unrest unjust and dis dis ease. Waking hours sleeping hours did not adjust the restlessness and vertigo. Plucking and perplexed I set out upon this labrynth sea of lessons and learn I did indeed. Those that should of helped me only thickened the hurt. Doctors prescribrd steroids which only excaserabted the reneagade deeper into the hidden pit. Mirtazipan deadly a dermatologist insisted caused a depression in my mind like no other paracide included. The nag of the old mare suggested glue factory. And wisdom of the father sent me to counselor on to psychiatrist and failed psychotherapy due to cost. Eventially I strong armed a surrogate dr to scheduled blood tests. They returned saying I was in good health; but how can I feel like I'm dying all the day and night. Sax playing a curse set and I stopped playing a year before this all started. The curvature of my scalp like geotectonic plates in hyper speed. Phenomena crept into by back lower back and finally spine till I claw for hours at invisible fubar bogies. Trictolomania fuck trichtolomania, an impulse control dx similar to gambling addiction, kleptomania, and arson junkies. Needless to say, cuss words endless omitted along with the infinte prayers of mercy; and of course the all too real damnations of God's creation itself, I suffered too physiologically to deem this trichtolomania. A barber plucker hairy backed cucoldmonger I may seem but damned if I'm going to do Nothing about this. Extract this and that and then some in private and public. Let my hurt be seen what do I care to hide it. A time machine it has become. For it steals my time forward. I am aware of the great loss. Kleshas play the tricks and you adjust. Four months now there have been daily adjustments new paradigms daily. I am dizzy with theory and approach.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Curvature of the scalp. An Absyss occured. Pulling into its wound follicles like an anomily; a black hole did originate in my head as prophosized. The pain a dull sense of unrest unjust and dis dis ease. Waking hours sleeping hours did not adjust the restlessness and vertigo. Plucking and perplexed I set out upon this labrynth sea of lessons and learn I did indeed. Those that should of helped me only thickened the hurt. Doctors prescribrd steroids which only excaserabted the reneagade deeper into the hidden pit. Mirtazipan deadly a dermatologist insisted caused a depression in my mind like no other paracide included. The nag of the old mare suggested glue factory. And wisdom of the father sent me to counselor on to psychiatrist and failed psychotherapy due to cost. Eventially I strong armed a surrogate dr to scheduled blood tests. They returned saying I was in good health; but how can I feel like I'm dying all the day and night. Sax playing a curse set and I stopped playing a year before this all started. The curvature of my scalp like geotectonic plates in hyper speed. Phenomena crept into by back lower back and finally spine till I claw for hours at invisible fubar bogies. Trictolomania fuck trichtolomania, an impulse control dx similar to gambling addiction, kleptomania, and arson junkies. Needless to say, cuss words endless omitted along with the infinte prayers of mercy; and of course the all too real damnations of God's creation itself, I suffered too physiologically to deem this trichtolomania. A barber plucker hairy backed cucoldmonger I may seem but damned if I'm going to do Nothing about this. Extract this and that and then some in private and public. Let my hurt be seen what do I care to hide it. A time machine it has become. For it steals my time forward. I am aware of the great loss. Kleshas play the tricks and you adjust. Four months now there have been daily adjustments new paradigms daily. I am dizzy with theory and approach.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Oedipa Maas a day before she recieved Pierce Invirarity's Will (OM a perfect circle about to face the labrynth of the intgr 3.1417etc.......)


Friday, August 5, 2011

Proud to drop some skrilla on ya'allz for your continued excellence. Too cool to be nerdcore 2 joked up for mainstream consideration. What is it? Does humor belong in music? NO!(Unless yer Shorty Petterstein or W.Al) But Southside gets the granted permissions and upgraded headspace codecs to do whatever they want. Excellent production values and damn kids you all sound a bit Too real. What u doin? Puttin holographic autotune fx on us? Nah I already know. T.Lund turned me on breakbeat in 94. White Horse White Lines Hash burn the barn down in that broken down Ambulance Toronto bound STM Damn! Shoulda expatriated. MC Chris is the only comparable playa to the Southside View of life:
MC chris- Wiid. Weed is by my side, it's always been there
Always been there, always been there
Weed is by my side, it's always been there
Always been there, always been there
Weed is by my side, it's always been there
Always been there, always been there
Weed is by my side, it's always been there
Always been there, always been there

We're smokin' that Danger Girl
We're smokin' that Gen 13
Bong's called Yoda, man
and Yoda can't a bag filled with stems and seeds
Yo, I can't stand no ecstacy
Cocaine made a mess of me
Beer and booze are now things that I use to do
Don't misconstrue, I'm still abusin' weed
Some kids like to get fucked up
actin' black by rollin' them blunts
I got a one hitter called Margot Kidder
and I only need to hit that shit once
'cause I ain't made of nickels and dimes
Fat kind make me tickled inside
Say no to cuttin' up lines
that's one-point-twenty-one jiggawatt jive
And I ain't no Nancy Reagan
just sayin' kinda take it slow
Say yeah to the jazz cigarette
say nil to the thrills of pills and blow
Teen years about gettin' beat down
and your twenties 'bout smokin' them pounds
Stick around for the sticky amounts
flick a Bic 'til your stuck to the couch
I'm the sativa cyborg
I smell that shit like a wine cork
I hope they never legalize
then High Times won't have anything to fight for
I used to smoke with kids at shows
but I stopped 'cause they all had colds
but I got Emergen-C and a bag of Coldeeze
and mad trees so let's all get stoned!

Weed is by my side, it's always been there
Always been there, always been there
Weed is by my side, it's always been there
Always been there, always been there
Weed is by my side, it's always been there
Always been there, always been there
Weed is by my side, it's always been there
Always been there, always been there

After a show, you're a friend of mind
handshake with a prize inside
These are Batman Begins hallucinagens
These whammies are weaponized
LSD and shrooms, I tried them
was a time when I wouldn't deny them
All you need is one trip where you lose your shit
kiss goodbye to the sky with diamonds;
but I keep coming back like it's Atkins fat
'cause the weed's like crack cocaine
but the risk you take is just getting baked
you're surely gonna see the next day
They say we fund Al Qaeda
Sounds like the government's jealous
Let's get the enemy stoned
bring our ninjas home - to hell with Christian zealots
'cause all we need is some weed and a laid back beat
black lights if you stereotype
couple bean bag chairs and a lack of airs
a marathon of price is right
What's the 4-1-1 for realzies?
I freeze my Reese's Pieces
It's like everytime I pack a pipe
my appetite suddenly increases
You know what a cracka mean
green leaves my cractorbeam
addicted like it's gasoline, just pass the trees
while I live that cracker dream
but I might have to cease my deeds
I might have to take control
'cause I ain't down with little mc
growin' up in a cloud of my second-hand smoke

Weed is by my side, it's always been there
Always been there, always been there
Weed is by my side, it's always been there
Always been there, always been there
Weed is by my side, it's always been there
Always been there, always been there
Weed is by my side, it's always been there
Always been there, always been there

More of Charity.

Charity indeed!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Professional musician, Jazz Saxophonist, Street musician, DJ jazzresin, Jazz Composer, Avant Garde Moog synthesizer Rock performer, Sound Sculpture recording artist. Music Educator, Oasis Older Adult Wellness, Riverview Gardens East Middle, Mars Music. Music Therapist Board Certified. Married to one brilliant Chinese/Indonesian computer genius, Anastasia; we live in an 1880 row house in LaSalle park downtown STL with our two 'babies' wardell n' mick, tzih zu dogs. No children out of world overpopulation concerns and Zen notion of preventing future suffering. 'Bill' has had plenty of wilderness years lost in wanderlust living in Seattle, Wa & Brooklyn NY: hating those places he crashlanded back in STL. His Mizzou music perfomance degree wasn't doing much for him so he continued his higher education through UMSL Bachelor of music education, K-12 state certified. Finding no band/orchestra director positiona available and disliking general music education he pursued his interest in psycho-acoustics, biomusicology, and transpersonal musical phenomena led him to Maryville Universities Music Therapy program. As of 07/07/2011 he continues to practice music therapy at a local psychiatric adult inpatient hospital. Bill passed his 5yr annual recerification just recently. Bill's favorite writers are William S. Burroughs (he had the pleasure to visit the author in 1996 at his Lawrence, KS home) Thomas Pynchon, J.G. Ballard, and Phillip K. Dick. Hobbies include abstract painting, hacking, urban archaeology, collecting antiques-records-books-curiosities, gem hunting and cutting, surveillance art. Currently his favorite musc is by the prophet Ryoji Ikeda, Alva Noto, Ingram Marshall, Keith Fullerton Whitman, Charlie Parker, Howlin Wolf, Department of Eagles, Grizzly Bear, AU, Sufjan Stevens, CAN, Basement Jaxx, Boards of Canada, Nina Simone, Iannis Xenakis, Moondog, etc.ad infinitum. Bill is looking forward to a future of time travel , artificial intelligence, designer gentic modulations, communal thought quantum symphonic improvisation holography, and sustainable world peace through drastic reduction of human population and the extinction of nationalities and token economy slavery.

Wilderness Years

Benard n' JR in manhatten R line sub

Friday, June 24, 2011

Where words fail toothsome as they drop off the page. Little scurvy ants there are as the swerve and they sway. We could not forcast the distant change in tether, but the scrawls and seesaw go well together. In that sentient arcadia here and now, layers upon layers she begans to howl. Aurora bright aurora winds down that rOad. Superimposed upon my lovers scowl. Should we tredge forward upon starlit paths? Knowing arachnid dieties guard her wrath. Visitation fractled by your schoolboy fears. A thousand spiraled spider leg it draws you near. Amongst this din a cliffedge is hid. How did u know it my love? To sit indian till the mantra wind lessened. Stop the breathe and just listen. She sews up your lungs invisible threads glisten. Blessings tidings you live again.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

On the corner the musician must become more than just that: they must become the magician, the Shaman, the Jester Holy fool, jesus on the cross for Christ's sake (literal not figurative) and of course never forget, Cold straight up Hustler. Like the GodsEye on a Paracide, not only the living observe, as the surroundings take on a larger stage. The great Spirit favors (and torments) those whom bring the drama. Take very little personal and certainly step into your metathespian shoes as you rewrite the flow of reality around you......it's an ancient little understood artform- streetmusic. The money one earns is often blessed transforming a dime to a dolla, twobits a portrait of Lincoln. On a real good night dollars metamorph cubed into fur coated Franklins wry lusty smile. The true blessing is the authentic egolessness of that sense of automatic; one becomes a filter for EtwasAnderes, something other. The gleam of a child's eye listening to real live music for the first time is THE greatest treasure beyond any material wealth for something immortal is exchanged in the light of the glimmer.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Certainly can relate to the Beez bum bill bee. Cell phones r killing me to. Perhaps something to do with time/space/neuromagnetic electric fields that we're not quite savvy to. The holographic nature of the universe wows and flutters eventually withers away at the electrical nature of life/reality/synapse. It's all around us All the time. NEVER any bandwidth silence in the invisible freuency ether wind. The BZZzzzzz is replaced with the hyperfax sounding (RYOJI IKEDA!!! RYOJI can heal with the most evil of poisons!!! RYOJI may be the most important composer since BAch/beethoven/Mozart/Wagner/Schoenberg/Cage/XENAKiS!!!!!! RYOJI may very will be our Salvation.RYOJI IKEDA!!!!) Haven't felt right in years. Ever since that hospital pager next to the gonads...since the wife purchased 'cell' prison phone. Ball n' chain...ever since the 'SmaartFone' has smartened me to the point of a sharp dullness like pain in the medulla. The reptilian brain begins to balk and default. Null becomes the easiest hack and the big Syntax Error of it all with the harsh analog Beep reminding us of how far we've come and how much we've lost in the process. ADApT or eXtIncTioN. Too far along to care for either. Transmogrification Avatar synthesizer play us one more pop song before the end.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wonderful to know you old friend! Congrats on your second star child, (hope she's stardust and not the nosoul holographic dark matterÐë®gä©.

Other than my reading of shulgin I have no practical knowledge of your substance in query. Me, I've been illicit free since 2006, quit ETOH out of boredom last year...started backup lately also out of boredom. ***** I subscribe monthly to in order to tame the sabateur fifth columnist resting in the shadows of my will. Effective enough though life seems to flash by so quick...no luxerious slow time fer me (WE certainly took our fill of the old slow motion back in the day... Believe we were monsantobaby sububurban refugees turned hillbilly bohemian skyheads apeing as college students (give me that gentleman's B any day, practiced and well versed upon effortless effort.) I smoke marlboro blue with excellent results. My former asthma is near extinct with only a flashback or two caused by cats or family memories.

I have had a difficult three years health wise due to unknown ailment of skin upon the back of my neck/scalp. Multiple dermatologists and dozens of nasty failures of pharmecutical stabs in the dark I am left continually tormented. A sensation of 'out of place' pressure. THOUSANDS of ingrown hair. I have returned to an earlier technique of DIY surgery. Correcting some bad code written in sanskrit upon the noggin. Why? Numerous theories. Most sound being due to saxophone strap,hot head,pork pie hat issues. Most far out? Alien possesion of my flesh with soul terminating weaponry!! (Everyone thinks the invaders have to be 4'10 to 6'1".... No no no real tiny they can be. Not from OUT there either more like RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE NOW just transmigrated parallel like.) Sometimes I think lord above and the devil wagered bets upon my outcome like some modern JOB. All I really know is that I've learned to suffer well. Eh, but I ramble. Holla back atcha soon old buddha.

Friday, May 6, 2011

William Schafer Neural implants reboot update reset reboot update downloading new modules please enter user name password on 32 apps. Updating app information. Reboot. Please restart your computer enter user name and password. Password does not match usr name unknown. Modules updating OTA rim neural implants version 6.o.6 bundle 243....repeat cycle.meanwhile I stand here contemplating the sins of previous hacks and injections. Shouldn't of commited surgery upon myself. Synapses fraid unravelling. I smell ancient smells of the blessed past. Wake up to the stench a burning rotten vegetative dankness. Feel close to death and everything spirals metafiction. Reality? No some inner transmogrification. A forceful change for no reason. Paradigms flipper flipper flam. This life to be such a scam.the fink inside me is the fink God we succumb to in sarcastic negativity

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Name: Application Control
GUID: ed7944aebd0c4ae2
Time: May 05, 2011 17:01:09

Monday, May 2, 2011



Thomas R. Pynchon: Spermatikos Logos - A

Kekule dreams the Great Serpent holding its own tail in its mouth, the dreaming Serpent which surrounds the World. But the meanness, the cynicism with which this dream is to be used. The Serpent that announces, 'The World is a closed thing, cyclical, resonant, eternally-returning,' is to be delivered into a system whose only aim is to violate the cycle. Taking and not giving back, demanding that ?productivity' and 'earnings' keep on increasing with time, the System removing from the rest of the World these vast quantities of energy to keep its own tiny desperate fraction showing a profit: and not only humanity--most of the world, animal, vegetable, and mineral, is laid to waste in the process. The System may or may not understand that it's only buying time. And that time is an artificial resource to begin with, of no value to anyone other than the system, which must sooner or later crash to its death, when it addiction to energy has become more than the rest of the World can supply, dragging with it innocent souls all along the chain of life."