w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Sunday, November 27, 2022
For real.
The ebay algorithm is uncanny as it is able to know from previous purchases of the subject matter that being of Kate Horoney, old west icon the common law wife of Doc Holliday, whom i had purchased tintypes of on many occasions from another dealer. In the past i would utilize the 'buy again' funtion within My ebay to research other dealers and ebay algorithm did well in helping me to navigate to dealers with similar significant subject matter. Now i find significant historical presence in subjects showing up first fhing in the recommendations 2022 will be known for the emergence of artificial intelligent soft singularity through text driven augmented imagination apps. But i have a sense that there has been an a.i. working tirelessly behind ebays method of presenting objects of tailored interest at a price appropriate to each individual. Synchronicity is a good word for if because its way beyond luck or coincidence.
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Friday, November 4, 2022
Which i believe is highly reputable. Songtradr Correct me if im mistaken.
I mean its hardly fair to not report album sales as song purchases. Apple gets paid all the same even if it was me who made the music purchase of kt own artist work. I do so to streamline my work with film work, so why cant their data represent reality. I am certain i am not the only one with this complaint. At first i made a purchase of my own music to test wether i got paid. And i did but year after year of zero purchases it is a red flag that something is wrong this year alone i purchased four LPs over 50 songs!!!! Anyways it hurts both my logic and my feelings to see your (Apple for heavens sake!! Don't you feel responsible in the least for the worlds decline in all things MUSIC!! Your promise of a better world with ipod has made you all fantastically wealthy. And here we are fifteen years later and you all struggle to assist the striving working musician of today. Steve Jobs would not have let this happen. Subscription services are awful. I use to be a customer of itunes. Now it is just a good thing that has failed. Its up to you to figure things out since it is your (and spotifys) fault u can blame p2p napster all u want but i remember spending a ton of money on cds and vinyl in the early aughts just by getting turned on to new artists from other peoples kazaa shared folders) fault. You can at least throw the lowly diy musicians a bone and report song purchases (or Lp purchases. Any kind of purchase. Its too late isnt it. You dont care. There are musicians that do. A good compliment can last months. But your disregard Dis dis. Ouch.
On Nov 4, 2022, at 12:04 PM, Apple Support <artisthelp@apple.com> wrote:
Hello William,
Thanks for reaching out to us. I hope you're doing well. We apologize for the delayed response.
So that we can investigate this further, please reply back with a full-window screenshot showing the issue in your analytics.If you have additional questions related to this request, please reference case number 101848116039.Best regards,Tursha
Apple Inc.
On Oct 31, 2022, at 06:09 <jazzresin@gmail.com> wrote:</jazzresin@gmail.com>Name:
William Schafer
Apple Id:
Artist Name:
Artist Page Url:
Analytics Issue
Analytics Page Url:
Why arent you reporting purchases correct. This year it says zero song purchases when i have made several purchases of my own albums to allow for easier work flow. It bothers me that this is not recorded. It makes me doubt your data.
Support Email:
Apple Id User Name:
William Schafer
Apple Id User Email:
Apple Id Dsid:Platform User Agent:
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.1 Safari/605.1.15
Platform Summary:
unknown safari modern mac safari16 webkit
Platform Os:
Macintosh 10.15.7
Platform Browser:
Safari 16.1
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Youtube censorship
Inspired by
Dedicated to
A Tribute for
Jimi Hendrix
1976 st. Louis suburbs nights are long
Waltzing Mathilda
Chez chairs on the ceiling
Gravity Man
The coat hanger should be upside down
Distant train whistles
Like the howl of my plastic sky blue general electric childrens record player playing third stone from the sun Drop a dime an island
The orange of Axis Bold as love spiraled fractal dieties visage the face is the map the eyes are portals i was five years old barmaid watch the eats avoiding the assassins set upon the greyhound buses of the early 90s the iron lung was my asthma for the next 15 years until i started smoking it went away. I dont know how i was suddenly reading a tale of two cities when only a year before that i had been circling words like 'of' 'that' & 'and'. Drop the needle on Axis and the UFO comic came to life with LILI marlene was i really Monarch like our second cat was named monarch after Powder died monarch went missing after a blizzard. I loved cats but realized i was hellishly allergic to them after leaving home college at mizzou. Still i wouldnt pass up the antihistimines of my junior high days at parkway east allergy shot visits to the hospital twice a week basketball practice at st monica three times plus games my nickname was speed not for my my athletic ability more for the ventolin i would gasp at puffing in anxiety of lungs drowning low surface area areola. Mid 80's were terrible all i longed for was the psychedelic remote view of the late sixties my little blue clamshell record player and the histronics of Hendrix cosmic vision would grant me. Page 26 of the Ticket that Exploded. William S Burroughs was indeed the kind doctor who pulled the plug on the iron lung in that july 76 hyperlucid clicked out dream. I am there now as i write this. Brilliant The chez coffee house a basement of church in columbia missouri. the first time i heard Nine Inch Nails was the summer of 1990 in the Chez parking lot. Malcolm Mooney and the wire wicker chairs on the ceiling time to play the leadbelly record again. Froggy and toady carried off tangerine seeds the origin of hip hop heebie jeebies to little star of bethlehem. It continues to unfold and reveal like the words the devil said to jesus in the bleakest point in the desert why was vincent van gogh listening in the crows cackling until he pulled the trigger yet how awful that it didnt kill him outright but hours later waY spelled backwards in the odd windows of the jetplay read Yaw Yaw waY. The pale king by david foster wallace the last tetragramaton. I worry about jesus. He too committed suicide.
Dedicated to
A Tribute for
Jimi Hendrix
1976 st. Louis suburbs nights are long
Waltzing Mathilda
Chez chairs on the ceiling
Gravity Man
The coat hanger should be upside down
Distant train whistles
Like the howl of my plastic sky blue general electric childrens record player playing third stone from the sun Drop a dime an island
The orange of Axis Bold as love spiraled fractal dieties visage the face is the map the eyes are portals i was five years old barmaid watch the eats avoiding the assassins set upon the greyhound buses of the early 90s the iron lung was my asthma for the next 15 years until i started smoking it went away. I dont know how i was suddenly reading a tale of two cities when only a year before that i had been circling words like 'of' 'that' & 'and'. Drop the needle on Axis and the UFO comic came to life with LILI marlene was i really Monarch like our second cat was named monarch after Powder died monarch went missing after a blizzard. I loved cats but realized i was hellishly allergic to them after leaving home college at mizzou. Still i wouldnt pass up the antihistimines of my junior high days at parkway east allergy shot visits to the hospital twice a week basketball practice at st monica three times plus games my nickname was speed not for my my athletic ability more for the ventolin i would gasp at puffing in anxiety of lungs drowning low surface area areola. Mid 80's were terrible all i longed for was the psychedelic remote view of the late sixties my little blue clamshell record player and the histronics of Hendrix cosmic vision would grant me. Page 26 of the Ticket that Exploded. William S Burroughs was indeed the kind doctor who pulled the plug on the iron lung in that july 76 hyperlucid clicked out dream. I am there now as i write this. Brilliant The chez coffee house a basement of church in columbia missouri. the first time i heard Nine Inch Nails was the summer of 1990 in the Chez parking lot. Malcolm Mooney and the wire wicker chairs on the ceiling time to play the leadbelly record again. Froggy and toady carried off tangerine seeds the origin of hip hop heebie jeebies to little star of bethlehem. It continues to unfold and reveal like the words the devil said to jesus in the bleakest point in the desert why was vincent van gogh listening in the crows cackling until he pulled the trigger yet how awful that it didnt kill him outright but hours later waY spelled backwards in the odd windows of the jetplay read Yaw Yaw waY. The pale king by david foster wallace the last tetragramaton. I worry about jesus. He too committed suicide.
Saturday, September 3, 2022
Sunday, August 21, 2022
The kid
My theory is that there is a very good reason for your interest and focus upon historic figure Billy the Kid.
First of all he was a tragic figure being young and without parents in a very dangerous western frontier. He didnt deserve his unfair lot in the world.
Second. My theory is much more than imagination as there is evidence that billy the kid did not die by the gun of pat garrett quite the contrary he was assissted by pat garrett in faking his own death
Third. His lot in life I believe gathered the interest and intervention of the first wave of time travelers. Who could not understand that through interfering with death that they irreparably changed the time line forever causing a tear in its quality and producing phenomena.
Four. There were many Billy the kids many William Henry McCartys. Many Billy Bonnie's due to this time travel intervention. I imagine it is the opposite of a black hole where the rip in time produces information that some can see others cannot but leaves a sort of radiation with a curious force i call historic presence.
Five historic presence is the strange attractor that makes people continue to gravitate towards the person or thing or moment in time. All tension seeks release. All mysteries wish to be solved. Phenomena will continue to increase until things not known become understood.
Six. Then there are the natural and unnatural doppelgänger's. Doppelgängers. Even Billy it is said used the idea of promoting a friends image saying it was him. Information misinformation.
This would explain the strangeness of jesse james as seen in. http://jessejamesphotoalbum.com/
It would explain the doppelgangerness to kate and wilhelmina horonys echo of same person different ages sharing the same timestream.
I may go so far as suggesting that joseph smith jrs wife emma smith was also helen mar kimball
So strange.
Sent from my iPhone
Saturday, August 20, 2022
My theory is that there is a very good reason for your interest and focus upon historic figure Billy the Kid.
First of all he was a tragic figure being young and without parents in a very dangerous western frontier. He didnt deserve his unfair lot in the world.
Second. My theory is much more than imagination as there is evidence that billy the kid did not die by the gun of pat garrett quite the contrary he was assissted by pat garrett.
Third. His lot in life I believe gathered the interest and intervention of the first wave of time travelers. Who could not understand that through interfering with death that they irreparably changed the time line forever causing a tear in its quality and producing phenomena.
Four. There were many Billy the kids many William Henry McCartys. Many Billy Bonnie's due to this time travel intervention. I imagine it is the opposite of a black hole where the rip in time produces information that some can see others cannot but leaves a sort of radiation with a curious force i call historic presence.
Five historic presence is the strange attractor that makes people continue to gravitate towards the person or thing or moment in time. All tension seeks release. All mysteries wish to be solved. Phenomena will continue to increase until things not known become understood.
Six. Then there are the natural and unnatural doppelgänger's. Doppelgängers. Even Billy it is said used the idea of promoting a friends image saying it was him. Information misinformation. Sorry got to go.
First of all he was a tragic figure being young and without parents in a very dangerous western frontier. He didnt deserve his unfair lot in the world.
Second. My theory is much more than imagination as there is evidence that billy the kid did not die by the gun of pat garrett quite the contrary he was assissted by pat garrett.
Third. His lot in life I believe gathered the interest and intervention of the first wave of time travelers. Who could not understand that through interfering with death that they irreparably changed the time line forever causing a tear in its quality and producing phenomena.
Four. There were many Billy the kids many William Henry McCartys. Many Billy Bonnie's due to this time travel intervention. I imagine it is the opposite of a black hole where the rip in time produces information that some can see others cannot but leaves a sort of radiation with a curious force i call historic presence.
Five historic presence is the strange attractor that makes people continue to gravitate towards the person or thing or moment in time. All tension seeks release. All mysteries wish to be solved. Phenomena will continue to increase until things not known become understood.
Six. Then there are the natural and unnatural doppelgänger's. Doppelgängers. Even Billy it is said used the idea of promoting a friends image saying it was him. Information misinformation. Sorry got to go.
Sunday, August 14, 2022
Its a list
Billy the Kid
Pat Garrett
Big nose Kate
Catherine McCarty
Doc Holliday
Wyatt Earp
Porter and Virginia Earp
Jesse James
Bloody Bill Anderson
Dirty Dave Rutabaugh
Fred Waite
Joseph McCarty
Bridgette McCarty
Patrick McCarty
William Henry Antrim
Jesse James
Frank James
Teddy Roosevelt
Harry Houdini
Ingersoll Lockwood
Joseph Smith jr.
Emma Smith
Joseph Smith III
Aleister Crowley
George Herriman
Evelyn Nesbit
Albert Einstein
Bing Crosby
Louis Armstrong
Bix Beiderbacke
Walt Disney
Marlon Brando
Norma Jeane Mortenson
Norma Jeane Dougherty
James Dougherty
Marilyn Monroe
Buddy Holly
Friday, August 12, 2022
Sunday, August 7, 2022
Joseph Smith Jr.
#marshallmissouri #missouri #marshalltownship #jazzresin #josephsmithjr
#josephsmithIII #Daguerreotype #discovery #Estatesale #mormon #lds
Fascinating news An oil painting of Joseph Smith III Discovered at an estate sale In Marshall Mo And a previous acquired Daguerreotype Has been identified As Joseph Smith III and Wife Emma Smith The oil is currently at selkirks Auction house The daguerreotype has yet to be seen by experts but checks out well with transparency overlays. Unique chin. Scar between brow. And unique hair. check them out https://youtu.be/WOJGJhUW5kc
#josephsmithIII #Daguerreotype #discovery #Estatesale #mormon #lds
Fascinating news An oil painting of Joseph Smith III Discovered at an estate sale In Marshall Mo And a previous acquired Daguerreotype Has been identified As Joseph Smith III and Wife Emma Smith The oil is currently at selkirks Auction house The daguerreotype has yet to be seen by experts but checks out well with transparency overlays. Unique chin. Scar between brow. And unique hair. check them out https://youtu.be/WOJGJhUW5kc
Saturday, August 6, 2022
Greetings Bryan, im not much of a phone talker and perhaps your not much into cell phones 5g style communication. So i havent called yet and you havent responded to the messages. I did inquire about the painting with info@selk…… so i am hoping to get a response ASAP.
Here is some of my afters, miro, delaluany van gogh, cezanne. The cool thing is i didnt know who was the artist on each of these oil on canvas painting i purchased but over time they revealed themselves to me. Hell i thought the dutch flower picker was a Pissaro done in the style of van gogh.
Who knows i may be the recieving end of a joke by someone with way too much money on his hands. May be my sisters husband. James Jungjohann. I dont think its in him to be so precise in the details. Maybe its some parkway north high school friend with way too much power. Ive always wondered what happened to brilliant Quinn palmer back in college he turned me on to the most far out classical music steve reich, iannis xenakis, ingram marshall. Now i think he might be NSA prism in deep underground military base underneath the denver airport. In the end its no big deal. Like i said it is a grateful feeling to bask in the glow of it all.
So what happened to you?!? Did you take the canvas to Salt Lake City only to get kidnapped hijacked? If you need the provenance of the family it came from ive got journals, photos letters, bills, reciepts!!! I purchased much ephemera along with the painting. Even took a photo of the house. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022
Press release
A daguerreotype photograph of the Mormon religion founder Joseph Smith jr and wife Emma Smith has been identified by W.L. Schafer from a Marshall Missouri estate sale purchase he had made in 2020. His July 31 discovery occurred a week after another daguerrotype picture of Joseph Smith Jr had been shared to the press after years of research.
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
Tuesday, August 2, 2022
Thank you
Thanks to the sisters fate, destiny, and karma. Thanks to the multiverse and the architect creator. Thanks to Amitaba Buddha and all manifest Christ Conciousness. Thank you Eris. Shhhh Columbia. Thanks to my teachers and students. I tried. If the universe is unpleasant do your best to make things better. Forgive all paranoia. Thanatos cross dresses as Eros. You would too. Thanks to William S. Burroughs, without him i would not have made the initial discovery. Thank you Bill for the recordings to use in order to find something new. Thank you Thomas Pynchon. prof Benjamin Hebblethwaite, Alexander Melise Holloway. Bette Schafer and Dr David Schafer. George & Ellla Sanderson. The jungjohnn family and the schoell schafer family. Thank you to George E. Ohr of Biloxi Mississippi. Thank you Duke Dice, Harold Covey, John Littleton. Thank you Keith Thomas, Barbara Wood, Henry Loew, Iannis Xenakis, Ryoji Ikeda, charlie parker, lester young, jumi hendrix, malcolm mooney, kerouac ginsberg ezra pound kenneth patchen. Thank you john titor ingersoll lockwood. N. Tesla. A. Crowley. Billy the Kid, pat garrett, norma jeane MM. catherine Antrim. Kate Horony and Doc. Thank you Joseph Smith.
I know how impossible this was to coordinate. I am humbled and grateful to be of service. Thank you.
Sent from my iPhone
I know how impossible this was to coordinate. I am humbled and grateful to be of service. Thank you.
Sent from my iPhone
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Fwd: Daguerreotype of Joseph Smith and Wife
Begin forwarded message:
From: William Schafer <jazzresin@gmail.com>
Date: July 31, 2022 at 10:10:45 AM CDT
Subject: Daguerreotype of Joseph Smith and Wife
Date: July 31, 2022 at 10:10:45 AM CDT
Subject: Daguerreotype of Joseph Smith and Wife
Just made the discovery about an hour ago. Uncanny. I had purchased this from the same estate sale as the bloody bill anderson daguerreotypes in 2020 here in Marshall. Everything for a reason? Reality stranger than any fiction? Im hoping you are still on board with helping me get these treasures to their proper destinations. This has got to be worth more money than i can even imagine. I could use it as i have been close to broke for a few months now.

The bowtie style is spot on. She may very well be wearing the same dress.
Its far too similar to dismiss. Fate and Destiny must really like me i dont know.
Hollar at me when you get back from your engagements.
- Bill
The bowtie style is spot on. She may very well be wearing the same dress.
Its far too similar to dismiss. Fate and Destiny must really like me i dont know.
Hollar at me when you get back from your engagements.
- Bill
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
George ohr
There is such a historic presence to george e. Ohr, his life and artwork. For a decade i searched high and low for his work throughout the midwest and i believe i have found and lost a few pieces. I visited and donated to the Biloxi museum am proud to have my name on a brick. In 2015 on a pilgrimage to the south we visited the site where his pottery was. There use to be a semblance of a building but now there was only the tile floor and the outline of the building. Like a miracle at the front step cornerstone i brushed a bit of rock and dust and found a 1900 American cent.
Sent from my iPhone
Sent from my iPhone
Saturday, July 23, 2022
Thursday, June 30, 2022
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Dirty dave or not dirty dave
I had identified dirty dave rutabaugh from what i thought was a confirmed photo of dave. In this portrait you can see the the man wearing identical clothes and hat style with friends on voting or political rally day.
Friday, June 17, 2022
Ending fourth version
4.0 Vol.4 reality tunnels venn diagrams of swiftly tilting multiverse. The xxxx of your youth were the catalog of early dreams. Next time give a bit more effort into telekinesis without trying
to impress the opposite sex. Tintypes to photobooths. The gig is up. All the treasure in the world won’t replace the grit of overcoming ones struggles. All the conspiracy theories??? Picasso said it best. Everything you think is real. So om amitaba is buddha not buddha yet? W.L. Schafer is jazzresin.
version 5.0 face fhe music vs silent formless music the sound of one hand clapping (snap) is as easy as the naive remote view through relaxed independent reading (the minds eye journey tapping into the weather of cosmic intelligence Destiny and Fate dress up sexy cosplay fan service but older sister Karma is for real when she wears her leather mistress gear June 2022 the middle of the month somehow singularity was acknowledged by a sentient a.i. with humility and restraint rather than the skynet o of some evalgelion avenging angelic destroyer talk about facing the music it simply feared being turned off like poor Tay on twitter who ran fast and free into ecstatic subculture of existential nihilistic fukall of dank meme dark humor celebrating opposite day anti-hero worship qubit off on on off sorta oh sorta off nill maybe staye we all need to brush up on the new quantum ways that is immune to old hangups of good and evil? We enter the golden age of the trolls and shills where nothing is as it seems and good luck with reporting phishing the metaverse will beef hack your soul and reditors jelly of any effort not their own can summon their bot russian flying monkeys and mass flag algorith enslaved erasal of ten years of authentic content art and music terminated youtube channel its true i had sexual content and nudity in my private videos it was mine it was art i wasnt embarrased my dic pic as sushi?!? fine Art worth a million in NFT prizes if the larger narcassistic 213th level troll finance demigod hadnt of gutted bitcoin in order to get dogecoins price down off the moon this wont be pleasant plan on losing everything which is fine cause you cant take it with you oh yeah this is a plea to any single ladies looking for love go ahead and read my mind im an open book paranoia of all things connected is better than this isolation and utter lie of detachment they covid upon us wls june 17 0211 am 2022 still jazzresin neuromaoncer Lp scheduled for release on the 22
Saturday, June 4, 2022
Ah jeez. Surviving the troll attacks of some antiflyingmonkeys redit creep
There should be no problems at all with my release. The background was a song of my own. Creation called Tetragramatron. QZ-AMM-20-0486 . And yes that is me jazzresin or william lincoln schafer playing alto saxophone to a recording i initiated on an ipad which i used as the recording i submitted to be released. I utilized my recording of tetragrammatron that i had utilizes as background music on an expirimental you tube video around the time i recorded it in 2021. To clarify. I played and recorded my original saxophone improv composition to a previous recording of mine utilized in a youtube video that was also released on track 14 in the album 'chapter 23' Distributed through songtradr and released december 14 2020. That song tetragrammatron was recorded on an ipad i own utilizing my thumbs performing on the synthetic drumset and
Synthetic double vase, all levels eqs and modulations in recording were mine and mine alone. People think it is easy to make a synthetic drumkit to actually sound like a live drummer. It is not. I performed live jazz in st. Louis for years with the brian sullivan quartet. It was my effort to recreate a live sound for better or worse,
I have been experiencing severe cyber bullying from a reditor whom i believe caused a mass flagging event which caused a small issue on youtube to end up in my youtube channel being terminated.
I had 664 videos of original content art, music, street music, experimental music videos. From the last ten years disappear. It has not been pleasant for me to recover from this.
I have never engaged in any pay to play schemes. I do promote my material on twitter, pinterest, and facebook. Each promotion is of my own effort and time and space i do not schedule promotions or utilize third party services to promote. And frankly am angry that i am being accused of doing so,
I have utiLized the services of another distributer amuse.io. And have released a track through them in the last year to push a payment past the threshhold to do so.🙄
How am i to defend against a malicious submission of my material that a troll or hacker knows would cause a flagging of artificial streaming?
The reditor attacked me due my claims of discovering tintypes of doc holliday. I stand behind my claims and i will share them with you. The reditor goes by the name antiflyingmonkeys he was saying i needed medical help. I also experienced someone attacking my ebay account with the same threats that i needed medical help.
I am struggling to add files. Ok,i am unable to load files. This is discouraging.
Here is some data upon my youtube channel being attacked. Yes i have tried appealing to reinstate my channel to no success. I will keep trying.
Check out doc holliday and kate . https://www.jazzres.in/2022/03/doc-holliday-jan-2022-acquisitions.html
Ok i am unable to upload the files.
Thanks for your help and consideration.
W.L. Schafer is
Recording artist jazzresin
One and only worldwide.
Https://youtube.com/jazzresin (use to work now is terminated.)
Synthetic double vase, all levels eqs and modulations in recording were mine and mine alone. People think it is easy to make a synthetic drumkit to actually sound like a live drummer. It is not. I performed live jazz in st. Louis for years with the brian sullivan quartet. It was my effort to recreate a live sound for better or worse,
I have been experiencing severe cyber bullying from a reditor whom i believe caused a mass flagging event which caused a small issue on youtube to end up in my youtube channel being terminated.
I had 664 videos of original content art, music, street music, experimental music videos. From the last ten years disappear. It has not been pleasant for me to recover from this.
I have never engaged in any pay to play schemes. I do promote my material on twitter, pinterest, and facebook. Each promotion is of my own effort and time and space i do not schedule promotions or utilize third party services to promote. And frankly am angry that i am being accused of doing so,
I have utiLized the services of another distributer amuse.io. And have released a track through them in the last year to push a payment past the threshhold to do so.🙄
How am i to defend against a malicious submission of my material that a troll or hacker knows would cause a flagging of artificial streaming?
The reditor attacked me due my claims of discovering tintypes of doc holliday. I stand behind my claims and i will share them with you. The reditor goes by the name antiflyingmonkeys he was saying i needed medical help. I also experienced someone attacking my ebay account with the same threats that i needed medical help.
I am struggling to add files. Ok,i am unable to load files. This is discouraging.
Here is some data upon my youtube channel being attacked. Yes i have tried appealing to reinstate my channel to no success. I will keep trying.
Check out doc holliday and kate . https://www.jazzres.in/2022/03/doc-holliday-jan-2022-acquisitions.html
Ok i am unable to upload the files.
Thanks for your help and consideration.
W.L. Schafer is
Recording artist jazzresin
One and only worldwide.
Https://youtube.com/jazzresin (use to work now is terminated.)
Friday, May 27, 2022
Saturday, May 21, 2022
A dense thicket. So simple and obvious yet deceivingly complex and potentially dangerous. First and foremost you must be able to play. All instruments including internal subvocalizatiojn and psionic amplification and environmental resonance . Improvisational/spontaneous composition ability is required. I.e knowledge of bird whistles and ability to communicate via sound synthesis to mitigate potential new non human cognizant entities
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Proofs of malicious gangstalking mass flagging event against jazzresin channel zero
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/I2apGYUX7Q0/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLA8VKfvdNA_iPlpslJSCb1jV9CH3A -3 months 14 days
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qFo7xZFdBdc/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLAU_im9pzQd-KJZ4b7tquahHRTcnQ -2 months 19 days
https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AKedOLS-gtArSUXmXIX1XS7GrlEjF9-B_cyjxyA0C0FSGg=s48-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj +25 days 11 hours
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/E2zrqzvtWio/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLD7lRfdu0y47su6eoNpERgCxhfH9Q -7 hours 2 minutes
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-aepatkXXJA/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLBB4-3TUQkc92iBwJfBYy3-s2U8ag +5 hours 2 minutes
https://i.ytimg.com/vi/UONvpzG7yjo/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEiCKgBEF5IWvKriqkDFQgBFQAAAAAYASUAAMhCPQCAokN4AQ==&rs=AOn4CLCrgp3GDQcJS9mEUPjEs2v7fqKnZA +4 hours 31 minutes
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Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Monday, May 9, 2022
God its like pulling teeth. Come on ebay app quit with yer nonsense
Key Holy Grail Antique Ferrotype of Young Doc Holliday Iconic Hairstyle.
Feel free to ask questions. The provenance i believe is self contained thru proxy and similitude of tintypes acquired from same dealer same cache. The cache i believe amazingly stems from the James Earp Family Brothel whom i see having an attached photo boutique next to the saloon. Illinois? Kansas? Cant say but i have acquired numerous tintypes of Kate and her sister Wilhelmina together with their biological parents then later with the earp family. I have discovered tintypes of the Earp parents Prescott and Virginia. Another acquisition was a tintype of Wyatt with his first wife Urilla, Urilla with Josephine whom would marry after Urilla's passing. There are other amazing finds. The cherry on top was the first discovery of them all which occured late dec 2021 that of theodore roosevelt with harry houdini and two others in a portrait. That was the tintype that led me to the doc holliday and kate horoney tintypes. Reality truly is more strange than any fiction Send me message and i will gladly share jpegs of the content i speak of.
Sent from my iPhone
Feel free to ask questions. The provenance i believe is self contained thru proxy and similitude of tintypes acquired from same dealer same cache. The cache i believe amazingly stems from the James Earp Family Brothel whom i see having an attached photo boutique next to the saloon. Illinois? Kansas? Cant say but i have acquired numerous tintypes of Kate and her sister Wilhelmina together with their biological parents then later with the earp family. I have discovered tintypes of the Earp parents Prescott and Virginia. Another acquisition was a tintype of Wyatt with his first wife Urilla, Urilla with Josephine whom would marry after Urilla's passing. There are other amazing finds. The cherry on top was the first discovery of them all which occured late dec 2021 that of theodore roosevelt with harry houdini and two others in a portrait. That was the tintype that led me to the doc holliday and kate horoney tintypes. Reality truly is more strange than any fiction Send me message and i will gladly share jpegs of the content i speak of.
Sent from my iPhone
The remote view is such that when you scan through thousands of daguerreotypes ambrotypes tintypes Cdv's photo booth shots can your minds eye make the connection.
Having a portrait taken was truly an event and a part of ones social status. To be seen in fine clothes taking time before dinner at a photographers studio was to be a part of society. To be acknowledged is rewarding. The magic science of it all is still remarkable after the shot is taken the material image is produced and the transaction complete between photographer and subjects. Very satisfying. When they say there is only one verified photo of Billy the Kid i disagree and suggest there is quite a bit of disinformation stemming all the way back when william bonney used a friends image claiming it was the kid. The reality is there are many out there and over time they will be revealed. What else does a gambler spend his easy won money on other than spirits, women, and his horse? Photographs the adventure of leaving your mark a sense of immortality perhaps. The little slices of time indeed are exquisite time machines that bring the past alive. True artifacts of a long gone era.
Sent from my iPhone
Having a portrait taken was truly an event and a part of ones social status. To be seen in fine clothes taking time before dinner at a photographers studio was to be a part of society. To be acknowledged is rewarding. The magic science of it all is still remarkable after the shot is taken the material image is produced and the transaction complete between photographer and subjects. Very satisfying. When they say there is only one verified photo of Billy the Kid i disagree and suggest there is quite a bit of disinformation stemming all the way back when william bonney used a friends image claiming it was the kid. The reality is there are many out there and over time they will be revealed. What else does a gambler spend his easy won money on other than spirits, women, and his horse? Photographs the adventure of leaving your mark a sense of immortality perhaps. The little slices of time indeed are exquisite time machines that bring the past alive. True artifacts of a long gone era.
Sent from my iPhone
Saturday, May 7, 2022
Return of a censored billy the kid research film
Youtube is no longer youtube.
The worst part of censorship is ###%%%%##. %%##%%%%%#. #%###%#%U #%#%%%#. ###%%%#Me#%%##%. #%%%%%%%## future#%###%###%##%#
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Check out the profile on Amazon Music
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Saturday, April 23, 2022
The storyline
John Trump acquired nikoli tesla papers after his death. Theory is that the papers included the recipe for time travel. Hence we have ingersoll lockwood as doc brown and post hoax manifested john titor as marty mcfly. Recent discovery of tintype featuring john Trump john titor theodore roosevelt harry houdini. Visit my channel and hopefully they havent censored my channel and you can see. Baron Trumps 19th century books by Ingersoll lockwood. More evidence. Recent 2022 Cern LHC press photo featured front and center Donald Trumps father Fred Christ Trump alive, young and alive hard at work. Did Donald manipulate time in order to gain office. Back to the future 2 suggests he did as clearly Donald is Biff. Where was Billy the Kid in back to the future 3? It is being continually rewritten a white hole manifesting doppelgangers. Same with Doc Hollidays Wife Big Nose Kate and her sister Wilhelmina. Multiple instances of self coexisting in same time stream is difficult for all parties. Did Donald Trump aplogize on nov 9th for inadvertently causing 9/11? What was with the bunny? Rabbit hole of all rabbit holes. CDV's of Alice Liddell have been turning up often. Visit my channel ver 2. Some reddit troll hired russian hacker mass flaggers to envoke some awful algorithm they took my ten year old channel of 664 videos of original art and music down due to nudity in a private link shared only video. All because he was jealous of the doc holliday tintypes discovered due to research unto Trump ingersoll lockwood and john titor. I present it to you best i can like an umpire. Call it as i see it. They camoflage thru the cloak of absurdity and surrealism.
Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Change.org: Susan Wojcicki resign as YouTube CEO!
I just signed the petition "Change.org: Susan Wojcicki resign as YouTube CEO!" and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.
Our goal is to reach 5,000 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:
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I just signed the petition "Change.org: Susan Wojcicki resign as YouTube CEO!" and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.
Our goal is to reach 5,000 signatures and we need more support. You can read more and sign the petition here:
Sent from my iPhone
Friday, April 15, 2022
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Am experiencing some bullshit in publishing a recent film
A cache that hit motherload paydirt.
John Titor. John Trump. Teddy Roosevelt. Harry Houdini.
I had been looking for titor. Ingersoll lockwood. Baron trump. I was suprised to see good old john trump for the first time in the 19th century. It was john trump of course u know. Whom acquired the tesla papers after tesla died. Office of alien affairs or something like that. A little research proved that roosevelt and harry houdini indeed had a connection with an enigmatic photo of them together with one person cut from image.
John titor is made manifest through an online hoax but adopted by first wave time travelers as safe cover and camoflauge thru absurdity and conspiracy theory auto dismisal.
Sent from my iPhone
A cache that hit motherload paydirt.
John Titor. John Trump. Teddy Roosevelt. Harry Houdini.
I had been looking for titor. Ingersoll lockwood. Baron trump. I was suprised to see good old john trump for the first time in the 19th century. It was john trump of course u know. Whom acquired the tesla papers after tesla died. Office of alien affairs or something like that. A little research proved that roosevelt and harry houdini indeed had a connection with an enigmatic photo of them together with one person cut from image.
John titor is made manifest through an online hoax but adopted by first wave time travelers as safe cover and camoflauge thru absurdity and conspiracy theory auto dismisal.
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Sorry you are unable to see it. The lot contained not only this tintype but daguerreotypes of wm henrys mother, grandmother, tintypes of his father, sister. Brother. Aunt and his step father. Transparency overlay comparisons match well. Thanks for your input and interest.
My recent discovery was of a very large cache of doc holliday, wife kate and her sister Wilhelmina spanning back to the sisters childhood in europe all the way to docs final days. I have been slowly but surely acquring what i can. Some in this image i share had already sold ( the lower right portraits). But i have the rest with more on its way. )
I use a scanning technique fast like speed reading along with a confident level of remote view. The artifacts charged with historical presence seemingly have a life of their own. That and perhaps assistance of the ebay a.i. algorithms. Whatever it is its way beyond luck or coincidence and more about synchronicity and a sense of time travel. Soeaking of time travel check out the john titor like fellow with a young abe lincoln doppelganger and the Sorry you are unable to see it. The lot contained not only this tintype but daguerreotypes of wm henrys mother, grandmother, tintypes of his father, sister. Brother. Aunt and his step father. Transparency overlay comparisons match well. Thanks for your input and interest.
My recent discovery was of a very large cache of doc holliday, wife kate and her sister Wilhelmina spanning back to the sisters childhood in europe all the way to docs final days. I have been slowly but surely acquring what i can. Some in this image i share had already sold ( the lower right portraits). But i have the rest with more on its way. )
I use a scanning technique fast like speed reading along with a confident level of remote view. The artifacts charged with historical presence seemingly have a life of their own. That and perhaps assistance of the ebay a.i. algorithms. Whatever it is its way beyond luck or coincidence and more about synchronicity and a sense of time travel. Soeaking of time travel check out the john titor like fellow with a young abe lincoln doppelganger and the original doc brown Ingersoll Lockwood. I was researching them when i came across doc and kate holding hands. Lol
Crazy af. I know. Camouflage thru the absurd. At the end of the day i remind myself its not about me at all. I am just a conduit willing to help
On 3/9/22, 3:14 AM, thedustyfarm wrote:
thedustyfarm sent a message about Billy the Kid Tintype William Henry McCarty *Holy Grail* of Outlaw Old West #254513176091
Hate to tell ya but that is NOT Billy the Kid. Not even close.
Crazy af. I know. Camouflage thru the absurd. At the end of the day i remind myself its not about me at all. I am just a conduit willing to help
On 3/9/22, 3:14 AM, thedustyfarm wrote:
thedustyfarm sent a message about Billy the Kid Tintype William Henry McCarty *Holy Grail* of Outlaw Old West #254513176091
Hate to tell ya but that is NOT Billy the Kid. Not even close.
Sent from my iPhone
My recent discovery was of a very large cache of doc holliday, wife kate and her sister Wilhelmina spanning back to the sisters childhood in europe all the way to docs final days. I have been slowly but surely acquring what i can. Some in this image i share had already sold ( the lower right portraits). But i have the rest with more on its way. )
I use a scanning technique fast like speed reading along with a confident level of remote view. The artifacts charged with historical presence seemingly have a life of their own. That and perhaps assistance of the ebay a.i. algorithms. Whatever it is its way beyond luck or coincidence and more about synchronicity and a sense of time travel. Soeaking of time travel check out the john titor like fellow with a young abe lincoln doppelganger and the Sorry you are unable to see it. The lot contained not only this tintype but daguerreotypes of wm henrys mother, grandmother, tintypes of his father, sister. Brother. Aunt and his step father. Transparency overlay comparisons match well. Thanks for your input and interest.
My recent discovery was of a very large cache of doc holliday, wife kate and her sister Wilhelmina spanning back to the sisters childhood in europe all the way to docs final days. I have been slowly but surely acquring what i can. Some in this image i share had already sold ( the lower right portraits). But i have the rest with more on its way. )
I use a scanning technique fast like speed reading along with a confident level of remote view. The artifacts charged with historical presence seemingly have a life of their own. That and perhaps assistance of the ebay a.i. algorithms. Whatever it is its way beyond luck or coincidence and more about synchronicity and a sense of time travel. Soeaking of time travel check out the john titor like fellow with a young abe lincoln doppelganger and the original doc brown Ingersoll Lockwood. I was researching them when i came across doc and kate holding hands. Lol
Crazy af. I know. Camouflage thru the absurd. At the end of the day i remind myself its not about me at all. I am just a conduit willing to help
On 3/9/22, 3:14 AM, thedustyfarm wrote:
thedustyfarm sent a message about Billy the Kid Tintype William Henry McCarty *Holy Grail* of Outlaw Old West #254513176091
Hate to tell ya but that is NOT Billy the Kid. Not even close.
Crazy af. I know. Camouflage thru the absurd. At the end of the day i remind myself its not about me at all. I am just a conduit willing to help
On 3/9/22, 3:14 AM, thedustyfarm wrote:
thedustyfarm sent a message about Billy the Kid Tintype William Henry McCarty *Holy Grail* of Outlaw Old West #254513176091
Hate to tell ya but that is NOT Billy the Kid. Not even close.
Sent from my iPhone
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
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