w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Grand poobah dean - Anti-Gravity & Levitation

To lex :

I know why poobah had you all dabbling in 3d printing.  I thought he was a bit too far with his claim to know anti grav technology but now i see he was just as always taking his damn time with dinner in his explanation. Eloquent bastard,  i wonder what Deans response would be to the latest soft disclousure. Me myself i t hink the response was a bit too perfect.  It certainly squashed the memetic hype to a dull roar, however the trickle down from this will effect a more broad philosophy, at least people wont have to worry about losing their jobs or psychiatric evaluations for their reporting of phenomena.  What an awful thing to experience a life changing event only to be dismissed by wife family social networks gov etc.  thats the nasty underbelly we have all been under for decades.  That will change.  But hey here is something a rabbit hole so absurd that no one notices, this is the tech that poobah was referring to.  He spoke of superfast and safe travel by small as a compact car  vehicles that can be constructed with tech available in 2015.   So lex check this out. Remember back upon what he said and see if correlates. 


Oh i see im being censored. 

Transparency now you devils. 

w. l.