w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Saturday, June 12, 2021

William Henry McCarty into billie bonnie…missouri side of nebraska i dont know, pat was married but you know pat was he REALLY married?!? Im sure once he got a feel for the way Catherine Devine (just around the time of taking on the antrim to her name.) was all about business and doin things correct the first time, that Pats willingness to compete for her hand lessened. antriim wasnt around so there was no big faux paux with the gentleman airs he was putting pn. . Prob cause his mom and auntie were all about them bonnets.. big bonnets with sharp long hat pins. But not a grown man in site, take what you will from it. Thats my remote view and im sticking to it. No reason for me to lie. Though perhaps i have become a strange attractor butterfly conduit to the story arc i can tell you with high level of precision that its not about me. It does hurt my feelings when folks see no resemblance. Do you not see the resemblance? Frustrating. Like the whole cold west detective agency facebook group lampooning me upon my discovery of an Earp Brothers tintype. Match perfect yet all they did was deride make fun of the photo make fun of me. I figured there would have been more wow! Or cool! Thats all i was really after.

w. l.

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Look im busy. I dont know if and when i will reply. Sorry if my post offended. Life is strange.