William Schafer is 48 years old today because William's birthday is on 05/25/1971. William's Reputation Score is 2.33. William Schafer currently lives in Marshall, MO; in the past William has also lived in Columbia MO and Seattle WA. William L Schafer, pepe the frog are some of the alias or nickname that William has used. Personal details about William include: political affiliation is currently a registered Other; ethnicity is Caucasian; and religious views are listed as Buddhist. We know that William is single at this point and has no kids. William maintains relationships with many people -- family, friends, associates, & neighbors -- including Kurt Cobain, david foster wallace, anne howe, baron trump. William's reported annual income is about Under $10K; with a net worth that tops $5,000 - $9,999.
w. l. schafer
bass. moog. sax
wls777. jazzresin. billysunshine
recording artist. antiquarian. futurologist
om mani padme hum
The mind of the past is unknowable
The mind of the future is unknowable
The mind of the present is unknowable
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Look im busy. I dont know if and when i will reply. Sorry if my post offended. Life is strange.