w. l. schafer WLS jazzresin. Remote View Scanner for Historical Presence, iOs recording artist

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The new record has
been published!
32 tracks of
Diy or die trying
Experimental iOs
Electro acoustic

Check it out!
Spotify: bit.ly/psi777
youtube: bit.ly/psionix
amazon: bit.ly/psi-fi
google play: bit.ly/23jazz32
apple: https://music.apple.com/us/album/psionic-sounds-for-you-and-me/1470822735

All best much love. -bill

w. l. schafer
bass. moog. sax
wls777. jazzresin. billysunshine
recording artist. antiquarian. futurologist
om mani padme hum

The mind of the past is unknowable
The mind of the future is unknowable
The mind of the present is unknowable

Researchers hide data in music – and human ears can’t detect it – Naked Security


w. l. schafer
bass. moog. sax
wls777. jazzresin. billysunshine
recording artist. antiquarian. futurologist
om mani padme hum

The mind of the past is unknowable
The mind of the future is unknowable
The mind of the present is unknowable

No hope

So i was hacking my own security as i am apt to do. Trying to figure out why my intuition screams at me to shore up the breach. Owning a vizio tv certainly is a hideous breach. Having a narcassistic sociopath criminal as a former girlfriend is another unfortunate weakness. On and on, i already am aware of have you been pawned dot com data lists. I can see that i have dozens of unsuccessful logins stemming from china, eastern europe, and india. On and on. Most disconcerting tho is when the iOs operating system functions well 'different' i will catch it thinking where there should be no thought or delay. I suffer the indignities of recapchas sending quiz after quiz when i already completed tests correctly. On and on.

You do the whole google privacy tests. I get the sense they are as unregulated as fuck and are held unaccountable for everything. Just like microsoft facebook et al. So i was doing the whole check and started cleaning while i was at it and i stumbled upon a file i could not delete called 'Ipad Master List'

Monday, July 15, 2019

Vol. 2 Blockchain revelations. Cryptomining the present moment for all eternity. Infinite Wealth of immortality feedback Kyrios. What does the number 23 mean to YOU? Car wars vs Autoduel. If you dont stop having children they will terminate your great grandparents. Use long lasting 2 month guaranteed Lazy Nads harmonimagnetic Sperm-Slower-No-Swim®️

w. l. schafer
bass. moog. sax
wls777. jazzresin. billysunshine
recording artist. antiquarian. futurologist
om mani padme hum

The mind of the past is unknowable
The mind of the future is unknowable
The mind of the present is unknowable