Sent to awaken the most extraordinary CE-5 event
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 | 2 opportunities to see/hear Dr. Greer via lecture and webinar
| (These are the only appearances Dr. Greer has scheduled for the rest of 2016.)
November 12 - Contact and Higher States of Consciousness - Laughlin NV - Saturday November 12 - 2pm - 4pm as part of A very special UFO conference emphasizing Art, Music and UFOs - The Evolution of Human Consciousness.
Dr. Greer will share recent experiences from the Joshua Tree expedition in September + photos and videos from other CE-5 Expeditions.
Click here for the conference - Click here for Dr. Greer's webinar
November 13 - Cosmic False Flag lecture and webinar in Las Vegas NV. 7pm -10pm pacific time - Greenspun Auditorium at UNLV.
HOW COVERT INTERESTS ARE LAYING THE FOUNDATION FOR A FALSE ALIEN THREAT AND A POTENTIAL MILITARISTIC TAKEOVER OF THE EARTH- 1940S- PRESENT In the most shocking and important seminar you will ever hear on the UFO/ ET subject, Dr. Steven Greer will present the history, methods and plans for a staged, covert Cosmic 911. What you learn will disturb you. It will enlighten you. But be prepared- this information will be shocking and true.
Knowledge is power: This means by knowing of these nefarious plans, we can avert them! This is the event you absolutely do not want to miss! You will learn: > How the false alien threat has already been hoaxed- and how this has been accomplished. Names will be named: You will learn how the deep national security state and covert military operations have staged false Alien Abductions, Mutilations- and what technologies have been used.
> What technologies have been developed since the 1940s that enable para-military Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) to affect consciousness, stage false Alien events and plant the seeds of fear to justify a scripted Armageddon !
> How man-made UFOs, hollywood-style staging and very advanced electronic warfare systems enable USAPs to stage abductions, mutilations and other false-flag events - and how these have conditioned and prepared the world through the fear of Aliens for the coming hoax of an official Alien Threat.
> New Official Air Force whistle-blower testimony confirms the false flag plan and the intent to achieve it!
> The emergence by 1956 of advanced electronic warfare technologies that affect consciousness- and how these pscho-tronics can give the target (victim) ANY experience that is scripted.
> The connection between the so-called Secret Space Program, the MK-Ultra projects and the experiences of victims like Corey Good and Bill Thompkin- How USAPs have created pre-positioned Manchurian Candidates through programmed experiences using electronic warfare mind-altering technologies. Click here for tickets for live presentation - Cosmic False Flag Click here to be part of the live webinar - Cosmic False Flag | Sirius Technology Advanced Research, LLC PO Box 265, Crozet, VA 22932
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Look im busy. I dont know if and when i will reply. Sorry if my post offended. Life is strange.