Will do. I am preparing to purchase a laptop. The text will be in MS Word or notepad?!? I will commit myself to writing it in New Mexico or Windsor Ontario. For now i fragment splice and document through blogger.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Hebblethwaite,Benjamin John" <hebble@ufl.edu>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 02:34:27
To: jazzresin@gmail.com<jazzresin@gmail.com>; RESONANT FREQUENCIES:MINDLESS PLEASURES:JAZZRESIN BLOG<jazzresin1.52571@blogger.com>; Michael ET Freeman<michaelfreeman@ymail.com>
Subject: RE: Word
Whadup hommies? Thanks for the inspiration, Bill. Keep up the good work and think one thing: NARRATIVE, work on the art of storytelling. Readers want people, places, actions. I know you have stories pouring & roaring through you. Work on forming them, giving them contour, put the right words into the mouths of your characters, make your writing reach a larger audience by giving them anchors and lessons. Make it exciting or intense. Never a dull sentence. Ben
Benjamin Hebblethwaite
Assistant Professor in Haitian Creole, Haitian & Francophone Studies
University of Florida
Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
363 Dauer Hall
PO Box 115565
Gainesville, FL 32611-5565
Office phone: (352) 273-3762
Home page for Haitian Creole & Haitian Studies: http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/hebble/
PDFs of Hebblethwaite's publications: http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/hebble/Homepage.htm
The Vodou Archive:
From: jazzresin@gmail.com [jazzresin@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:03 PM
Subject: Word
Thank you all for the discussion. Quantitative and Qualitative research must accept anecdotal and meta analysis; work in tandem towards the goal. I believe we can solve our mutual PROBLEM..if not for US then for future generations.
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Look im busy. I dont know if and when i will reply. Sorry if my post offended. Life is strange.